What scares you the most?

Loosing all my hearing A year ago I was fine

Kitten I have to agree with you....my hearing is getting worse and it scares the hell out of me! Who will I talk to if I can't hear. I don't know anyone who signs....if I learn no-one will be able to talk back to me. How will I look after my son who is only 2 1/2....I'm a single parent. But then again there are more times when I think...hang on...it's not a sodding terminal illness...things could be much worse!! Since I found this site I have to say I feel much more positive and think oh sod it...if it's gonna happen, so be it lol. Everyone on here seems great and just deals with the crappy side of it....guys you my role models :bowdown:

zips x
I rather lose all of my hearing, than to lose my sight.

Because communcation with other people is NOTHING...

But can't see how your child look like, can't see the child's smile, and you might get run
over by car if cross the street by yourself, and all, and also can't see beautiful flower
and everything....

Being Blind is the worst.

And also you have to depend on people... and can't be independent...
i used to have nightmares of King Kong.. LOL.... that was when i was young girl.. i remmy watching it at my grandma's in california.. that memory stick to me ever since.... having nightmares every night and waking up in sweats... LOL .. now?? i dont have nightmares of King Kong anymore cuz i know its fake and its just fantasy! :giggle:
I've been having a lot of nightmares lately about 9/11. Very creepy. :Ohno:
and i thought u were going to say.. i have nightmares about buckdodgers chasing you.. lol.. sorry no offense.. hehe.. :giggle:
You just HAD to say that, didn't you. :squint: Now I'm not gonna sleep for a week. :lol:
My worst fears is the pitch darkness and the posionous creatures that would kill me!
Im scared of going blind and deaf. Being deaf is fine but to lose 2 senses??
Yes, me too. the syringe needle that the doctor / dentist poke you with. :Ohno: [shudder] My heart beat very fast when I see it and sometime I hyperventilate.
Me three!!! I cried whenever I see syringe needles on me.

Other is I am scared the most is blind.
I use to have fear of needles but now I am use to it. I have a bloodtest about every 6 months for medical reason. Only needle I don't like is at the dentist, seeing needle going into my mouth! Arrgghh!
What are you guys afraid of? What are you darkest, deepest fears? What ferments in your mind to the point that you wake up with after having a nightmare about that particular fear? What makes your skin get the goosebumps and that shiver run down your spine?

I am afraid of:

Ocean waves. (the big ones)
Pooping my pants.
Letting down those I love.

well as for me i guess what scares me the most is my penis shrinking
well as for me i guess what scares me the most is my penis shrinking

Don’t laugh—that’s gonna happen someday. The woman who introduced me to my wife used to be a nurse at Motion Picture Hospital in Calabasas, California. She took care of Curly from the Three Stooges when he was on his deathbed. They had to catherize him ‘cuz he wasn’t ambulatory. Anyway, the guy was so fat and old that they couldn’t find his dick! She had to call in two other nurses to help her look for it, and they couldn’t find it either! Then they called in a doctor and even he couldn’t find it! And the older you get, the more it shrinks! :Ohno:
Don’t laugh—that’s gonna happen someday. The woman who introduced me to my wife used to be a nurse at Motion Picture Hospital in Calabasas, California. She took care of Curly from the Three Stooges when he was on his deathbed. They had to catherize him ‘cuz he wasn’t ambulatory. Anyway, the guy was so fat and old that they couldn’t find his dick! She had to call in two other nurses to help her look for it, and they couldn’t find it either! Then they called in a doctor and even he couldn’t find it! And the older you get, the more it shrinks! :Ohno:


My gosh.....:giggle:

My Fear is.....

My fear is few minutes to death (slow death) such as posion snake bit or someone point gun at your head. Also there might be bomb ready to blow near by. Funny when I watch many bad news on television and something pop in my head and tell myself that all my life always risk. I quote "No matter or anywhere whatever and there always be risky in every seconds in your life." For example, When you sleep on Bed at House or Apartment, you not know what happen around you such as airplane fly above you and crash on your place or someone drive a car and out of control then crash into your place. There such many risk. Maybe stove gas leak and something spark and blew up the place. There is many ways. There only way to protect yourself is faith. It is powerful.