Search results

  1. M

    Have the Jehovah Witness people come to your door?

    I don't like JW's either. I never liked Jw's. They like to walk near bus stops and try to give you one they're magzines. I tell them "I don't want it"! Richard had a good idea, offer them a tequila,and they won't come around to your door. Margie
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    Do Jews believe in Jesus and still be Jewish?

    Your welcome! Theres no law saying that you have to follow your christian ways, Oceanbreeze. Alot of people mock you cause of what you believe in. Thats not good. We follow most of the Jewish laws.
  3. M

    Do Jews believe in Jesus and still be Jewish?

    I'm Jewish and we don't believe in Jesus. Most all Jews don't believe in Jesus. Some Jews follow all the Jewish laws ect. We do believe in God,but not the way you all do. Margie Dir. of Communication Services OCDAC
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    Tactile signing

    Yes tactile singing is touching the persons hands. Tactile signing is touching the deaf-blind person's hands. Knowing ASL for 32 yrs.and being an interpreter I've used tactile singing for along time. Margie Dir. of Communication Services OCDAC
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    Sign Language is not easy to do!

    Keep it up! Lip reading is much harder than leaning ASL. It just takes practice, eventually your get it. Find some local deaf agencies in our area, and check it out. If they have any deaf events go to as many as you can. Don't be afriad to talk with them. Good luck! Don't give up Taylor...
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    Sidekick2 got SPAM!!

    I don't get any spam on mine. Since I bought my sidekick 2, I've never gotten any spam. Its works fine. You can download a spam blocker on your E-mail. Margie
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    Sign Languge place mats for sale!

    They cost $8.00. Hi Lilcrazywildmom, The sign lanugage place mats if we still have them are $8.00 each. Also we are selling Melt A Way Mints for $2.00 each. You can call the office (714) 955-0054 TTD Voice or Fax and will let get back to you ASAP! Margie Dir. of Communicaton Services OCDAC
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    where to take asl

    A community college is good place. Hi Jamelee, Check out a community college in the Vancover area, and see what classes they offer in ASL. I've known ASL( Sign language ) for 32 yrs. The best way to learn is from the deaf. Also if they have any deaf serivces there, go and there ask them if...
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    Should i buy a sidekick?

    Yes get one! Hi Circlerain, I bought my sidekick2 at the Mata Expo this past Nov. in Long Beach,and I love it!!! Its great for AIM, E mails and relay. Now I can communicate with my deaf clients on AIM and E-mail alot faster than using my TTD. Go for it!! You'll really enjoy it!! Margie...
  10. M

    Hi there

    I'm a bowler too! Hi Deafbowler, Welcome to AD! I bowl too. I bowl with Hope, thats the name of our handicapped league. Its based there in Orange County. My highest score in our bowling tourment was a 175. I work 4 days a week. Enjoy your stay! Margie Dir.of Communicaton Services OCDAC
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    Bigger T-mobile

    I love my Sidekick 2 also! I agree with Mama 2 the laptop is too heavy to carry. The Sidekick 2 is alot better! I just recenty bought one and I LOVE IT!!! I can keep in touch with my deaf clients that I interpert for on my AIM. Its alot faster that when I call them on my TTD. Margie...
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    ASL class

    Go to your local deaf agency. Hi Twinkle330, If they have local deaf agency in Flordia go there and see if they any deaf hang out there. Or find if they have a local deaf club in your area. Here in Southern California we at my agency have a Deaf-Meetup one a month. Its for deaf hoh and...
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    Hebrew Sign Language??

    I'm Jewish myself! Hi Interpertor, The Jewish Community Center(JCC) is on 5 Federtaton Way in Irvine. I interpert at the school next to the JCC. I' ve never seen any hebrew sign langauge. Also, you can go the Golden Dredial, its on 19th and Newport Blvd. In Costa Mesa. I know the owners...
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    Should I become a terp?

    Yes,I'm one. I've known ASL now for 31 yrs, and I do interpreting on the side. Find yourself a good deaf orainzation and volunteer your time,and It might lead to an interpreting job. Also advertise your interperting, give them all your contact information, and how much your gonna charge...
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    Updates on Sidekick II

    I just bought a Sidekick 2. Hi Oakely, I just recently bought a Sidekick 2 at the Mata Expo a week ago Saturday. I love it !!! and I got a great deal. Now I can keep in tough with my clients that I interpert for. Margie Dir. of Commumcation Serivces OCDAC
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    DEAF EXPO, Long Beach California

    We were there! We had a booth at Deaf Expo( MATA). We had alot of information we handed out, and we sold Melt- Away Mints, they went really fast. They got a huge crowd! WOW!! Next year the MATA Expo will be in Ontario California. I was standing in a "HUGE" line at the T-Moblie booth for...
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    Deaf Community Services of San Diego, Inc. discontinues COMMEND Interpreting Services

    I totally argee with Richard. I agree with Richard. There is a storeage of interpreters all over, even San Diego. The deaf communiy as well has the hard of hearing need interperters really bad. VRS is taking them away from the people who need them. We provide very inexpensive interprerting...
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    ASL BEADS??!?!?anyone??

    Go to a bead store. Hi Jamielee, I suggest you checking out a bead store, thats where I get all my beads and my ASL ones too. I get mine at Beads Beads here in Southern California where I live. Thye're really cheap, here. Look in your phone book in the Vancover area under carfts or beads...
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    Go Angels!

    Angels all the way!!! Curtis Pride is on the soon to be World Champion Angels!!! And hes the first deaf baseball player that I know of. "GO ANGELS"!!! Margie
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    need help with research on ADA

    I agree with Richard. I agree with Richard, the ADA is all talk and sometimes no action. They're teeth are in the wrong place, but we can fight the ADA law and get our rights, and maybe we can put they're teeth in the right place. Margie Dir. of Communcation Services OCDAC