Wish for 2011

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Wirelessly posted

thank you for that message and all the respect that comes with it.

i think that one of the biggest hurdles it that of miscommunication. For example, i can not understand for the life of me when people continuously say that CIs are not needed for spoken language development but in the same breath damn oralism and the struggles that they went through to learn spoken language. So, as a parent, i point out that CIs provide access to spoken language in a way that they never had, allowing a deaf child to hear all the sounds in spoken language. I am met with the same response "oralism is cruel" but then am also told that plenty of people learned to speak just fine before CIs....so, which is it? Was it horrible child abuse or was it just fine?

another point of misunderstanding is when parents say that they are not doing the same things that were happening in the past, we are told that we aren't listening or even that we are "dismissing deaf people". That is not at all what we mean. We mean that we aren't doing....

**sigh** There is none so blind as he who will not see. There is none so deaf as he who will not hear.
Wirelessly posted

is that a yes? Because it has been done to the Deaf, you have the right to do it to other people?

We have the right to demand that our voices are heard (especially in the job and education) and that our rights are to be respected.

Be careful as some of you, hearing people, might tempt some of the Deaf people to return the favor. After all, the Golden Rule says to do unto others as you want them to do unto you. I can understand why a Holocaust survivior said not to do evil to any group of people because of what goes around can come back. I wonder why the hearing people didn't heed this when they did to the Deaf people in the past or present.
There's nothing more amazing than for a deaf person to say, "I'm deaf and I'm perfect just the way I am." Some people call it denial. Some people will say they don't know what they are missing because they never experience the beautiful sounds out there...the sounds of a child's laughter...a mother's prayer...whispered messages during lovemaking. For many people, the ability to hear is necessary and it is crucial for speech development, language acquisition, social skills, and to gain the loss sounds. I get that, I do.

Every parent needs the room to learn, research, and to make informed choices about his/her own child. And we should support them during that journey. It is NOT an easy journey. There isn't a magic pill or cure to solve everything. The choices they make impact the child's core development in every way. The choices are hard to make because politics (on every level) gets in the way. Our government (US) has failed us, and it is continuing to fail by not providing the appropriate literature, education, services, and support that every single parent needs. Parents make decisions that makes me cringe...sometimes I will go home and cry for the child. But I always do my best to support the parent without criticism, without being judgmental, and without my personal insight. And I always advocate for that child, and I do step in if it is warranted. We all should strive to do the same on the forum. Support the parents, especially if they do not agree with your views.

I am deaf. It took me a long time to say it...to believe it. My own father still denies it. And I am proud to be deaf. I do not need sounds to fill my life. I see the laughter from my daughters...I sense the prayers from my mother...and I feel the heartbeat from my lover. I do "hear" but in a different way.

If a person chooses to get an implant or to implant their child, all I ask...do it for the right reasons. And respect the fact that for those of us who chooses not to do it, we are fully content with what we have. For me, all the years of trying to be hearing-like was debilitating and it was eating away my soul. I now have come to a complete circle, and I am finally at peace. It's only natural I want the same for others.

For me, my son signing "I love you, mommy" is every bit as beautiful to me as him saying it. It is the message that impacts, not the sound.
So, you think it's a right of passage and you and the hearing people you select to represent you will now do to those new to the Deaf community what was done to you?

Can't you see that the history impacts their reaction to audist views presented here? You seem to grasp the fact that the recent history you have experienced in this forum impacts the way you react. Compound that by 100,000, add a small degree of empathic understanding, and bingo! You get it and take it into consideration. Miscommunication problems solved.

It appears to me based on all of the miscommunication I have seen that the problem arises over a failure of the hearing to understand exactly what is being said and why it is being said when the deaf perspective is presented.

Staying out of this thread, too controversial for me to discuss, but it's fun to watch.
Wirelessly posted

then say that. But a hearing person determining that a deaf person is in denial or hasn't dealt with his deafness in the "right way" is equally inappropriate. Deaffy is an adult who has been deaf for many years, why is it someone elses job to tell him who he should be?

Again with your mistaken presumptions. No one told him who he should be. Observations were made on what his behavior was indicating. And, not just by a "hearing person."

You, as a hearing person, tell your deaf daughter every day who she should be. You really need to focus internally and check yourself before making accusations against others.
OK, enough!

Moderators, you should be ashamed of yourselves.

Please close this thread, which as the OP, I believe I have the right to have done.
OK, enough!

Moderators, you should be ashamed of yourselves.

Please close this thread, which as the OP, I believe I have the right to have done.

Wouldn't be the first time the OP wished they had the right to close a thread or block users from it.
Again with your mistaken presumptions. No one told him who he should be. Observations were made on what his behavior was indicating. And, not just by a "hearing person."

You, as a hearing person, tell your deaf daughter every day who she should be. You really need to focus internally and check yourself before making accusations against others.

lol you crack me up. really.. Must be painful having soo much spite inside you..
Wouldn't be the first time the OP wished they had the right to close a thread or block users from it.

Anytime you create your own thread, all you have to do is ask to have it closed.
It's more advanced than PowerPoint and works so much better. Especially for our setup. ProPresenter makes things much easier and adds so much more "coolness" to the presentation with the ability to change moving backgrounds on the go. Or the ability to use moving backgrounds in general.

ok - it's "cool power point" *shrug*
I've used ProPresenter on a number of occasions - actaully we typically let the Sunday School kids run it (12-15year olds) it's nothing special and the "coolness" (aka stupid sunset backgrounds etc) tends to hamper comprehension more than help it for those who actually rely on the text to follow the service or those with vision issues.

Regarding the feedback issue (which isn't a peak, it's feedback which is different) the best way to handle that is to mute the track/channel on the lav (or handheld) when it's not in use - or at minimum when they walk by any speakers/monitors etc.
I agree Z... It is quite apparent there are few poster;s who thrive daily to come into thsi section of the forums to cause a riff. 3 threads locked in 2 days.. all in CI /HA section
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