What's the most stupid /unbelievable thing you ever heard?

My former boss...every thing out of that man's mouth was stupid...as for the most unbelievable thing I heard - also from my former boss..."Jesus told me to take the day off." Funny, Jesus never seemed to tell him to get his ass in gear and get to work.


I find this interesting because in the Bible Jesus tells us we need to work, and work hard! So unless it was a Sunday , I find it a little hard to believe Jesus told him to take the day off, especially if you are right, and he does not work hard any other day.
garlic believe it or not has amazing healing properties... when I get sinus infections, I take garlic pills, although garlic fights INFECTION... and cancer is not an infection...
few years ago there tv show about stupid and embarssing things that come into ER,i was half looking when i saw my cousin he used nail gun missed and nailed his nuts on to hardboard

wait, your cousin did this?? your kidding right?? thats awful! but i can not stop laughing!!
i eat garlic with glass of milk washed down with cider vinigar,it takes bit of doing to keep it down but it good for you
not kidding he really did it..came as surpprise see him on tv his nut on display world to see.i think he must have had morphine shot to allow camera on him...i seen him few times since but it not sort thing you can ask about
I find this interesting because in the Bible Jesus tells us we need to work, and work hard! So unless it was a Sunday , I find it a little hard to believe Jesus told him to take the day off, especially if you are right, and he does not work hard any other day.

Alldeaf rule not allow religions discuss topic!
few years ago there tv show about stupid and embarssing things that come into ER,i was half looking when i saw my cousin he used nail gun missed and nailed his nuts on to hardboard

I totally believe this...when I was in college my room mate was a nursing student and when she did her clinicals, she'd come home with crazy stories.

I totally got caught reading this thread at work b/c I laughed out loud.
ok....... another stupid thing happened 2day LOL
1st of all, my audi told me that my FM boot was busted.. again! *I took that way too hard* so I'm getting a new one 2omorrow or so! :3
Wirelessly posted

"How can you communicate if you don't use speech?"
That SOME people think you can "fix" a profoundly deaf person/child. And that they think something is seriously wrong due to deafness of said, person/child.
I watched Hoarders last night and it was very vile...This woman peed and shit in a big bucket, and then used cup to put human waste in plastic bottles. Over 300 bottles of them. :eek: Keep the story short, she told the lady who specialize in hoardin, that she ate her poop for 12 yrs. :shock: She did it for pleasure. :eek: Her plumbin was out of order and she's on disability.
I watched Hoarders last night and it was very vile...This woman peed and shit in a big bucket, and then used cup to put human waste in plastic bottles. Over 300 bottles of them. :eek: Keep the story short, she told the lady who specialize in hoardin, that she ate her poop for 12 yrs. :shock: She did it for pleasure. :eek: Her plumbin was out of order and she's on disability.

omgomgomgomgomgomg her plumbing is not the only thing out of order.....no oh no.