Why is it embarrassing to admit you met your partner online?


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Sep 2, 2004
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I have met a few deaf people who initially stated that they met their partner at some physical location when in fact they met online (I found out the truth through some friends)?

If I met a girl online and fell in love with her I would not go around and lie about it, I would tell them the truth straight up.

Liars, liars, liars... :madfawk:
interesting... how do u know for sure if that's
the real truth that they actually met online ?
Because we hear all the time in news and articles that it is not safe to meet people online. These people could be a 50 year old pervert. That's why this is not accepted by a lot of people. A lot of deaf people seem to meet people online. I am not comfortable with the idea, and I never feel comfortable hearing people say that, but I accept it because it's not my problem in the first place. People are embarrassed to be judged.
I told my dad I met a guy off line and fell in love, My dad wasn't too happy with it at all he did everything he can to destoryed my relationship with him.

My dad doesn't think guys on line are good; he thinks they are perverts and only out to get laid.
yea u are not only one... same happened to me.. i was suck then now i wont do that again met online for date or relationship...
It's not commonly accepted as a "real" way to meet people and gauge if you really like them or not. The only way to really meet people is to meet physically, therefore, it's real to accept the first time they met in person as the "first time they met."

For what it's worth, I first talked to my now-wife online, but we physically met through mutual friends and we didn't become interested in each other and until we were at the same college and started dating. So, we really first met when we first really sat down and talked to each other.
Well, I've met my sweetheart thur the internet. I was glad that he've found me first and now we've been together for almost 2 yrs next week.
Im guilty of this lie myself.

I mostly lie to my family or co workers about where Ive met my previous dates. I tell my friends because I know my friends are much more knowledgeable about Internet these days and that I am not desperate/weirdo.

If I tell my family, they will freak out thinking Im putting myself in extreme danger by meeting guys online. So I only tell them where we have FIRST physically met so in a way, it is not exactly a lie. LOL
I don't lie about this. My husband and I met online, through a mutual friend. However, when people asked how and where we met, I simply say, "through a mutual friend." The reason for this is, IMO, people are too damn judgemential sometimes.

I believe that people are people - that's all. Everyone has their own agenda. Take a computer out of the mix, the world will STILL have its fair share of problems.

As long as you get along with your spouse, partner or significant other, what's the importance in where you found 'em?
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The world is not completely integrated into the online community. There are still people who don't use computers and it's usually those kind of people that look at online-related issues as a joke. One time, I asked a friend of mine for his email. Later, he came by my work to rent a movie when I worked at Blockbuster Video. I greeted him as a friend and then asked him if my email worked. Another guy at work immediately jumped in and asked, "Oh, you two part of this 'internet thingy'?" Boy, my friend was embarassed. I had to reply and clarify that he was just a friend who had just received my email last week. That's all.

There are still some people like that here at NTID. Last month, one gal came up to me and asked me what her syllabus meant. She didn't know what the email address was for. She was like, "What's this?" *pointing at the email address* I explained that it was the teacher's email address and this gal replied saying that her phone couldn't dial this email address. She had never used email before and she's not from another country... she's from within the United States. :(
Well said Malfoyishtootsie!...

I have told my family that I met Roadrunner on line and was going to fly down to see him last year, at first my dad freaked out.....wondering if I was going to make it home alive .....It nice to have a dad watching out for his daugs, so I don't blame him for feeling that way....

I almost date someone from here, but things didn't worked out between us. Anyway, I told mom about it. I don't want to lie to her that I've met him some place else or I've met him thur my friends. I told her that I've met him thur the internet. And she's ok with it. She trusts me and all I have to do is follow my instincts.
This is going to be a bit different...

My ex partner and I had known each other since we were kids, and when I moved, we lost contact... we met again online through a mutual friend and from there on, we 'fell in love' and started an online relationship.

I knew he had a 3 months old son from his previous relationship (he and the mother are now back together) and I did not care. At the time, he and the woman were not in each other's good books.

So, we maintained an online relationship for two months before he flew down to Sydney after Xmas and spent two weeks with me. Those two weeks were wonderful. He was my very first sexual partner.

When the two weeks were up, he had to go back to Brisbane.

Around the end of January, he slept with the mother of his son - his excuses to me were 'I slept with her so she could be nice to let me see Jackson', 'I had to go to deseperate measures to see my son - she would not let me see him' and many other movies.

I found out about this by having the mother smsing me and saying all bad stuff about him... that did upset me. I sent millions of smses to him asking him what was happening... he did not reply for 3 hours and that made me so frustated. I was at my best friend's 18th party that afternoon and I was so distressed.

He finally replied with zillions of smses with excuses and begging for my forgiveness. I was very naive at the time, so I forgave him.

BUT - he then continued sleeping with her behind my back - that showed that he had no control of his sexual urges. I did not know all about that till when I moved down to Brisbane 6-7 months later.

We got engaged at the Australian Deaf Games - I was the one who proposed. I thought if we were engaged, that would stop him from screwing the woman. BUT that was the biggest mistake of my life and I have since regretted it.

But no, the engagement didn't work nor have any effect on him. After the ADG, he went home and kept on having sex with the woman.

I then moved down to Brisbane after 4 years of depression in Sydney.

The woman came over his place where I was then living, and told me the whole and horrible truth about him. I was extremely appalled.

We then broke up.

BUT we kept on seeing each other and having sex, etc...till we finally decided to stop this for good in August, after confessing that he was still in love with the woman and I confessed having strong feelings for my current partner.

I finally got together with my current partner in October last year, which is nearly a year now. I am much more happier with Andrew than I was with my ex partner.
I'm not ashamed at all of how I met my current husband. I'm always proud telling people how I met him and so forth. Met him online in 1997 and met in person 4 months later..then a further 5 months, we got married. ;) Still married to him today! :D
:dunno: why some ppl would feel ashamed to say they met their partners online --

ive met 2 exs online and 2 IRL before we dated/exchanged email addresses -- i would still meet ppl online and eventually meet them IRL despite some negative experiences, its taught us something hadnt it qq i know i would try and do something differently from how i did it previously -- i just know i want NOTHING to do with an ex that i label a true definition of a slut :roll:
Well....Actually I never date or be in a relationship with anyone who are from the internet before. If I did then I dont care to tell anyone about me meeting someone from the internet.
I think it is no big deal to say that one has met online. It is one of the reasons why I moved to Utah, cos I met someone and decided to move here to be with that person (which, in short, didn't work out). But I don't regret this decision at all as I love living in Utah, being able to hike a lot and so on.

I have met people online, and they have turned out to be great people. I have met two of the Charlie's Chickies and they are awesome. Miss them!

I met my current bf through online, and I tell that to everyone. We met like 3 or 4 days after we chatted first time, and hit it off very well.

I understand that the internet is an "iffy" place to meet people online, but if you use common sense and street smarts, I think it is easier to avoid unpleasant scenarios. Don't invite people to your home. Meet them in public places only, or ask if you can bring a friend with you. Take every precaution to ensure your safety.
kuifje75 said:
I understand that the internet is an "iffy" place to meet people online, but if you use common sense and street smarts, I think it is easier to avoid unpleasant scenarios. Don't invite people to your home. Meet them in public places only, or ask if you can bring a friend with you. Take every precaution to ensure your safety.

:werd: thats also my golden rule as well when i meet new ppl
theres nothing wrong with meeting poeple, I dated several online and u know each break up is a learning experince. and ofc i know i ll find that person someday... and be with that partner for the rest of my life :)
Good thoughts, Malfy. I am usually direct with people who ask me how my husband and I met.... of course, online.. and I find that some dont deal with that information too well for any variety of their own reasons. I'll have to use your lead of "we met thru a mutual friend!" LOL.. and oh, Aunt Flo is coming to visit me soon! :twisted: