Who's HOH here and dont sign often?

Highlands said:
I'm hard of hearing and don't use sign language since I'm the only hoh among my siblings and cousins . I sometimes feel so lonely in the hearing world.
Well your here now so you dont have to feel lownly
I'm mod-severe HOH and i don't sign often, just coz i don't have any one to sign to. I took a course to learn :)
Missus_Philos0phyK said:
look at the date carefully. :lol: this thread was made from 3 yrs ago. I didn't realized I was that pissed or annoyed.

anyhoooooo...... 'course, AREN'T WE ALLL OFTEN MISTAKEN AS EVERY HEARING PERSON AROUND THE WORLD!? :dunno: I am not sure wherever in the between I am at but I know I can speak lil well... but I do sign more than I speak.

Yikes!! U r right abt that date that I did not even noticed lol... sorry!! Just that person was mad so I just tell her/him to relax...but did not see that dates.... gosh! Sorry! lol Thanks for letting me know that...

BTW, I forgot to add one more thing was that my sigh lang is sort of mixed ASL and SEE (little, I think?).... and still can oral with mouth to talk with voice ... alot anyway!
I was HOH and used HA and now am deaf due to CI. I have never signed in my life...and God willing, I won't ever need to either.

If there is ever a reason I had to, then I would do what I gotta do to learn it.
Im HOH and grew up in hearing world too. I am oral too (not sex, LOL). Learned sign language in college ::): It was a rough time at first but it got easier after while. My signs is PSE/ASL depending on my mood and who Im talking to. My bf is full ASL and its fine with me, no plms.

Im sure there are a few others who are HOH and not use sign lang. much. It helps to be around other people who uses sign language to become better at it.