Would you accept this man organs?

Sure as long as they are healthy. I already know who I am and getting a murderer's organs wouldn't make me into a murderer. If it does, then research would be needed to be done to study if organs can cause personality changes. Lol
Sure as long as they are healthy. I already know who I am and getting a murderer's organs wouldn't make me into a murderer. If it does, then research would be needed to be done to study if organs can cause personality changes. Lol

This would be a great idea for a movie , or what has this been done already? I am not trying to break any records by living a long time so I like I said I will not take any organ and I bet if I was on a list someone younger would get it first and I would be fine with that. I have a cousin that on the list for a new heart but he does feel very hopeful about getting a heart b/c of his age and his health being so poor.
they do harm in life at least in death they do something right....I think all wicked murderers should have one kidney part of part liver donated before sentence starts
they do harm in life at least in death they do something right....I think all wicked murderers should have one kidney part of part liver donated before sentence starts

The mother decides to do this, I bet the SOB would not like his organs being used to help save people lives. He did save my state a lot of money by killing himself. I do wonder if there will be a lawsuit by the family b/c the state did not keep him safe in jail.