What Ticks You Off (Most) About Hearies?

I played piano (when I had one) from ages 7 to 30. Now, all I have is an electric keyboard that does not have the full 88 keys. I do play it at times and I know my fingers are hitting the right keys, but I still can't tell if I am playing right since I can't hear it at all. I played classical, religious and folk songs.

Sounds like you are trying to stay with playing the piano.
Sounds like you are trying to stay with playing the piano.

I do try. It was always my stress free zone, you know? I used to find it very relaxing, but now, it is stressful for me, so I have moved more towards painting for stress relief, but I do still play that keyboard. For the family, I don't turn it on. At least I am not running through the batteries. (the power cable died a few years back and it takes 8 D batteries)
hearies who can understand sign(or see posters in this case) and give Oral answers (and no/can see the sign of what theyre just said):madfuck: and cant work out why i called they "audist wanker"(they no what audist means)
Wirelessly posted

Hmmm...being CALLED a Hearie? I'm not a Hearie, I'm Robin..I love being a member of AllDeaf, but I don't really
That they usually can't read and keep coming in this thread to complain or justify.
Wirelessly posted

Hmmm...being CALLED a Hearie? I'm not a Hearie, I'm Robin..I love being a member of AllDeaf, but I don't really

Deafie, hearie. It's just slang that's used becaue it's a lot easier than typing out hearing individual. It's not a term used to segregate, but more to clarify who you are. No different than saying you're fluent in ASL or non-signing.

Just out of curiousity, what do you find so offensive about it?
Deafie, hearie. It's just slang that's used becaue it's a lot easier than typing out hearing individual. It's not a term used to segregate, but more to clarify who you are. No different than saying you're fluent in ASL or non-signing.

Just out of curiousity, what do you find so offensive about it?

It can certainly be used as a term to segregate or even to demean with the assurance that it be made as a derogatory slur. The tone of it alone coupled with the context used can certainly make that apparent.

Argue with this guy's explanation:
It amused me to no end that you think “deafie” is negative term. Actually, it is positive word for us to embrace. On other hand, “hearie” is very negative, derogatory slur which we used it all the time to mock at people like you.

Guess who said that?

Rebuttal - TC the Terrible

I've seen people who used the word "hearie" as a derogatory slur against hearing people quiet frequently.
I'm posting on my wireless, & not very adept at it.
I don't find the word "hearie" offensive. I started following this thread a couple
of days ago because I am trying to learn,
and especially want to know what we hearies do that ticks off
deafies. I will continue to read this thread, but probably
won't post again, because I don't want to draw upsetting comments.
Thank you to you gentle, understanding
people who have replied without sarcasm.
You can call me a hearie anytime. Just don't call me a nasty hearie. Them's fighting words!:lol:
It can certainly be used as a term to segregate or even to demean with the assurance that it be made as a derogatory slur. The tone of it alone coupled with the context used can certainly make that apparent.

Argue with this guy's explanation:

Guess who said that?

Rebuttal - TC the Terrible

I've seen people who used the word "hearie" as a derogatory slur against hearing people quiet frequently.

I was actually referring to the context and title of this thread, not in general. I completely agree that pretty much any classifier can be used in a derogatory way depending on the way it is used. Look at someone and say that they're a woman/man with a look of contempt on your face and you can affectively segregate half of the Earth's population in one sentence.
rmclendon, stick around and keep on posting. I've only been here for what, a month or so? I don't post much but I've noticed that as long you aren't outright disrespectful or arguementative about everything you'll be accepted by the majority as just another member regardless of whether you're a hearie or deafie :D
I'm posting on my wireless, & not very adept at it.
I don't find the word "hearie" offensive. I started following this thread a couple
of days ago because I am trying to learn,
and especially want to know what we hearies do that ticks off
deafies. I will continue to read this thread, but probably
won't post again, because I don't want to draw upsetting comments.
Thank you to you gentle, understanding
people who have replied without sarcasm.

I don't either. By itself it's not offensive on its own but it's how people would use it that could be construed as offensive.
That the hearie parents are all about ASL and Deaf culture until they find out Medicaid will pay for their kid's implants, then all of a sudden, they are the most audist of them all. And in the process of all their switchie, switchie, their kid is suffering languge delays because they have no consistent language model. Then the parent wants to blame ASL for the delay.:roll:
Hearies blaming ASL for their deaf children's poor English skills. It is a bunch a bullcrap.
Reading California's STAR reports I can see why some people would question such low attrocious scores for a couple of deaf schools over there.
Reading California's STAR reports I can see why some people would question such low attrocious scores for a couple of deaf schools over there.

And your point is???