Would you prefer to...

Yes. Many military spouses have already experienced this with their wounded warriors. Many others who have ill or injured spouses from many causes continue to love them.

When my son-in-law had his leg amputated last year after a terrible accident at work, my daughter told me, "Yes, this is tough to go thru but I love *****, and he is not just body parts."

I also know several spouses who spend years taking care of their loved ones who are disabled by Alzheimer's or brain injury. They don't even have the pleasure of sharing their loved ones' personalities, much less their bodies. Yet, they still love and care for them.

There is more to love than the physical or the personality.

My first "real" job was in a bookstore while in High School. My manager was married to a man who had Muscular Dystrophy. He was bed ridden. I got to know their family very well, her son ended up at Oxford. In any case, she set the first "real world" example of what a real relationship is.

My grandmother also stood right by my grandfather's side when his body wasted away to cancer.

Exactly! It is all about compatibility! If there is no communication, then compatibility cannot be determined. :)

Of course, communication is the major part of every and any kind of relationships. Compatibility can be one of the thing that does make or break it. However, compatibility also indicates that existing couple can live in harmony, yet, what if harmony doesn't exist? That's when the couple have to figure out how to weather through the storm. Compatibility isn't really the MAIN issue of how a couple can prosper together. The MAIN thing is - genuine love.

Genuine love is not synonymous with sex. Genuine love can and does exist in the absence of sex. Love in found within charity, healing, humility, patience, self-sacrifice. All these qualities and loving behaviors come from within the spiritual heart of a person.

The key to one's heart has been replaced with the key to one's panties. When most people talk about love, they actually talk about sex. Unfortunate but true for many.
Love is not "feelings;" love is action.
No brainer, unattractive appearing girl with awesome personality.
When I was single, I had fantasized riding bike with a woman. Would she look good on a red Schwinn or maybe a blue Fuji? Well, I ended up getting her a purple Trek. So, find someone, then worry about personality and looks.
Less attractive people look better as you know them more with a great personality I think.

Alternatively I've met people who are crazy hot with horrible personalities and they become less attractive looking.
Less attractive people look better as you know them more with a great personality I think.

Alternatively I've met people who are crazy hot with horrible personalities and they become less attractive looking.

I thought this thread was dead until you resurrected it! Ha.

Yeah, physical appearances will always be dictated by what's inside of one's heart. It is because the issues of life all proceeds from the heart.
Well, I'm a chick, and I'm super gay.... Also, I would stay single and find someone I was attracted to or saw as a "bombshell" with a dynamite personality. I would not settle for either or. Also, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. My definition of beautiful may be someone's definition of hideous. Either or, biased question end of story. I answered anyway because I can, and I don't care like that. :D
I'd definitely go personality over looks any day. However I believe that there must be at least some physical attraction as well. In saying that I've met people over the years that are attractive but are so self absorbed it's a total turn off. I am fortunate I am married to my beautiful wife from Finland who is gorgeous physically and in personality :)