What was the last movie you watched?

I want to see How to Train Your Dragon 2.... I admit it.... :ugh: It looks cute.... :p
^ i adored the first one....
so i agree, I want to see the sequel as well..
The Crow 2, 3, and 4. I liked all three of them at first but now...they're all terrible. Brandon Lee in the first one is the only one who doesn't look ridiculous with the white face/black outlines.
300: Rise of An Empire - very good like the first one (there will be part 3)

RoboCop - better visual effect than the original movie
Endless Love. Teenage chick flick.

Was going to watch Pompeii but we saved that one for today. Gotta get them back to RedBox before tonight!
Keeping up with the Steins, a film with Gary Marshall (2006). Well acted, very nicely done.
watched independence day again again again yesterday,then stared watching horror film lastnight a deaf child plenty ASL i fell asleep did not get name of film,
watched independence day again again again yesterday,then stared watching horror film lastnight a deaf child plenty ASL i fell asleep did not get name of film,

you should get "the seasoning house" a british film.....VERY good
deaf girl in there.....
last night I saw "transcendence" excellent! ok a few boofs and filmish mistakes but not bad at all....kind of a cross between lawnmower man and would-be terminator machine gone against humans, then cross with urgh i cant remember now.....

upon looking in review/previews of this film on the net, Very mixed opinions of this film. I thought its good. OK maybe 10-15 years too late (some one said that, and I agree)..if 15 years ago, it would be a real BLOCKBUSTER for sure.....
3 Days to Die (Kevin Costner)
How to Train Your Dragon 2. It was okay, but I liked the first one better.
Just rewatched another favorite of mine, Croupier with Clive Owen and Alex Kingston....
Just watched Transformers 4. Actually enjoyed watching it. I'm looking forward to see two more new Transformers movies.