you heard me!!

I remember having that said to me by my mother before I received hearing aids. After I got them, she was my most vocal advocate.

I also had a boss that said that to me once and I didn't hear what he said because I was on the floor under my desk trying to fix my computer.

A few weeks ago, a drunk woman said, "Huh?" to me because I said it to her, due to the fact that not only did I not understand what she said, but that I actually didn't hear what she said. Needless to say, I ended up wearing her beer (she splashed it on me) and she whipped the bottle at me, missing me altogether. She was all crocodile tears when the police arrived and even admitted to them she was on medication. Go figure. :roll:
my mom used to say that too.." alicia i know u heard me!" but now she knows *usually* if i say excuse me or huh or what that i dunno what she said ...sometimes she yells upstairs and i have my ha off and im like whatt wahtt whatt i cant hear u or she will talk to me thru the door and i hear
"Sherrie, you heard me!"
"Yes, you did hear me"
"Am I going to repeat this?!"
"Did you forget that I'm bloody DEAF!"
"Don't be a smartarse!"
"Well, Mum, it's true!"
"Sherrie, you heard me!"
"Yes, you did hear me"
"Am I going to repeat this?!"
"Did you forget that I'm bloody DEAF!"
"Don't be a smartarse!"
"Well, Mum, it's true!"


I feel you all, I've been there.
Happens often, even when my hearing was ok... I'd either be thinking about something or day dreaming about something, so I don't hear what the person is saying, and get accused of being deaf when I was not.
Yeah, I've been there too just like everyone else on this thread has.

Few years ago, I was at the family reunion (My father's side) and I was sitting down on the picnic table eating my lunch. My cousin came behind me and was telling me something. So, of course I didn't know he was behind me and did not know he was talking to me. He then decided to whack the back of my head.

Ooo, I was so pissed and I didn't like it at all. I said why did you do that for? He said "YOU HEARD ME!" I was like "WTF? You knew I cannot hear you." :roll:
"Ohh, I forgot you're deaf!"'

One of my former managers when I was working at McDonald's :roll: She was calling my name :cool2:
when i was playing baseball, i THOUGHT that i hit homerun and i ran. Umpire shout, "FOUL BALL", i ingored it and continue my run. 2baseman stopped me and told me that i have to go back because it was foul ball. my first thought, "bullshit". Then i looked at coach, "go back". I went back again and umpire said, "you heard me to said FOUL BALL." i told him, "how the hell if i can hear you since i heard the crowd went roar?" It got umpire pissed off. Obviously it is not his day. In following the pitches [2 threws] then, saw perfect, fly, fly... i ran fast as i can.....saw CROWD ROAR!....[thinking, homerun, baby]....landed homeplate and told umpire, "You heard the bat kissed?" Umpire ignore it. LOL!