
Congratulations Pom! Betcha you're relieved and thrilled--must be really super nice to be able to spend the summertime with your child at home! Best of luck in your new job and hopes it goes nicely and smoothly for you! :thumb:
Peachy Lady said:
Pom, your bf is Beowulf?? If so, congrats!

Oh no look what I've started.... :Ohno:

Peachlady hun, I was messing with PomPom. :whistle:
HYAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cheri LOL

No no no PL, we are just friend. LOL

Thanks guys I had a good day today and that feel sooooooooooo good. Thanks goodness but a longggggggggggggg day.
Congrats!! I am proud of you!!! I am glad that a private school would hire you even if you are deaf....
HYAH! Gurl conguate ur new job! i m sure you will enjoy w/this and need get out of ur butt from home LOL hugss!! good luck :ily: