Search results

  1. H

    Have you ever been pulled over by the cops?

    Got pulled over about a week ago for loud exhaust on my car just north of Richmond, VA. Told the officer that I was deaf and he was like well okay but you still need to have it dealt with. I was let go with a warning and a reminder that if I move to VA, I need to have my vehicle registered...
  2. H

    If allowed...

    If the military were to allow deaf people to join, would you?
  3. H

    Second Amendment

    National Guard as Militia by Dictionary Definition Okay I think we need to further clarify the term Militia so here's the link to the dictionary's definition. Militia Definition | Definition of Militia at
  4. H

    Second Amendment

    I don't know how many people know this but the National Guard is the original "militia" that has existed for almost 370 years. It's just organized whereas most militias beside the National Guard are unorganized. Second Amendment to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia, the free...
  5. H

    Curious Question

    Wow, some people sure have a low opinion about those who are deaf. Is it so hard to believe that deaf people want to and can serve in the military? I personally have wanted to join since I was 14 and every recruiter that I've spoken to have said that if it wasn't for my hearing loss, I would...
  6. H

    Second Amendment

    Amendment Two of the United States Constitution - aka Right to Bear Arms - States that "A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed." (The United States Constitution - The U.S. Constitution...
  7. H

    Highest speed you have achieved in your car/truck?

    Hit 150 with my SRT-4 with some power to spare. Typically don't go faster than 75 mph on highways though. Plan to go to racetracks and race after all the mods have been done including a turbo upgrade. :)
  8. H

    What kind of car(s) do you own?

    I currently own a 2003 Dodge Neon SRT-4 that has been modified with plans to get over 400 horsepower at the wheel. My boyfriend's project, I just own the car. Gets over 31 mpg irregardless of where its driven or how fast. Its an awesome car and a 5 speed manual. And all black with leather/cloth...
  9. H

    How many pets do you have?

    I currently have 2 horses, one is a mustang and the other is half mustang, half thoroughbred. a mini doberman pincher, a calico cat with 4 kittens and a gray tabby with 4 kittens as well. In the past I've had 2 parakeets, a cockatiel, a rat, a hamster, 2 gerbils, several painted turtles...
  10. H

    Are Deaf Child road signs embarrassing?

    I had one of these signs when I was growing up and found it to be pointless as my neighbors were speed demons and could care less of where they were going much less who or what is in the way. I've come close to being run over several times by them, in cars, trucks, 4-wheelers, 3-wheelers...
  11. H

    do you have a hard times being deaf or hard of hearing?

    The only obstacle that I've ever encountered while being deaf is that sometimes it can be rather difficult to get ahold of people on the phone, especially when using relay as so many hang up on you thinking that you're a telemarketer or worse. I always seem to end up having to stop by the...
  12. H

    if you had one wish,what would it be?

    I would wish for no barriers in the job market/government agencies (including armed forces) for the deaf.
  13. H

    Does it annoy you when you cannot pronouce something?

    I used to have a lot of trouble saying words with s, sh, z, ch, and others when I was younger. I wasn't until I got braces and had them taken off when I was able to say these sounds without much difficulties. Sometimes the way your teeth comes together does have an effect on how you talk. It's a...
  14. H

    What is your LEAST favorite household chore?

    Cleaning up after others. Don't get why it takes them forever to clean up when they say they'll do it in a bit. *roll eyes.
  15. H

    Curious Question

    Okay New Question Okay I know it's been a while since this topic has been viewed. I am not quite ready to give on this yet. :D I was planning on doing something along the line of Geospatial Engineering, Networking (computers), heavy equipment (construction), or even Mechanics if I were...
  16. H

    Curious: what do our deaf members do for a living?

    Too Many Jobs!! Since I started working at the young tender age of 14 in 1998, I've had the following jobs/positions: - New Life Farms (Turkeys) - Farm worker - Primera Foods (Egg processing) - Line worker (ugh) - Public and School Library - librarian assistant - Nelson's Concessions...
  17. H

    Curious Question

    I don't know if you guys all know this but the military has literally every job that is in the public work world. There's veterinarians, doctors, computer technicians, kitchen work, and all that. It's not just about fighting but also about maintaining peace. When I was thinking of deaf people...
  18. H

    Curious Question

    Hello everyone.. I'm curious to see how many of us think that it is unfair for the government to prevent deaf/hoh from joining the military (army/navy/air force/marines/coast guard) on the basis of their hearing loss even when they would be more than capable of performing the job regardless.
  19. H

    Joining the Military

    I am interested in joining the services (army) but am denied because of my deafness (I'm borderline profound deaf). I was told by recruiters that it was the only thing that was preventing me from joining since I have met all the other standards. They mentioned that there is a civilian component...
  20. H

    Crazy Girl Here! :)

    Hello everyone, I'm new to this forum and am interested in learning more about other people's opinion about certain issues. I'm classified as profoundly deaf though I don't seem like it having lived among the hearing population my whole life with little contact with other deaf people. I...