Why i'm only person who see this way?

There's no proof to backup your pointless rant... Yeah, fruit and vegetables are good for you, but not everyone can live their lifestyle without meat and dairy, like ApoGee and others...

Yeah, I read about how eating certain fruit and vegetables *may* reduce the risk of cancer... But there is inconclusive evidence... A lot of fruit and vegetables are sprayed with chemicals, which may cause cancer anyway. The air your breathe may even cause cancer. Who knows?
There's no proof to backup your pointless rant... Yeah, fruit and vegetables are good for you, but not everyone can live their lifestyle without meat and dairy, like ApoGee and others...

Yeah, I read about how eating certain fruit and vegetables *may* reduce the risk of cancer... But there is inconclusive evidence... A lot of fruit and vegetables are sprayed with chemicals, which may cause cancer anyway. The air your breathe may even cause cancer. Who knows?

Word son. I learned that eating veggies and fruits can really work your liver and that's not good, over-working your liver can cause it to back up-clotting it up and not be able to produce protein. You need good source of protein in your body almost once a week. Now Protein works your metabolism right? Metabolism works your blood right?...Now if the blood in your liver stop and you don't have protein, period, then it's immediate death on the spot. See you need to balance on what you're eating. I'm not saying all the veggie eaters should change their eating habits, no. As long you get some protein in your body, It doesn't matter if it's 1% protein. You good to go. Fish, Poultry, beans, nuts and whole grains have some protein and it also have fiber, minerals and vitamins that your body really needs. Just balance on what you're eating, lead a good diet and love life. :)
I think genetics might have something to do with it too. My mom and dad had the same diet for 40 years and my mom died of cancer at age 57. Dad is now 82, rides a bike, helps on the ranch,etc. Also, I have a bad back and I walk or ride my bike 4 miles to work. It actually helps my back. I have ridden it to Walmart and shopped. I put everything in my backpack.
I DO find it offensive that this thread parades itself to be emotional . . . and not about the two rants it purports to tout upon.

This thread talks about two separate topics; two lifestyles (or is this stereotyping?). Are you saying that anti-gas eaters are, also, anti-meat eaters?

Hey taurus - I understand your anger and all but.... you really need to properly educate yourself. It seems like you conjured up some silly ideals from news and then justified what you're doing for Earth is good. Yes global warming is real but Earth is not dying from it, WE are but not anytime soon - probably another 1000 years later. I'm no psychologist but what you're exhibiting is... some kind of classic sign of a mild-delusional idealist - almost like Theodore Kaczynski aka the Unabomber. Walking 6 hours roundtrip to Wal-Mart is just not realistic. By continuing your extreme behavior, you will no doubt lose your friends quickly. You have to be practical and reasonable. Did you know by walking 6 hours roundtrip to Wal-Mart - you consume more energy than a lazy man? You have to consume water, food, and oxygen for that trip. Basically - you just produced more wastes and consumed more resources than a lazy person. tsk tsk tsk :nono: Your environmental view is just too extreme and unfounded. It's fine if you use a LARGE batch of clothes for both laundry and dryer machines. I hate those people who put in few clothes in both machines. I also hate those people who drive instead of walking to their mailboxes. I hate those people who leave water on while brushing teeth. Those are reasonable. Your view about food and walking to Walmart is not reasonable.

Being human is about being balanced. I myself am about 70% veggie, 30% meat-eater. I cannot survive without meat/fish or I will be frail and vulnerable. Our digestive system varies depending on your nationality but not that much. For example, for thousand of years - Americans are largely meat-eater therefore they have shorter intestines. Koreans/Mongolians are largely vegetarian/wheat/fruit eater therefore they have longer intestines. If we are designed to be vegetarian, then we wouldn't have these kind of teeth. Our digestive system would be entirely different.

Eating animals is not cruel. What's cruel is overpopulation of animals. They would be fighting with each other over territory and females and harming Earth's ecosystem. EAT UP and CHILL OUT! :cool2:
The eating only vegetables and over exercise by walking six miles to walmart is anorexics behaviour. There will be no convincing argument to this person.:(
The eating only vegetables and over exercise by walking six miles to walmart is anorexics behaviour. There will be no convincing argument to this person.:(

eek ouch. :-o Taurus - all we can hope is to convince you to adopt a balanced view. falling on extreme side of left or right is not healthy either way.
well, Animal eat animals! fish eat fish too. I eat a balance like meat and veggies. I cannot eat only meat or veggies because I need vitamins and protein for my body.

I feel sorry for anyone who are washbrain from not eat meat. They don't realize that animal do eat other animals. Sigh I am rolling my eyes.
who cares what others think? why worry what others think or tell u... life is so short to deal with that stuff... just do what you like to do and please yourself...

so...anyone up for a T-Bone and baked Potatoes?.... HMMMM
I think it is not only what you eat, but how much you eat. Genetics also plays a part.
Come again? Dont call us meat eaters "stupid", Taurus, that is not
nice :nono:.., i'd say "to each his own" whether we want to eat
meat or not, that is OUR decision, period. I think a good combination
of lean meat, vegetables, whole wheat grains, 1%, 2% or skim milk,
low fat cheeses, etc, you know the works will do wonders for our
bodies, just be careful not to go overboard on sugary stuff, maybe
a little bit once in awhile.
Of course, exercise is good like walking, jogging, hiking, go to the
gym or whatever you enjoy. Just get off the couch and get moving,
If you want to just be vegetarian, thats fine, its YOUR CHOICE.
The eating only vegetables and over exercise by walking six miles to walmart is anorexics behaviour. There will be no convincing argument to this person.:(

I'm afraid you are wrong there. I've been anorexic in the past so I should know what anorexia is like. So then I decided to go vegan. My friend and neibour at the time talked me out of it though. So I ended up turning to drugs instead. I now wish I had stood my ground so I could have been vegan for 10 years longer. I am now Vegan and drug free. I am also no longer anorexic. You can even call me fat without me going into major slimming mode.

A person CAN live a healthy vegan diet without meat, fish, egg, dairy or honey. I do it all the time. I am no where near anorexic. I am going to vegan camp tommorrow. I know someone there who has been vegan all his life he is 33 now and in really good shape.
I will not comment as most of my feelings have in one way or another been voiced. I don't want to beat a dead horse. (sorry that meant to just be metaphor)

The one thing I would like to comment is please be mindful and tactful about criticising. I am not saying criticism is bad...but doing it maturely and constructively will definately help your cause and point of view. There is nothing wrong with expression of different opinions, but not at the expense of others feelings. :)
I can understand how you feel completely, Taurus.

I have been told "You are fucking skinny, eat more!", "OMG Ants!!!", "Help Spiders!", "Please turn on all of the lights, it's too dark!", "I need money NOW!", and keep going.. This does made me feel so angry when some of people are greedy, ego, and hatred. As speaking of Buddhism, I believe those three words, greedy, ego, and hatred, nobody can handle with those. But I will keep the religion out of this.

Anyway, I can tell everyone that I was very skinny because I want to leave more foods on the sale at the grocery for others. I am not scare of spiders and ants because they are actually much harmless that you think and it is absolute unnecessary to take the incests as big deal. I was poor because I know I don't need the money to be happy. I'd rather to live with less electric so that I can save much of the enviroments.

I really hope that ALL of people in the world would think the same thing and do the same thing.

Don't spoil with thing or money, spoil with happiness and love.
I'm afraid you are wrong there. I've been anorexic in the past so I should know what anorexia is like. So then I decided to go vegan. My friend and neibour at the time talked me out of it though. So I ended up turning to drugs instead. I now wish I had stood my ground so I could have been vegan for 10 years longer. I am now Vegan and drug free. I am also no longer anorexic. You can even call me fat without me going into major slimming mode.

A person CAN live a healthy vegan diet without meat, fish, egg, dairy or honey. I do it all the time. I am no where near anorexic. I am going to vegan camp tommorrow. I know someone there who has been vegan all his life he is 33 now and in really good shape.

Thank you. :ty: Very true.
I never understand why some people think vegan is totally unhealthy. So bullshit... =/
lol at the veggie preacher and his contradictions. So ridiculous.... Again things have already been said i cant really care to repeat but i just laughed at that...

*takes a bite of a nice juicy sirloin steak*
First of all, good venting - Taurus !

Each person is different. We cannot judge what and how she/he do when we see different as them. Simple accept them if they like what they are as the same as they accept what you are. Nobody should dictate/assume the people's decision/choice.

Anyway, for the example about some vegetarian and vegan ADers. We debated at other thread about animals etc. They called me a hypocrite because they know I am an animal lover and eat meat and milk products which is no sense to them. They said if I am really animal lover which mean that I should not eat meat and milk products. All what I do is not take their post personal and let them think what they want.

It's not my place to judge/label/insult the people as a hypocrite when they buy product with animal-tested when they are against animal-tested. I have seen it quite a lot but I choose to keep myself and respect their choice. I accept the fact that everyone are human being.. no prefect.

It's hard to beleive that the people dictate you over your lifestyle and eating habits. Honsetly, I really don't care what and how kind of lifestyle my friends have but I accept what they are... I would be glad to give tips/feedback/recommendation IF they ask me for my view, not dictate them.

I see some people make no sense and love to insult/label/judge someone as a hypocrite when they are guilty the same thing.

That's why I would advise you to not take it serious when you see different as them when they beleive what is right for them. If they do not want go for a walk then accept it.

who cares what others think? why worry what others think or tell u... life is so short to deal with that stuff... just do what you like to do and please yourself...

I don't think you're ever going to find a diet that will work for everyone.

And there's no such thing as veggies being better than meat and visa-versa.
Other thing u say about walk instead of driving a car, right? My husband has bad back and u say he should walk to walmart? He can not carry more than 10lbs and walk 10 miles to walmart in 100 degree? I do not think so. He would need to take strong morphine to walk 1/4 mile that is it. I would not mind ride bike to work but not with hot weather here during the summer. No thanks. I work outside and drive vehicle to deliver the mail without AC and it is facking hot inside than outside.

Based on the orig post, your hubby probably has a bad back cuz he eats meat! :shock: