Would you leave your car running at 7-11?

blackdaisy said:
I wouldn't leave my car running without me in it...I don't even do that in my drive way. Makes for a cold butt in the winter, though. :-o

That's one of the reasons I live in Texas now. :D
I would not leave my car running outside alone without a trusted friend or family member in the car so that way the theives would think twice. But there are always people who dont think when in a hurry or just airheads. :wave:
There should be a law against leaving your car unattended while engine is running.Like if The police finds nobody in the car unattended while engine is still running.They should give you a ticket of $45.
It happens.

I've seen it happen once when I was at Blockbuster Video. One guy drove up and left his car running while he walked up to the dropbox slot to drop off his movie. Someone else was standing nearby, ran to his car, and took off. He was only 10 ft away from the drop box... but it happened anyway. :eek:
Thats why if the police sees you leaving your car unattended he should give you a citation of $45.
No I wouldn't leave my car running, wouldn't wanna someone to steal my car. Even if it an 1 min to the store, I still always lock up the car and the engine is off.
no wAY!!!!! not even stupid.. i dont even leave my keys in car either! stupid!!!

some people do leave keys in car.. like my sis do.. smh.... sheesh..

as for cops.. they usually do leave their cars running on.. they ought to write themselves TICKETS.. lmao! what a hoot!!!!!!
no wAY!!!!! not even stupid.. i dont even leave my keys in car either! stupid!!!

some people do leave keys in car.. like my sis do.. smh.... sheesh..

as for cops.. they usually do leave their cars running on.. they ought to write themselves TICKETS.. lmao! what a hoot!!!!!!

Police cars always do leave cars running to keep electrical on, ie, sirens, computers on to check info and warn other traffics. Just like Firetrucks, Ambulances they leave engine running in an emergency.
no wAY!!!!! not even stupid.. i dont even leave my keys in car either! stupid!!!

some people do leave keys in car.. like my sis do.. smh.... sheesh..

as for cops.. they usually do leave their cars running on.. they ought to write themselves TICKETS.. lmao! what a hoot!!!!!!
I was inclined to leave my keys in my car in Europe all the time. But right now, I'm in America. I got a new car and it was stolen in less than a week. I had learned a lesson the hard way. I had formed the habit of taking the keys with me and left my car locked.

For those that do not know this, I am a police officer. Some officers do leave the car running for the exact reson posted above, computers, radio, siren and so on must have electricity. If you have all of that stuff on with accessory power, you can kill a good battery in 15 minutes. The department I work for just got new cars with the remote lock. I keep my car running sometimes, but have the doors locked.
As far as leaving a car running anywhere..... do not do it! Period. You are begging to become a victim. When ever I get a call where they left the car running, when I give them the report number, I also have them sign the ticket for "unattended motorvehicle". When the car thief is caught, it will be almost impossible for him to be prosecuted because you left your keys in the vehicle.

Here is some advise for you, never leave your car running. Even if there is someone else sitting in it at a store. Roll the windows down for them and take the keys. If someone is bold enough to walk up and get in a car that is not thiers to steal it, then what is preventing them from forcing a person out of it? It happens all of the time. When my wife, daughter and I are out running around and I stop somewhere real fast, I roll down the windows and take the keys. If soemone sees the car running, jumps in and sticks a pistol in my wifes face, forcing her out, my car could be stolen with my daughter in it. She is in a car seat. This also happens alot. Then the car thief will drive a few miles away and just drop the kid off anywhere. Trust me, I have found several kids just wandering around that match the description of kids that were taken in this manner. I actually found a 6 month old baby sleeping in his car seat in front of a crackhouse 30 minutes after his mom was forced out of a car.
As said above, I am a cop, because of that, I carry a pistol whereever I go off duty. Even though I carry, I still lock the doors of my car while driving. It only takes about 2 seconds to fortcibly remove someone from a car. If the driver gets punched in the face, that will stun him long enough to yank him out. If my doors are locked, it will take the bad guy several more seconds to open the door. Even after stunning me by punching, I will have enough time to react. By the time the door is opened, I will have a 40 cal in his face, and it will quickly become a bad day for the badguy one way or another.
No way!!! If I have my own car then I would take the keys with me and lock the doors no one can steal it :).. and if one of my friends or my family stay in my car then it is okay to leave running the car :)
I never leave the truck or car keys running and if somebody hotwired my car or is getting away. He will answer to my .45 ACP unless there are innocent people in front of my car being stolen then I will not be able to shoot him but will make a police report fast on 911 then go from there. It would not be a good day and if somebody tried to take me out of my own car, I will fight back. I will not let anybody mess with me. When he goes to jail then he will be messed with really bad. :smoking:
I live here in wyoming I do occasionally leave my car running to keep it warm in our cold cold winters etc... one thing i have done was made a spare key for my wallet. i lock the door with the motor running and run in and do my business and back out. for long stops i do not do this. my car is an ugly piece of junk that looks like a tin can that has been kicked around for a while lol doubt that anyone would want to steal it for a chop shop or anything but locking the doors makes it a lil harder for them to get in the vehicle and someone would possibly notice them.....in big places like denver and other states im not familiar with i dont do this. but for some reason people here in wyoming feel alot safer lol
Hell no! I would be have to be a nutcase to do that!

Lillysdad...I am curious about leaving kids in the car at a gas station while the parents go in to pay for the gas? I think that is a big no no but sooo many people do that here.
Around here I'd never leave the car running when I'm not in it... I've seen too many cars get stolen, I knew a guy who stepped out of his car and somebody jumped in right in front of him and drove away!