A Hearing Aid thread for Sweetmind

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Cloggy and neecy, I'd appreciate if you let Fragmenter speak for himself.
He said ALL deaf, didn't he? Perhaps if he wrote SOME, it would be a better word.
ButterflyGirl said:
Are you saying ALL deaf people cannot write and read English? :squint:

If you took offense to what I said, maybe you need to read English better?
Fragmenter said:
If you took offense to what I said, maybe you need to read English better?

I just choked on a mouthful of coffee!! LMAO!!

That is, without a doubt the PERFECT comeback for the question. PRICELESS!!!
neecy said:
I just choked on a mouthful of coffee!! LMAO!!

That is, without a doubt the PERFECT comeback for the question. PRICELESS!!!
See what I mean about you? No wonder why a lot of deafies can't stand you.
Fragmenter said:
If you took offense to what I said, maybe you need to read English better?
Then maybe you need to improve on some of your spellings that I have seen in some of your posts :whistle:
ButterflyGirl said:
See what I mean about you? No wonder why a lot of deafies can't stand you.

I don't know any deafies who can't stand me. :dunno:

He proved his point, and you helped him do it. I thought the irony was amusing.
ButterflyGirl said:
Then maybe you need to improve on some of your spellings that I have seen in some of your posts :whistle:

Aw, you got me really good! Yep...
Stop all this bickering, kids! (gee, Fragmenter, this really takes me back quite a few years with you and your sister -- LOL) And as for Neecy, I find her to be one of the "good guys" (should I make that guyettes?)
greema said:
Stop all this bickering, kids! (gee, Fragmenter, this really takes me back quite a few years with you and your sister -- LOL) And as for Neecy, I find her to be one of the "good guys" (should I make that guyettes?)

LOL I just had an image of when my brother and I would bicker and my Mom would say "I don't CARE who started it, I'm going to finish it!" *grin*

guyette...I like that!!!! :D
ButterflyGirl said:
Cloggy and neecy, I'd appreciate if you let Fragmenter speak for himself.
He said ALL deaf, didn't he? Perhaps if he wrote SOME, it would be a better word.
My dear lady,
You surely realise that myself and the lovely Neecy were only trying to help you.
You obviously misread Fragmenters post, and in order to spare you from embaressment, we thought we would clarify the situation.

And then, you take it the wrong way and think that Fragmenter can't speak for himself.
It's not like that. Sometimes people go offline and other members will explain the situation. There's nothing wrong with that - in my opinion.

And the result is really ugly. Another misunderstanding ending in a quarrel.

But, just follow up on my and Neecy's reply to you...
Do you agree with our explanation or do you still feel there's something wrong?

Waiting for your reply in anticipation,

Your's truly,

Cloggy said:
My dear lady,
You surely realise that myself and the lovely Neecy were only trying to help you.
You obviously misread Fragmenters post, and in order to spare you from embaressment, we thought we would clarify the situation.

And then, you take it the wrong way and think that Fragmenter can't speak for himself.
It's not like that. Sometimes people go offline and other members will explain the situation. There's nothing wrong with that - in my opinion.

And the result is really ugly. Another misunderstanding ending in a quarrel.

But, just follow up on my and Neecy's reply to you...
Do you agree with our explanation or do you still feel there's something wrong?

Waiting for your reply in anticipation,

Your's truly,

Me spared from being embarrassed? Ohhhh pulzzeeee! :roll:
BTW, I have never said Fragmenter can't speak for himself. Did I?? He is a big boy and he can speak for himself. He has spoken up and I appreciate that.
BTW, I don't have any hard feelings toward Fragmenter.
You do love to rub it in my face, don't you? You love going around giving us a slap in our faces. You always do :whistle:
ButterflyGirl said:
........BTW, I have never said Fragmenter can't speak for himself. Did I?? ...
No, you didn't. You are absolutely right.
You said "I'd appreciate if you let Fragmenter speak for himself." I stand corrected.
I do hope that the rest of the explanation was to your liking.
butterfly girl!

I got a question. I never saw you on the threads until now. Now, not wanting to start anything -- just curious if you had actually read everything in this thread? And others?
You do love to rub it in my face, don't you? You love going around giving us a slap in our faces. You always do from butterfly girl's comment
This is your quote but I've not seen you around and don't know why you're saying this to cloggy? I admit I'm pretty new to this forum but this is the first time I've seen you -- are you Deaf? I am deaf too. (and curious)
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greema said:
I got a question. I never saw you on the threads until now. Now, not wanting to start anything -- just curious if you had actually read everything in this thread? And others?
You do love to rub it in my face, don't you? You love going around giving us a slap in our faces. You always do
This is your quote but I've not seen you around and don't know why you're saying this to cloggy? I admit I'm pretty new to this forum but this is the first time I've seen you -- are you Deaf? I am deaf too. (and curious)
Hi greema, I have been here since October 2005 as it says so on my profile, and yes I am deaf.
You say you haven't seen me until now. Haven't you visited the other threads that we have around in here? ;) You are right that you are pretty new so you really do not know us all that well yet but in time you will if you decide to hang out with us :)
By the way, I am not looking for arguments either so let it slide.

Oh one more thing...welcome to alldeaf.com and hope you will like it here.
ButterflyGirl said:
Hi greema, I have been here since October 2005 as it says so on my profile, and yes I am deaf.
You say you haven't seen me until now. Haven't you visited the other threads that we have around in here? ;) You are right that you are pretty new so you really do not know us all that well yet but in time you will if you decide to hang out with us :)
By the way, I am not looking for arguments either so let it slide.

Oh one more thing...welcome to alldeaf.com and hope you will like it here.

Thanks for the welcome, ButterflyGirl.

I joined last month after finding out my deaf son Fragmenter and his wife were seriously considering a CI for their deaf son, my grandson. I haven't checked the other threads, only the ones in HA and Cochlear -- I am most interested in researching the CIs because I used to be one of those deaf people that are very against CIs and when we (me and hubby) talked with our son thru VP, we decided to open our minds and let Fragmenter and his wife do all the explaining. My husband actually was the one that told him we will support them. Big surprise! Why? Hubby spend all his schooling life at a state school for the deaf and I was raised in an oral school and then transferred to public school in the 6th grade and went on to graduate high school without any interpreters (wow, when I look back I wonder how I did it). We both are profoundly deaf and so is our son Fragmenter and our daughter has a lot more hearing than us. Her 11-week old baby girl was just diagnosed as being hoh. Okay now that you have my story...

I have been reading and commenting in different threads and I find myself siding with Cloggy, Neecy, Audiofuzzy, Boult, Srs171soars (I'm sorry if I spelled your name wrong -- me old, LOL) and the rest. They are good people and they're not trying to be "in your face" -- and I find myself agreeing (and laughing) at their retorts to some of the asinine postings.

That was why I was startled to see you coming in so late in this thread; I've never seen you before and you were sounding a lot like a certain lady -- not mentioning names but I am sure everyone'll guess who I'm talking about. I disagree with her wholly and while I used to be against CI, I was not as "militant" about it like her. It embarrasses me to be deaf and to be associated with other Deafs like her who makes such big noise about CIs, audists and all. I am hoping you are not like her. With your jumping in this thread, I feel like you haven't read all of it, just the latter part. It is so typical of deaf to jump in and say their opinions without checking out the facts.

I have been learning so much here in the last month than I have in my entire (not telling) years about deafness, especially CI. What woke me up was when Fragmenter told us that after his son's implant, he will still be deaf when the CI (guys/guyettes help me here -- I forget what you call it) is removed. So our grandson will STILL be deaf after the implant. And our grandson will still pick up ASL as my husband and I use ASL. And another thing, I worked with computers over 15 years and am still working with them -- I remember I had joked about the size of computers getting smaller while the monitors get bigger and it scares me that my prediction came true! Compare the size of computers from 20 years ago to the sizes today. And as such, computer technology has vastly improved and is STILL improving every day, every hour, every minute, every second AND I know that computers and medicine work hand-in-hand so CI technology has improved hugely over the years. Our grandson will profit from it.

And hearing parents who choose CI for their children (I'm kinda against implanting infants but agree that it's good to implant young children) because time is of essence -- they will be able to pick up "hearing" quickly and naturally when they are at important age of being able to take in things naturally than the older ages where they may have to work harder to learn how to "hear".

AND I feel that those who are against implanting infants and children should CEASE being so in those parents' faces! It is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS what those parents decide for THEIR children. They are NOT YOUR children! I am not trying to start arguments -- just want to ask that those anti-CIs stop screaming murder and instead open their minds and be more understanding. We (Deaf) do not want to turn away those hearing parents with implanted children -- I am sure they are trying to introduce their children into our "world" but when we start raging at them about CIs, we are turning them away and our "Deaf world" will get smaller and smaller and we will NOT have powerful allies that we have in those parents who will be very happy to "help fight our battles" (and I'm not saying CI battles -- they're moot -- I am talking about everyday barriers that impact our everyday living). Just think about this, those parents want the best for their children and I know they will join us adults so they can make the way smoother for the deaf children.

(any input if I am wrong -- thanks in advance)

Wow, enough rambling for now -- I gotta go get busy and mow the lawn as a wedding anniversary surprise for hubby who's been out of town over a week now and he's flying in this afternoon... Good day, all!
greema, I am NOTHING like Sweetmind at all.
I don't go around preaching like Sweetmind does. Have you seen me doing that? You do not know me well enough but in time you will :)

BTW, I was in the same shoes as you were with going to an oral school and then going to another school without an interpreter for a while.
greema said:
I have been reading and commenting in different threads and I find myself siding with Cloggy, Neecy, Audiofuzzy, Boult, Srs171soars (I'm sorry if I spelled your name wrong -- me old, LOL) and the rest. They are good people and they're not trying to be "in your face" -- and I find myself agreeing (and laughing) at their retorts to some of the asinine postings.
By the way, I have nothing against these people that you have mentioned. I have not had any problems with most of these people.
neecy said:
LOL I just had an image of when my brother and I would bicker and my Mom would say "I don't CARE who started it, I'm going to finish it!" *grin*

guyette...I like that!!!! :D

Ha ha... I have 4 kids -- kinda like raising 2 families (6 years between first 2 hearing brother/sister and last 2 deaf brother/sister) -- I remember asking who did this and they would point at each other so I punish them BOTH. Great quote from your Mom!

And guyette? It started years ago when I started working in a male-dominated field and it was only us 4 females in a department of almost 100 men. I'm sure you'll figure from here how "guyettes" started -- LOL
Yea... Health Insurance should cover the HAs because many old people are become hearing loss, due change in their age. They cannot afford new HAs or they using their money in retirement account, that's not good. I wish that FDA forces Health Insurance to cover it or would cost fines... Old people are not feel welcome to get CI because of risky from surgery.
greema said:
Thanks for the welcome, ButterflyGirl.

I joined last month after finding out my deaf son Fragmenter and his wife were seriously considering a CI for their deaf son, my grandson. I haven't checked the other threads, only the ones in HA and Cochlear -- I am most interested in researching the CIs because I used to be one of those deaf people that are very against CIs and when we (me and hubby) talked with our son thru VP, we decided to open our minds and let Fragmenter and his wife do all the explaining. My husband actually was the one that told him we will support them. Big surprise! Why? Hubby spend all his schooling life at a state school for the deaf and I was raised in an oral school and then transferred to public school in the 6th grade and went on to graduate high school without any interpreters (wow, when I look back I wonder how I did it). We both are profoundly deaf and so is our son Fragmenter and our daughter has a lot more hearing than us. Her 11-week old baby girl was just diagnosed as being hoh. Okay now that you have my story...

I have been reading and commenting in different threads and I find myself siding with Cloggy, Neecy, Audiofuzzy, Boult, Srs171soars (I'm sorry if I spelled your name wrong -- me old, LOL) and the rest. They are good people and they're not trying to be "in your face" -- and I find myself agreeing (and laughing) at their retorts to some of the asinine postings.

That was why I was startled to see you coming in so late in this thread; I've never seen you before and you were sounding a lot like a certain lady -- not mentioning names but I am sure everyone'll guess who I'm talking about. I disagree with her wholly and while I used to be against CI, I was not as "militant" about it like her. It embarrasses me to be deaf and to be associated with other Deafs like her who makes such big noise about CIs, audists and all. I am hoping you are not like her. With your jumping in this thread, I feel like you haven't read all of it, just the latter part. It is so typical of deaf to jump in and say their opinions without checking out the facts.

I have been learning so much here in the last month than I have in my entire (not telling) years about deafness, especially CI. What woke me up was when Fragmenter told us that after his son's implant, he will still be deaf when the CI (guys/guyettes help me here -- I forget what you call it) is removed. So our grandson will STILL be deaf after the implant. And our grandson will still pick up ASL as my husband and I use ASL. And another thing, I worked with computers over 15 years and am still working with them -- I remember I had joked about the size of computers getting smaller while the monitors get bigger and it scares me that my prediction came true! Compare the size of computers from 20 years ago to the sizes today. And as such, computer technology has vastly improved and is STILL improving every day, every hour, every minute, every second AND I know that computers and medicine work hand-in-hand so CI technology has improved hugely over the years. Our grandson will profit from it.

And hearing parents who choose CI for their children (I'm kinda against implanting infants but agree that it's good to implant young children) because time is of essence -- they will be able to pick up "hearing" quickly and naturally when they are at important age of being able to take in things naturally than the older ages where they may have to work harder to learn how to "hear".

AND I feel that those who are against implanting infants and children should CEASE being so in those parents' faces! It is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS what those parents decide for THEIR children. They are NOT YOUR children! I am not trying to start arguments -- just want to ask that those anti-CIs stop screaming murder and instead open their minds and be more understanding. We (Deaf) do not want to turn away those hearing parents with implanted children -- I am sure they are trying to introduce their children into our "world" but when we start raging at them about CIs, we are turning them away and our "Deaf world" will get smaller and smaller and we will NOT have powerful allies that we have in those parents who will be very happy to "help fight our battles" (and I'm not saying CI battles -- they're moot -- I am talking about everyday barriers that impact our everyday living). Just think about this, those parents want the best for their children and I know they will join us adults so they can make the way smoother for the deaf children.

(any input if I am wrong -- thanks in advance)

Wow, enough rambling for now -- I gotta go get busy and mow the lawn as a wedding anniversary surprise for hubby who's been out of town over a week now and he's flying in this afternoon... Good day, all!

Have you ever considered a career in public speaking? Your reply left me shaking my head in amazement ... you are able to convey so well exactly what I've felt for years!!! I applaud you and hope that everybody reads your post and tries to see things "from the other side."

KUDOS to you for a fantastic post!!!! :cheers:
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