Getting Attention


New Member
Aug 27, 2011
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I've noticed that the way people prefer others to get their attention varies from person to person, not only the person whose attention is wanted, but also the person doing the attention-getting.

What do you prefer for friends/family (hearing)?
What about Deaf friends/family?
How would you prefer stranger or someone you know, but not well to get your attention?

I'm wondering if this varies person to person, area to area or what.

I personally like waving best. :wave:
I spoke with someone who preferred stomping or tapping on a table, but spoke with another person who really didn't like that at all.
What about flashing lights?

I think everyone I've spoken with so far has agreed that throwing things at someone to get their attention is wrong! :roll:
I think everyone I've spoken with so far has agreed that throwing things at someone to get their attention is wrong! :roll:

i agree that is just so stupid and rude.. my friend used to throw stuff like pillows and pens at me to get my attention. not only it was annoying but also very dangerous!! one time the pen almost poked my eye out :mad: i wanted to strangle that girl so bad
I personally thinks it is funny when people wave and flap their arms to get attention from a deaf person to a point where it looks like they are ready to take flight. All the effort that goes to flapping could have been used to simply walk up to the person to get their attention. I feel the same way about the stomping.

Flashing lights is OK for group events. I do not like when someone keeps flashing and does not stop.. I personally find that aggravating.

I hate when some one throw something at me to get my attention. I find it to be very rude and lazy.
I agree that waving can get outrageous, I guess what I prefer is someone to move into my line of vision, then wave just enough to get my attention (ie. if I'm on the computer or reading a book, I might not look up when you walk into my view, but if you wave, I will).

I'm not fond of someone tapping my shoulder, especially approaching from behind, but that is personal.
It's rude and disrespectful for someone to throw something at you unless it's an "emergency"....they need ur attention right then....(no time to pat you on the shoulder, flash the lights, etc.)

Otherwise, I would pick up something a lot heavier and throw it right back....
It's rude and disrespectful for someone to throw something at you unless it's an "emergency"....they need ur attention right then....(no time to pat you on the shoulder, flash the lights, etc.)

Otherwise, I would pick up something a lot heavier and throw it right back....

:lol: @ bolded
For me, I usually get tapped on the shoulder. My SO will wave at me if I'm looking in his general direction. It all seems to work out well.
Growing up in an oral culture, I usually get screamed at until I turn around and go, "Huh? What? Did you need me?" By then, the person is usually huffing and puffing from using all that breath yelling at me. :lol:

When I walked into the Deaf Club, I saw a lot of methods, but I personally prefer the light tap on the arm because then I immediately know where and when it's coming from.
Personally, I would prefer to be lightly.. (NOT ROUGH).. tapped on the shoulder.. or a slight wave is fine.
It's rude and disrespectful for someone to throw something at you unless it's an "emergency"....they need ur attention right then....(no time to pat you on the shoulder, flash the lights, etc.)

Otherwise, I would pick up something a lot heavier and throw it right back....

oh.... *putting down an object*
Waving or stamping I prefer. Tapping on shoulder is fine, if you DON'T do it behind me!!

At work most wave or stamping or banging. Sometimes just call my name if terp is there and terp let me know.
Wirelessly posted

Light tap on the arm or getting in my line of view but definitely not tapping me on my shoulder or back or coming up from behind me as this startles the daylights out of me on numerous occasions I've jumped 'out of my skin', so don't do that also throwing objects at me has the same effect.
In my house, we currently flick the lights once only. They also come up to me so I can see them. MIL forgets to get into my visual sight before tapping me and I've scared her a couple of times.
people usually tap on my shoulder.. and i have no problem with that if they don't tap too hard (like my mother :mad:)

i prefer waving.
I had a teacher throw eraser at me when I was in grade school. Fookin' bastard. He did it to other deaf students. He wasnt well liked.

My mother turns the ceiling lights off and on to get my attention.
The tapping lightly on my shoulders does not bother me.

I do not like people coming behind me and tapping on my shoulders! I was in the basement doing laundry and my neighbor came down to do her's and she did
not want to sneak up on me so she turned the light off and on to get my attention. I thought that was a lot better than her coming up behind and say "Hi" or tapping on my shoulders which would had startle me.
It's rude and disrespectful for someone to throw something at you unless it's an "emergency"....they need ur attention right then....(no time to pat you on the shoulder, flash the lights, etc.)

Otherwise, I would pick up something a lot heavier and throw it right back....

*duck!!* :)
Like Rockin' Robin, I have thrown things back at people for throwing things at me. They get mad at me...hello?
Like Rockin' Robin, I have thrown things back at people for throwing things at me. They get mad at me...hello?

I should start doing that... give them a taste of their own medicine.