Hey You!!!

here i am .. reading the posts..
*typing*.. posted.. there ya go..
(show that i am not lurker ) LOL! hehe
Originally posted by Steel
*starts masbratuing* OH CRAP!!! WRONG SITE! GO AWAY!!! *cancles the site and goes to the other one*

:roll: oh pls!
Let's try to get people to view this thread! What should we do to attract people to view this thread???

"Hey you?" :looks behind her: :dunno: :looks back at you: Who? :points at self: Moi?! :mrgreen:
whoa it will take some time to get to 100,000 views but hey, it can be done i'm sure
hey, the thread "Have you noticed this..." have over 16,000 views
maybe tha one will get to 100k first ;-x
good idea..keep trying y'all..maybe it will added up to the World Guiness Book of Records for 1,000,000 reyplying or something..!