Woman gives birth to 18th child in Canada

maliciously contributing to overpopulation.

In all seriousness, i dont care if a woman wants a big family but theres really no fucking reason to have 18 kids lol. If they were poor, i woiuldnt contribute a freaking nickel.
maliciously contributing to overpopulation.

In all seriousness, i dont care if a woman wants a big family but theres really no fucking reason to have 18 kids lol. If they were poor, i woiuldnt contribute a freaking nickel.
Ah, good point...

Here's a good suggestion:

Have her shipped to China. She'll be arrested. With the "One Child Per Family" law they have, she would be sentenced to life in prison. ;)
Ah, good point...

Here's a good suggestion:

Have her shipped to China. She'll be arrested. With the "One Child Per Family" law they have, she would be sentenced to life in prison. ;)

no kidding. I mean 18 kids, jesus man. How do you give 18 kids attention?? We're humans, not fucking rabbits here lol. Im sorry i just find it disgusting.
6 kids I can understand. But 18? NFW!

The church I used to go to when I was a teenager, they encouraged churning out as many babies as possible, saying that "the lord wants us to populate the earth with as many people as possible". There were families in that church that had as many as 14 kids and maybe even more. I think that is too fucking many!

Needless to say, I got kicked out of that stupid church for going to a dyke bar. Fine. I was looking for an excuse to quit the church without feeling guilty about it (I was already being humiliated every single Sunday for being a bisexual dyke). Whatever. I feel so much better now that I am no longer a member of that church. That church was toxic. I have heard from my friend that many people have begun to disagree with the church's beliefs and many have left the church and gone to a more progressive church and others have left and opened their own church with more progressive beliefs. So I am not alone in leaving that church, and I feel I did the right thing by leaving when they gave me the boot. I am much happier.
6 kids I can understand. But 18? NFW!

The church I used to go to when I was a teenager, they encouraged churning out as many babies as possible, saying that "the lord wants us to populate the earth with as many people as possible". There were families in that church that had as many as 14 kids and maybe even more. I think that is too fucking many!

Needless to say, I got kicked out of that stupid church for going to a dyke bar. Fine. I was looking for an excuse to quit the church without feeling guilty about it (I was already being humiliated every single Sunday for being a bisexual dyke). Whatever. I feel so much better now that I am no longer a member of that church. That church was toxic. I have heard from my friend that many people have begun to disagree with the church's beliefs and many have left the church and gone to a more progressive church and others have left and opened their own church with more progressive beliefs. So I am not alone in leaving that church, and I feel I did the right thing by leaving when they gave me the boot. I am much happier.

i commend you, lucia :) And if the earth was as big as Saturn or Jupiter i wouldnt be complaining but its not. And theres 6 billion people on earth already all fighting for whats left basically. There really isnt a lot of space left. And to hear some baby factory mother is popping kids out every 2 years just makes me pissed off about it lol
The Duggar are excepting their 18th child in January, 2009. I know that is too many kids because they love their children so much.

Imagine this family and the Duggars getting together for playdates??

I would be :dizzy: with all these kids running around! LOL!
Wouldn't that make vagina more bigger? Shoot, I shouldn't think of like that. Well, too late! I gonna go. Bye bye! :wave:
18 children?!!!!!! :shock: Unbelievable to hear that! I wonder what is the world's record to deliver many children? Perhaps 20 or 22? I have no idea! I am very curious over this. I can't even imagine to have 18 children in my own family! Too much work and pay lot of expenses to them. NO THANKS! Three are good enough for me! WOW! So amazing.:roll:
18 children?!!!!!! :shock: Unbelievable to hear that! I wonder what is the world's record to deliver many children? Perhaps 20 or 22? I have no idea! I am very curious over this. I can't even imagine to have 18 children in my own family! Too much work and pay lot of expenses to them. NO THANKS! Three are good enough for me! WOW! So amazing.:roll:

That would be the wife of Feodor Vassilyev. She gave birth to 69 children through 27 pregnancies. I remember looking it up in the Guinness book of records, she lived in the 1700s.
The old joke about lots of kids was the nun in charge of the nursery said to the man whose wife just had their 18th child, "What a wonderful Catholic family!"

The man said, "We're not Catholic, Sister."

"Then bless you for the good Mormon man you are," she said.

"Not Mormon, either. Not even Christian."

The num gathered her skirts to leave in a huff and was heard to alert the other staff, "Watch out for that man. He's a sex fiend!"
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I fail to see why this is news.

In the old days, people had a ton of kids all the time. It never made the news.
Wouldn't that make vagina more bigger? Shoot, I shouldn't think of like that. Well, too late! I gonna go. Bye bye! :wave:

I imagine it's like throwing a hot dog down a hallway.

I'll show myself out.