What did you learn today?

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You got put raw eggs on trampoline then jump on them..but unlikely I be doing it any time soon:)
had go to hospital see hand specialist I got dupton contaction I been told only people of VIKING decent have it so I well chuffed that many grand daddies back they were plundering nicking land..I thiking Eric the Red
You got put raw eggs on trampoline then jump on them..but unlikely I be doing it any time soon:)

Then you would have scrabbled eggs ! LOL!

I looked up dupton contaction and I can't find anything spelled this way , is this the correct spelling ?
Then you would have scrabbled eggs ! LOL!

I looked up dupton contaction and I can't find anything spelled this way , is this the correct spelling ?

They have gotten on me in the passed because I am interested in spelling and grammar. But, what about the one in the title of the thread you started? http://www.alldeaf.com/showthread.php?t=125495 It had me wondering if the use of buy there meant he was trying to get out of taking something he started to "buy". Opening it led to the fact that it was a bug.
I am curious... Did they ever execute him for his crimes or was this the equivalent of a divine pardon...

No. He lived. And was a huge circus draw for years......
you got right spelling reb I was being lazy..I always though I had lot in common with abba:)I went kyacking with son felt I was born to row boats and I now ended up on North sea all clues but not blond we red hair family.:)not to struck on horned helmet...Think in my case Viking gandaddies plundered Ireland:)
Learned today that an elderly lady who moved into one of the buildings had no furniture at all...Just a very small TV...few dishes, etc., no home décor....So I had some things I didn't need...and a good way to get rid of...big screen Phillips TV, pictures and a lamp....She asked me how much she owed me...and I said nothing...and when she was ready to look for furniture, I knew of a place that sells everything really cheap and would take her.
wings & hallo waiting....you good lady doing that
I learned that by dabbing a pizza with a napkin cut 40 calories and four and a half grams of fat.
I learned that the only road to our favorite camping park is under threat of collapse from this SC rain flooding. The people who live there full-time, and residents from the surrounding area have to evacuate. :(
I learned that the only road to our favorite camping park is under threat of collapse from this SC rain flooding. The people who live there full-time, and residents from the surrounding area have to evacuate. :(

I just found out that 5 people were killed in the flood and mother and a baby were stuck on the roof. I feel sad about that.
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