wouldn't want to make friend with someone who's not good with grammar english...

Think about it...deaf people who can communicate using English whether it is perfect or not have accomplished than most hearing people in the US have. Most hearing people in the US are fluent in only one language but Deaf ASL users are able to use two languages and if their English is not perfect, it is better than not being able to read and write at all!

I have a good friend who is Deaf and her English is not that great but she is fluent in ASL and Spanish and her Spanish writing skills are impeccible according to my hearing friends who are also fluent in Spanish. I cant even write one sentence in Spanish so I would say that she is more literate than I am. Cant judge people based on their English grammar.

I wouldnt reject anyone because they dont have perfect writing skills.
if you learn only one Spanish sentence, then make it this:

¿Dónde está el baño?

it's funny because of that animation up there "green" thing. here's the hint: mushroom head and long. well, take a look.
i tried to read but i looked at the green thing, it's funny but cool :)
As everyone knows, English is one of the toughest language in the world but yet, we all use it one way or another. It is not meant to be for perfection. That's the best thing we can do with English because it always changes through time.

It doesn't bother me when I'm encountering a conversation with someone who does not have a good grammatical skill. However there are times I'd scratch my head and try to figure out what they are saying. It can be confusing but then, I try to reverse it and to put myself in that person's "mind" to work around it in order to understand them. If I didn't exactly understand what they meant, I'd make it clear and ask them to repeat their selves.

For instance, When a person is strongly into ASL and writes in ASL - That's when I try to read and to "sign" in my head in order to understand what he/she was trying to say. Also, it does not only apply to people who are into ASL. The same thing applies to people who are not native in English.

In overall, it takes 2 to tango in order to understand the communication. It's not easy but it can prevail if they are willing to work it around and to apply different logistics depending on which situation it is. These kind of people who are more than willing are the ones that I would not object to.

The bottom line is, I try to keep an open mind regarding to this and to try to understand where they are coming from.
That's right... both ways. :)

I've had to deal with some deaf people who refuse to understand my English methods because it's "the hearing way". :roll:
As everyone knows, English is one of the toughest language in the world but yet, we all use it one way or another. It is not meant to be for perfection. That's the best thing we can do with English because it always changes through time.

It doesn't bother me when I'm encountering a conversation with someone who does not have a good grammatical skill. However there are times I'd scratch my head and try to figure out what they are saying. It can be confusing but then, I try to reverse it and to put myself in that person's "mind" to work around it in order to understand them. If I didn't exactly understand what they meant, I'd make it clear and ask them to repeat their selves.

For instance, When a person is strongly into ASL and writes in ASL - That's when I try to read and to "sign" in my head in order to understand what he/she was trying to say. Also, it does not only apply to people who are into ASL. The same thing applies to people who are not native in English.

In overall, it takes 2 to tango in order to understand the communication. It's not easy but it can prevail if they are willing to work it around and to apply different logistics depending on which situation it is. These kind of people who are more than willing are the ones that I would not object to.

The bottom line is, I try to keep an open mind regarding to this and to try to understand where they are coming from.

I agree with Jo on that and it not alway easy to learn the tough English langauges as is for deaf to understand it while they only know asl langauge.
English prepositions are a problem because different languages use different prepositions to express the same ideas. It will help some people if you do not teach too many prepositions at one time. Also, it will help if you are sure to put the prepositions in context (in a situation where the use is natural). But, English, word order is more important than it is in many other languages. I have to agree we never stop learning until we die. But there is always good people out there willing to help other learn better English and grammar problems. :cool2::wave:
Well if ya have had to deal with a person with bad grammar ya might as well try to understand and then inquire more properly or get creative and say something that would make sense to the other person and then ya will get the gist of it... whoever that decide not to be friends with other folks who have bad grammar surely is a fat turd and really needs to have a can of whoopass opened on them... I would rather be friends with the bad grammar person and try to understand him/her and be able to converse with him/her and learn what is there than ingore that... simple enough... all we can do is try to be understanding and be able to sign/talk/write in a simple way... and to help that person improve more in the grammar department would be a good way to do teaching and be very helpful somehow..it a good way to learn new signs and be curious about the meaning of the signing of the specific word or so.. right?
The person the rejected that girl is an insensitive idiot. She is better off.
a deaf girl i met few days ago at starbuck. she told me that someone rejected her is because of her bad grammar english. it seems that people rather hang out with someone who's good or very good with grammar english for friends just like hearie. if you're good or very good with grammar english, so they would make friend with you like popular.

i told her that i've had the same experienced too.

That's so sad for someone to rejected a friendship based on someone's grammar. Nobody is perfect, we all have some errors in how we wording out our words across. Screw those people who rejected others, they'll get what's coming to them one day.
That's so sad for someone to rejected a friendship based on someone's grammar. Nobody is perfect, we all have some errors in how we wording out our words across. Screw those people who rejected others, they'll get what's coming to them one day.


yes, i know and i agree with you :)
That's so sad for someone to rejected a friendship based on someone's grammar. Nobody is perfect, we all have some errors in how we wording out our words across. Screw those people who rejected others, they'll get what's coming to them one day.

I would agree with ya on this, Cheri... true we arent even perfect in some sense but we do try hard to be good in the specific area that we have a weak point in... that's all...

As for the people who do the rejecting yeah they will get that.. but who knows if they would learn some valuable things and be more smarter for that or not?
I would agree with ya on this, Cheri... true we arent even perfect in some sense but we do try hard to be good in the specific area that we have a weak point in... that's all...

As for the people who do the rejecting yeah they will get that.. but who knows if they would learn some valuable things and be more smarter for that or not?

:ty: I agree with you too. We all have our weakness in one form or another, whether it's poor spelling and grammer errors. Oh well that's life. :P
That's really shallow of someone who rejects a friend due to lack of English grammar. Most people not perfect, come with flaws and weaknesses, we can learn from each other what the person is trying to get across in communication. I met people who are from different countries and they are attempting to get the point across to the best of their ability. Just like some posts stated , we can learn new signs from the individual and have the patience to understand them.
*meets deaf person*

me: hi! it's so nice to meet you! what's your name?
him: my name John. i deaf, am 24 year.

me: ......:squint:
no, i don't cease to be friend with her. she asked me if i have VP, i told her that i don't have VP and VPAD, i already sign up for OJO a few weeks ago. i have TTY and of course internet. so we could see each other on VP, VPAD or OJO.

i told her that we could hang out sometimes and also help each other. i explained it wrong. sorry.

Meyah2.... You can download the Viable Vision Viable.net - Download Viable Vision and after you done with download and you can ask your friend VP IP address, so you can chat with your friend on VP from your viable vision on your computer that's it! But your friend cannot call you on viable vision... it's complication! Jake is using the viable vision to chat me on VP once a while.... But i cannot call him on viable vision... oh well!!!!!!!!!! Good luck with download of viable vision! :thumb:
That's really shallow of someone who rejects a friend due to lack of English grammar. Most people not perfect, come with flaws and weaknesses, we can learn from each other what the person is trying to get across in communication. I met people who are from different countries and they are attempting to get the point across to the best of their ability. Just like some posts stated , we can learn new signs from the individual and have the patience to understand them.

Yep,, No one is really perfect, even if we learn very well and other are still behind. Everybody is different individually to understand grammars that they are not perfect. But we can always other people. I do believe people do really care to help someone out there with weak grammar. :cool2:
Wouldnt dream of rejecting someone because of poor english grammar. It just depends on the pathology of an individual - good personality, fun conversation, etc.

I just avoid someone who is malicious or is flaky at all costs now.