What is your best and worst memory of 2004?


New Member
Dec 18, 2004
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My BEST memory of 2004 is I found so many cool sites related to the Deaf community. My favorites are AD and DeafNation TV.
My 2nd best is Oklahoma University will play Jan 4th for National Championship NCAA college football.

My WORST memory of 2004 is I noticed myself and so many others were very self centered and selfish.
My 2nd WORST memory is Christopher Reeves (AKA Superman) died.

ccpizza said:
My BEST memory of 2004 is I found so many cool sites related to the Deaf community. My favorites are AD and DeafNation TV.
My 2nd best is Oklahoma University will play Jan 4th for National Championship NCAA college football.

My WORST memory of 2004 is I noticed myself and so many others were very self centered and selfish.
My 2nd WORST memory is Christopher Reeves (AKA Superman) died.


(off the point) mind me asking how old you are?? then i will tell you why.. :whistle:
My best memory of 2004 was my wedding this summer.

My worst memory I guess is the mistakes I made during my first semester of teaching.
How old... Is that polite to ask?

zesty said:
(off the point) mind me asking how old you are?? then i will tell you why.. :whistle:

Funny that you have your birth date in your profile
I am also August but of 1966

Please, share now your Worst and Best of 2004... p l e a s e ??
My best memories are the times I've spent with my husband, kids and friends. There are too many to name, and I don't want to single any of 'em out...so I'll leave it at that. Family and friends are important to me, and I cherish every one of them.

My worst memory this year was....spending five days in the hospital and two weeks at home with IV medications due to a bout of meningitis. I was lucky to survive it...I did not know the severity of the disease until I was strong enough to get online and research it thoroughly. Memories are very vivid of the hospital though, because I had severe head pain, and couldn't keep any food down for several days. There are some threads in the CI forum in reference to that - so let me know if there's anything you'd like to know about this - I will gladly direct any interested parties to these threads through PM's rather than repost everything.

Another awful memory - losing my last surviving grandmother in February. I flew down to Florida with my father to attend her funeral, and it was an emotional week - her death was sudden and no one expected it.

These unexpected things are the ones that hit you the hardest, I believe.

At any rate, I'm hoping for a much more pleasant 2005 - and wish the same upon all of you.
ccpizza said:
Funny that you have your birth date in your profile
I am also August but of 1966

Please, share now your Worst and Best of 2004... p l e a s e ??

haha.. so that way ppl dont have to ASK me!! :nana:

the reason why i asked how old you were is because of your statement in your earlier post ----> My WORST memory of 2004 is I noticed myself and so many others were very self centered and selfish.

that really IMPRESSED me :shock: .. cuz.. no offense to most men.. but not many men ADMIT things like that!! :D whoever (dont know if you are gay, single, or taken! :Oops:) is in your life is very lucky to have you.. :D
Lol, zesty, you ought to be a politician, you are dang good at evading questions, heh.

Best and worst memories of 2004? Let's just say that the best memories are from having a heart, and the worst are in misusing it.

Have a Happy New Year, everyone!
Zestygirl, what has gotten into you lately? Too much time on your hands? Heh

I chalk 2004 up as equally horrible and terrific year. Lets just say that I realize my courage and strength from these painful moments and that makes for best moments too on the other side of coin.

I truly hope that I can finally blossom in 2005.
Meg said:
Zestygirl, what has gotten into you lately? Too much time on your hands? Heh

I chalk 2004 up as equally horrible and terrific year. Lets just say that I realize my courage and strength from these painful moments and that makes for best moments too on the other side of coin.

I truly hope that I can finally blossom in 2005.

no.. it is NOT ENOUGH time on my hands.. :bump:

i dont know what my best memories are .. so ill have to think about it and get back to you.. unless meggie can help me out?? :eek2: .. but my worst memory of 2004 is moving back in with my mom!! :eek2: dont get me wrong.. we are very close .. but last summer was the worst summer ever due to moving back in with her, adjusting to it, you name it.. cant wait to move out again next year or so.. so hopefully 2005 will be a better year for me.. :(

:squint: HAPPY NOW meggie and ccpizzaboy!!?? :P :mrgreen:
Beowulf said:
Lol, zesty, you ought to be a politician, you are dang good at evading questions, heh.

Best and worst memories of 2004? Let's just say that the best memories are from having a heart, and the worst are in misusing it.

Have a Happy New Year, everyone!

ahh!! :naughty: misusing it by having TOO MANY LADIES?? eh?? :giggle:
My best memory of 2004 is the day that Mayflower became Mrs. Chimp, and our 3 day mini-honeymoon in Las Vegas afterwards.

My worst memory is the day that her little toy poodle died. My wife was a loner before I met her, and that dog was her only friend. I knew it was going to be tough when she died, and I also knew that it was going to happen soon. When it finally did happen in early December, it was a real hard week for her. And she still isn't completely over it. There's a white candle burning on the dresser right now, next to her dog's ashes.
Best memory of 2004
When my brother's wife gave birth of a healthy baby boy named, Brady Patrick. They named him after the New England Patriots Quarterback, Thomas Brady. LOL

Worst memory of 2004
When we learned that my dad had congestive renal failure earlier in the year and is on dialysis few times a week for life. I cried two weeks over this and I was told that my dad may not make it just last Christmas, but thankfully he's still here.
Katzie, I feel your pain over your Dad's dialysis cuz my mom going thru the same thing. Her kidney was failing so she was having dialysis 3 times a week.

My good memory of 2004 was spending time with my family at the cookout last summer. My worse memory is my mom was in the hospital while I was at the family gathering which she couldnt be there to enjoy the day with us.
My best memory of 2004,

When Roadrunner took care of me when I was sick for three weeks, I've never been taking care by someone who truly loves you enough to put the things aside and take care of the ones who truly means the world to them....

My worst memory of 2004,

When my ex husband's mother beaten me up in front of my children and got away with only a 50 dollars fine....
^Angel^ said:
My best memory of 2004,

When Roadrunner took care of me when I was sick for three weeks, I've never been taking care by someone who truly loves you enough to put the things aside and take care of the ones who truly means the world to them....

My worst memory of 2004,

When my ex husband's mother beaten me up in front of my children and got away with only a 50 dollars fine....

awww!! about rr taking care you.. that is definitely TRUE LOVE!!

oh many i had CHILLS RUN UP MY SPINE AND GOOSEBUMPS!! sheesh.. i hope you are ok?? i mean not badly hurt or affected, etc?? sheesh!! (sigh)
Katzie said:
Best memory of 2004
When my brother's wife gave birth of a healthy baby boy named, Brady Patrick. They named him after the New England Patriots Quarterback, Thomas Brady. LOL

Worst memory of 2004
When we learned that my dad had congestive renal failure earlier in the year and is on dialysis few times a week for life. I cried two weeks over this and I was told that my dad may not make it just last Christmas, but thankfully he's still here.

glad to know your dad is ok!! life is too frigging short!!! (sigh)
My best memory of 2004,

Is when I made alot of money from working for 2 months and Half came home to be with my boys, and brought a 55 inches tv, new sofa and couch. ;)

My worst memory of 2004,

Was on Halloween Day, when I drove my sister to dropped her boys off at her ex's mother in laws house she pushed, punched me in the face and got away with just a 50.00 fine. What a way of getting justice for a bruise cheek bone. :ugh2:
Cheri said:
My best memory of 2004,

Is when I made alot of money from working for 2 months and Half came home to be with my boys, and brought a 55 inches tv, new sofa and couch. ;)

My worst memory of 2004,

Was on Halloween Day, when I drove my sister to dropped her boys off at her ex's mother in laws house she pushed, punched me in the face and got away with just a 50.00 fine. What a way of getting justice for a bruise cheek bone. :ugh2:

oh i thought it was angel that got beaten up!!??? i am lost?? :confused: LOL
zesty said:
oh i thought it was angel that got beaten up!!??? i am lost?? :confused: LOL

The story is here somewhere in AllDeaf Maybe ^Angel^ would find the link for you.

She got beaten and her hair pulled and I got pushed and hit by the mother in law.
Cheri said:
The story is here somewhere in AllDeaf Maybe ^Angel^ would find the link for you.

She got beaten and her hair pulled and I got pushed and hit by the mother in law.

yikes!! at the same time?? or two different mothers? sheesh.. you poor girls?? or is there a possibility that the mother got you two confused?? :eek2: