Why do women cheat?


New Member
Nov 6, 2007
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I think most women cheat not because of sex, but because they miss companionship, personal attention, and intimacy.
Actually I read a long time ago that since we our brains are still wired in a very primitive way, women tend to cheat after the " three years of honeymoon " with their partners. And it's because they want the diveristy of genes that will make a stronger child with a strong immune system. It guarantees the thriving of the offspring.

On the other hand...MEN cheat cause they want to spread their seed as much as they can, ensuring his legacy. ( this is primitively speaking so, guys, don't take offense lol )

The book I read it from is in Spanish written by a colombian author, Rosaura Rodriguez. It's really good cause she bases her book in scientific facts that explain the behavior of humans, male and female. It makes SO much sense lol

Hombres: Ni Machos, Ni Mensos, Ni Mansos (1400083427) by Rosaura Rodriguez @ BookFinder.com

The one thing I regret is lending the book to my physics teacher...I never got it back :(
Many, many reasons....communication....disagreements, bad hygeine,....some get tired of the same ol', same ol'....it's hard work making a successful relationship/marriage succeed. But $$$ is a bad culprit also. Some couples just go in the opposite directions, their way of thinking changes, some for the better, some for the bad.
In my opinion, most guys don't give women attention as much as they used to. Girls attracts themselves to guys who listen, provide inner support, puts them top in their priority and give them the love they need.

If guys fail their job, then ladies tend to seek out to get those attributes that they need, and with frequent meets, their friendship turns into a relationship.
I believe the attitude affect the relationship as well.
Most women say "he is not the same when I met him on the first day" "I wish you are back to old ______ (his name)". :hmm:
In my opinion, most guys don't give women attention as much as they used to. Girls attracts themselves to guys who listen, provide inner support, puts them top in their priority and give them the love they need.

If guys fail their job, then ladies tend to seek out to get those attributes that they need, and with frequent meets, their friendship turns into a relationship.

Very true.
Ok, I'm outta here -- going home from work hehehehe.... I'm bad!

will get back on alldeaf when I get home.
Actually I read a long time ago that since we our brains are still wired in a very primitive way, women tend to cheat after the " three years of honeymoon " with their partners. And it's because they want the diveristy of genes that will make a stronger child with a strong immune system. It guarantees the thriving of the offspring.

On the other hand...MEN cheat cause they want to spread their seed as much as they can, ensuring his legacy. ( this is primitively speaking so, guys, don't take offense lol )

The book I read it from is in Spanish written by a colombian author, Rosaura Rodriguez. It's really good cause she bases her book in scientific facts that explain the behavior of humans, male and female. It makes SO much sense lol

Hombres: Ni Machos, Ni Mensos, Ni Mansos (1400083427) by Rosaura Rodriguez @ BookFinder.com

The one thing I regret is lending the book to my physics teacher...I never got it back :(

Interesting!!! I will look to see if there's an English version...if so I WILL buy it.
So we agree that men and women, generally speaking, cheat for different reasons based on their gender?
So we agree that men and women, generally speaking, cheat for different reasons based on their gender?

Well...my ex hubby claimed that he cheated on me because my friend gave him more loving and affection that I didnt provide. :dunno:
Women cheat on me many times. I did not find any right woman. Women always see another guy for no reason after me.
Women cheat on me many times. I did not find any right woman. Women always see another guy for no reason after me.

Maybe it is your attitude, such as asking her too many questions to make her restless, and she ended up pressed the rocket-launcher style chair's red button.
Maybe it is your attitude, such as asking her too many questions to make her restless, and she ended up pressed the rocket-launcher style chair's red button.


You said it right.

Matajan: People cheat because they are not getting what they want. You are not giving the women what they want. I am not talking about money, gifts, clothes, etc. I am talking about 'emotional support'. If most of your girlfriends cheat on you, there usually is a good reason.

I don't mean to hurt your feelings, but from reading your posts, there is obviously something wrong with the way you handle relationships. Could be communication, but I suspect you are a very 'negative' person to be around. That is enough to turn off many women.

I suggest you meet up with a counselor/psychologist that knows how to communicate with the deaf to get to the root of your issues.
Maybe it's not what he has in his pants....but just what he has upstairs....just sayin'