Why i'm only person who see this way?

She's not anorexic,
she's orthorexic. She's has an unhealthy obsession for eating 'healthy' to the point that she overexcercises, and eats only a select of foods simply becuase they are healthy.

An orthorexic can exhibit similar behaviors of an anorexic, though the main difference is that in the orthorexic, there is no general fear of food - just a fear of foods that may be unhealthy.

I do know of one orthorexic that weighs 55 pounds and has been in and out of the hospital, and it is a guy.

As for the main topic, Taurus you are largely misguided on as to WHY you are vegan. If your vegan you need to do it for the right reasons, not because of the environmental scare.

I am not going to sit here and tell you not to be vegan because of this or that, it's not my place to do so. You're an adult, you're free to make your own decisions.

So please quit preaching to everyone that they need to be vegan. It is not your place to do so. You need to be focusing on finishing school, and seriously educating yourself.

I will ditto everything that has been said about having a balanced life, and respecting one's choice to be or not to be vegan.

My landlord is vegan and has a vegetarian kitchen, so we eat stuff like tofu to get protein. My father had been saying that I lost weight since moving here. Now my pants are loose. :D
I was just trying to share what I know is healthy and what isn't. My advice is research based, not opinion based. I have been involved in the field for many years and I have never seen a healthy "vegan", primarily because they refuse to do it correctly. True, you can get all amino acids through a very generous amount of complementary protein ingestion, but almost everyone who tries eventually gives up and decides to just eat whatever is easiest. Think about it, would you rather eat a small portion of a great variety of foods just to get a small amount of protein, or would you rather eat one small piece of chicken or fish? I thought so, and I agree.

Anyone can convince themselves they are healthy, no matter how unhealthy they really are. However, I know for a fact, through research and education (college, not Internet or magazines), what is really and actually healthy. This is my career; this is what I teach children. I do not appreciate being told that I am wrong when all I was trying to do was give advice. Frankly, if you take it offensively, its your fault; its your issue. YOU are the one who got offended. I did not post anything to offend anyone.

I respectfully bow out.

Ok, I enter this thread as a very-specialized-diet vegan. I have non-classical PKU, which means that I can get away with quite a lot of phes without a raise in levels (I test every two weeks.) I'm also pancreatic insufficient and have multiple severe food allergies.

I see a genetic nutritionist, as well as a team of other doctors managing my care from the metabolic side. I get my blood levels of various things I could fall deficient with on an extremely regular basis.. and as of yet, I'm as healthy as a peach.

An extremely considerable amount of protein in my diet, 62 exchanges or 20 grams, is through regular non-formula food. I don't have to worry so much about 'balance,' but I'm still aware down to the last detail of everything I'm eating.

I have been a vegan for years- it has significantly IMPROVED my ability to stay 'on diet', it has motivated me to be aware of my diet and how to be a 'healthy vegan' even with the added challenge of high caloric needs, intolerances and allergies to everything from gluten to strawberries, and phe restrictions.

So, spare me the blanket statements. If I can do it with ALL the odds stacked against being able to maintain a nutritionally complete diet, anyone can. The fact that SOME people do not maintain healthy vegan diets is insignificant- test any average joe on the street and I'd be shocked silly if they didn't come back with at least three nutrient deficiencies. Balanced diets are for everyone, not just vegans.

So, hats off to you for trying to educate children- but you're educating children with a biased eye and you're completely unwilling to admit it. I AM a vegan and I AM biased towards vegans, but my labs are cold hard evidence that even people prone to nutritional deficiency can do it, to say nothing of perfectly healthy Joes.
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PKU is very strict diet restriction, thats wonderful keeping healthy with that. Do you check the pheynol-ketoneurics of foods on everything?
orthorexic? wow now that's something new I learned today. very interesting post, Dixie!
PKU is very strict diet restriction, thats wonderful keeping healthy with that. Do you check the pheynol-ketoneurics of foods on everything?

I count phes using protein exchanges. It's less specific but a lot easier to calculate and doesn't require checking up with any databases. :giggle: