Would you rather give up your computer or your pet?

Willing to give up my computer, why? It is easy answer, the computer does not display the emotions and feeling.

Like old time, I can use snail mail to contact with my family.

*smacking on the tiny snail* sorry no snail mail for you. :D
My Computer has never helped me meet women when I walked it at the park.....Give me Dogs for 200 Alex

Maybe not in the park, but I've *met* hundreds of women through my computer.


But, if I did have pets, I'd probably give my computer up for them. The dogs I had when I was a kid (pre-internet) growing up were definitely worthy of such a sacrifice.
I'd give up on my computer for my babies.


They'd do anything to protect their daddy, even my toys! See the end of this video:

YouTube - 1960 Gibson Les Paul Reissue


question, would you give up your "toys" for your pet?
Critters over computer any day.

Who could say no to these puppy dog eyes?

What if the computer IS your pet?

(holds it against her chest) (whispers to the computer) There there.. don't pay attention to the mean people, I'm never harming a hair er.. key on your board.
What if the computer IS your pet?

(holds it against her chest) (whispers to the computer) There there.. don't pay attention to the mean people, I'm never harming a hair er.. key on your board.
Computer goes...I will still have my pager. LOL!
If I have pets, I would give up my computer. There's pager to use to surf online etc.
I need both things in my life :D Along with sports... otherwise I'm losing my mind...