Search results

  1. Emmer

    Deaf Side Story Without the Deaf?! Sign the Petition!

    I had mentioned this in a previous post, but I decided to start a new one. I would really appreciate as many signatures as possible. To sign the petition, please go to: Human Rights Petition: No Deaf in Deaf Side Story? | I am writing you because I am concerned about an...
  2. Emmer

    Did I Over React?

    So I was in ASL class tonight and someone from either the forensics or the speech department (I didn't catch that part) came in to talk to us about an "amazing opportunity." She is going to do some sort of play on "Deaf Side Story." Something like West Side Story but about Deaf culture? I am...
  3. Emmer

    How do you sign...

    I was thinking there was a sticky topic where you could ask questions about how to sign a particular word, but I cannot find it. If it still exists, if someone could either post a link here or if a mod could just combine the threads, that would be great! Signs I would like to know...
  4. Emmer

    Fingerspelling Mistakes

    What do you do if you are fingerspelling a word and miss a letter or use the wrong one? Do you start the word over? Backtrack to the wrong letter? I mess up sometimes (being new) sometimes I hurry too much and spell my own name wrong (because I use my screen name signing on here and my real...
  5. Emmer

    Interesting Movie Concept

    Love Language • Make My Movie Michael Winter has been blind from birth, but this hasn't stopped him from having a very successful life. In fact, it's his very disability that has gained him his successes. But when he meets the deaf Kirsten his world is thrown for a loop, and he discovers...
  6. Emmer

    Getting Attention

    I've noticed that the way people prefer others to get their attention varies from person to person, not only the person whose attention is wanted, but also the person doing the attention-getting. What do you prefer for friends/family (hearing)? What about Deaf friends/family? How would you...
  7. Emmer

    Sound and Fury...The Cochlear Conflict

    This is long, so if you don't feel like reading, you can comment summary section below. Summary: I have to write a paper on my view of the cochlear implant after watching Sound and Fury in my ASL class. My view is that cochlear implants forced on deaf children of hearing parents is wrong...
  8. Emmer

    Choosing an Audiologist

    So, I haven't been to an audiologist since I was little and got my original diagnosis (Auditory Processing Disorder) which was around 15 years ago. I decided that it might be good to see an audiologist and get things rechecked since I'm now old enough to know a little more about what the test...
  9. Emmer

    Silent Weekend

    I am learning sign, but want to immerse myself in the Deaf culture, which is limited where I am (rural Ohio). I found out about the Silent Weekend that is held in October in Hocking Hills. I was wondering if anyone could tell me if it would be okay/I would be welcome with limited signing...
  10. Emmer

    Switched at Birth's Inaccuracies?

    Did anyone else feel like the portrayal of communicating with a Deaf person wasn't portrayed very well in the recent television show, Switched at Birth? I haven't watched all of the episodes, but from what I've seen, especially Daphne seems to be seen as a super lip reader. Yes there are...
  11. Emmer

    Hello Everyone!

    Hello everyone! My nickname is Emmer, I am hearing, however I have an auditory processing disorder, which means that I don't hear things "right." For example, you might say "dog" and I might think you said "bog," "frog," "sob," etc. I am oral and speak well I think except that I have trouble...