Why everyone against Bush?

Sorry, but I need to stay out of the discussion today.
I was at the ER last night, and they gave me an IV that has left me kinda groggy today.
Not too groggy to vote though. My hubby did the driving, and we didn't have to wait long in line, so I was fine for that.
I guess the election stress finally got to me, ha, ha. I need to mellow out today. Maybe I'll just watch HGTV instead of Fox News today. :)

One last word: To everyone, VOTE!
Tousi said:
What in the hell is pishing? Most people know I'm a republican and I think its good to know that the deaf world has websites from both major parties. Point is to have healthy discourse and to use the power of your vote, irregardless of the Party you belong to, not whining like your'e doing here.

Tousi said:
Originally Posted by Tousi
Back to the topic.........


ahaha, that's funny ha... Good ! :)

When people say that religion/politics
do not mix like oil and water... isn't this
ironic that it's really from the Lord creating
both oil and water anyway ...

Happy voting !
God reminds everyone that Democrats vote today, Republicans vote tomorrow.
God says that Republicans will be cursed tomorrow if they vote and will lose all their kine.
God says furthermore that He is sure Republicans do not know what kine are.
Beowulf said:
God says that Republicans will be cursed tomorrow if they vote and will lose all their kine.
God says furthermore that He is sure Republicans do not know what kine are.
I am not a Republican, but I know what "kine" are, and I have none to lose. :)
Hee hee, Reba.
How are you feeling, anyway, kiddo? What happened? Hope you are okay.
Tousi said:
What in the hell is pishing? Most people know I'm a republican and I think its good to know that the deaf world has websites from both major parties. Point is to have healthy discourse and to use the power of your vote, irregardless of the Party you belong to, not whining like your'e doing here.
Click on the deafdemocrats.com link, and you will see what is happening. It redirects to deafrepublicans.com. A healthy discourse is not helped by people using dirty tricks like that.
Beowulf said:
Hee hee, Reba.
How are you feeling, anyway, kiddo? What happened? Hope you are okay.
I had a bad allergic reaction. My hives reaction was worse this time, and I had some trouble breathing and swallowing. The ER gave me an IV of Benadryl and Zantac. That really knocked me out last. It was a scary feeling. In the past, I have had injections with adrenolin, and that is a wild feeling, wheeeee!

Thank you, I am feeling better today. I drank coffe this morning to perk up, and hubby did the driving to the polls, so I was able to vote. Of course, you probably think all my political decisions are made "under the influence" anyway, ha, ha.

Thanks for the hugs. :)
Reba said:
I had a bad allergic reaction. My hives reaction was worse this time, and I had some trouble breathing and swallowing. The ER gave me an IV of Benadryl and Zantac. That really knocked me out last. It was a scary feeling. In the past, I have had injections with adrenolin, and that is a wild feeling, wheeeee!

Thank you, I am feeling better today. I drank coffe this morning to perk up, and hubby did the driving to the polls, so I was able to vote. Of course, you probably think all my political decisions are made "under the influence" anyway, ha, ha.

Thanks for the hugs. :)

Glad you are okay. Election get to everyone. Glad it will be over soon.
203 to 133 now... bush is leading ... thats the vote results im getting right now but its not over yet at least i dont think so..
I've been keeping track of the election.

Right now OHIO is going to be the ULTIMATE decider of 2004 like FLORIDA was for 2000.

It comes down to the long lines of ppl in OHIO waiting to vote there. Reports from http://www.democraticunderground.com has voters waiting up to 9 hours in Cleveland to vote and the polls are open until the last voter in line casts his vote.

Besides I think the election is going to be close to the predictions made at http://www.zogby.com.......

and side note: FLORIDA vote counts will not be official until Thursday when they add absentee ballots and early voting results to Tuesday's totals.
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i m not sure what channel got lousy channels around here thats why i post here so u guys can keep me updated heh
Boult said:
what's up with phishing?? this is a decoy url for deafrepublicans.com tsk tsk tsk..

BINGO! I confirmed it. These Repukes really stooped to a fucking new LOW to redirect the url!

Now I'm fucking steamed about that.....

spice, go to http://www.democraticunderground.com and click on the forums. I am using it exclusively instead of MSGOP, Conservative News Network and FAUX News. I am keeping up with news despite freepers fucking with the forum at DU......
well im following nbc on tv and it says 207 to 109 at least thats the best i can read from kinda fuzzy tv..
Bush: You shouldn't be sorry, you're a winner. I'm the fucking loser. I'm the one who should be sorry.

Kerry: Baby don't talk that way.

Bush: Can we just go, please, can we go?

Kerry: Baby look at me, look at me. You're money, and you know what else? You're a big winner tonight.

Bush: I want to leave.

Kerry: You're a big winner. I'm gonna ask you a simple question and I want you to listen to me: who's the big winner here tonight? Huh? Bush!, that's who. Bushy's the big winner. Bush wins.
Despite the fact he ran up a billion debt that our children is going to keep paying for for the rest of their lives.