If you could go anywhere in the world - where would you go??


Farting Snowflakes
Premium Member
Mar 22, 2006
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We need some interesting get-to-know-you type topics so heres one from me----

If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go???

I personally would like to go visit Canada from the east coast to the west coast.
I would love to visit Canada, Quebec and Montreal its always been a dream of mine.
I'm a little different when it comes to talking about touring Europe. I'd much rather see much, much more of America, especially Alaska, New England and some places in the South like the Carolinas. I think Europe is too depressingly preoccupied with her past what with all of the buildings & statues (as impressive as they are). So if I HAD to go to Europe, I'd stick with the Nordic countries.

I say, get off the freeway and partake of all that's on our by-ways.....the "Go West" mentality....it would take more than one lifetime to see all there is to see & appreciate in this country. Seen one place(s) once in the summer? See it again in another season.......I'm rambling now.....
Some states in US which I have not visited and Europe.
I'm a little different when it comes to talking about touring Europe. I'd much rather see much, much more of America, especially Alaska, New England and some places in the South like the Carolinas. I think Europe is too depressingly preoccupied with her past what with all of the buildings & statues (as impressive as they are). So if I HAD to go to Europe, I'd stick with the Nordic countries.

I say, get off the freeway and partake of all that's on our by-ways.....the "Go West" mentality....it would take more than one lifetime to see all there is to see & appreciate in this country. Seen one place(s) once in the summer? See it again in another season.......I'm rambling now.....

Yes, I agree Tousi some parts of the USA would love to visit too. I would love to visit New England bec that's where my favorite team hail from NE Patriots . I would love to visit Gillette Stadium and be at a NE Patriots game. I would definately be one happy lady:giggle:
I would love to go to Japan and touch more states in the USA. I also would like to visit Europe, too.
im really like going to London,England and France,etc on european trips what i wanted it.

And i would like going to Scotland and Germany where my family's hertiages there but my mom's family comes from Scotland and my dad's family comes from Germany but i would like going there about hertiages on my families.And i would like look on my boyfriend's family hertiages also.
Rest of Canada...been on West Side and Nirgina (sp?) Falls (that's only an hour from here)

Would love to go to Europe (all including part of Russia), Australia, Asia (some),Africa (some), South America (depend where at), rest of USA including Hawaii and Alaska, and Caribbeans islands. I've been to Mexico and not really like it very much. But maybe another part of Mexico may be good. :dunno:
Wouldnt mind going to Ukraine as my grandpa's parents came from there via Poland... plus would love to do some touring of the USA... especially Hawaii!! As well as parts of Canada for me too... British Columbia for the mountains and maybe Quebec (Montreal or Quebec City) for some nice sightseeing... hmm one day I will be able to do so...
Alaska the great northmost of Alaska! Image being only few hundred miles away from North pole.That way, we can see the Northern lights. Thaiti islands and of course parts in Europe as well.
I would love to go to Scotland as where my family came from also they went to Canada before going to Maine. I would alos love to go to S. Jefferson, Maine where my great grandparent grew up and they buried there.

Also travel USA that I have not yet been there.
I would love to go to Australia, Greece, and any tropical island. :)

For the USA...I would love to visit Minnesota, Idaho, Montana, and Alaska. I love mountains and heard that those states are beautiful.
I would love to go to Alaska, Italy and Russia. I also could stand a trip home to see my mommy!!! lol I miss her lots some days. I wont see her till I go to Chicago for work in October.