What did you do today?

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I got trapped inside a dumpster today.

My life is LITERALLY in the dumps.
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I went to the dog park today. Walked the trails and got some exercise. My pooches always have a great time. I was feeling down but the dog part cheered me up.
I was mostly lazy today. Did all the stuff I mentioned earlier, but I did get my new pants hemmed up for these short legs of mine. Also vacuumed the house and fixed dinner. Oh, after the hemming, I had to press with a steam cloth to set the crease of the hem. Then I did a bunch of ironing for MIL and myself. Now I have a bunch of mending to do on the machine tomorrow.
Yes, deafbajagal, you are holding us all in suspense!

(p.s. Finally after all this time, I have figured out how to use the multi-quote function :applause: )

Don't feel bad. It took me a couple of years. :Oops:
Don't feel bad. It took me a couple of years. :Oops:

Yes :laugh2:, I figured out what I was doing wrong. I was doing it all backwards :shock: :giggle:
(I should post this in the 'What did you learn today' thread :lol: )
Slept in, took puppy for shots (he's 42 lbs :eek3:), picked up more chew bones for him, had to get son more clothes as he keep growing, growing, growing.:roll:

Had nice dinner with buddy.
Yes :laugh2:, I figured out what I was doing wrong. I was doing it all backwards :shock: :giggle:
(I should post this in the 'What did you learn today' thread :lol: )
please do (if you haven't already) and let me know how to do it. I've only tried once and decided to do it the "hard way" (cut/paste).
I was tossing the bag in the dumpster and my ring flung off and landed on a bag inside it. I went inside the house to get a chair so I could step on it and reach in to get the ring. I got on the chair and then ALMOST got my ring when I fell in the dumpster- head first. It was so scary! I kept imagining my ankles getting chewed off by rats or something. I couldn't climb out, and the bags/boxes/stuff were unstable under my feet. Finally some guy saw me and he went to get a ladder. He took off before I had the chance to tell him I had a chair. In the meantime I had my Sidekick with me and I played on it to keep myself from freaking out. He came back with another guy and both helped me get out.
I was tossing the bag in the dumpster and my ring flung off and landed on a bag inside it. I went inside the house to get a chair so I could step on it and reach in to get the ring. I got on the chair and then ALMOST got my ring when I fell in the dumpster- head first. It was so scary! I kept imagining my ankles getting chewed off by rats or something. I couldn't climb out, and the bags/boxes/stuff were unstable under my feet. Finally some guy saw me and he went to get a ladder. He took off before I had the chance to tell him I had a chair. In the meantime I had my Sidekick with me and I played on it to keep myself from freaking out. He came back with another guy and both helped me get out.

Tis a good thing you didnt get hauled away and put into the compactor, eh?
what did you do today

Well the day is young, it is only 1pm here so lunchtime..lol..I have been writing and really doing a lot of thinking about getting myself physically stronger. Hmm. when I can open my pool I will start swimming laps again every morning,,but until then I think I will join the morning mall walkers.
I used to be able to do 6 miles a day..fast..laughing...I am sure that no longer the case but we will see.. everyone have a good day! Peace to you:wave:
"Dumpster Diving"??...j/k....glad you got ur ring back tho'...

Never forget the time I threw a bag of garbage into the dumpster, and a mans head popped out....he was "dumpster diving"...
I was tossing the bag in the dumpster and my ring flung off and landed on a bag inside it. I went inside the house to get a chair so I could step on it and reach in to get the ring. I got on the chair and then ALMOST got my ring when I fell in the dumpster- head first. It was so scary! I kept imagining my ankles getting chewed off by rats or something. I couldn't climb out, and the bags/boxes/stuff were unstable under my feet. Finally some guy saw me and he went to get a ladder. He took off before I had the chance to tell him I had a chair. In the meantime I had my Sidekick with me and I played on it to keep myself from freaking out. He came back with another guy and both helped me get out.

Ugh, that sucks. You just have some lousy shit luck sometimes. But we all know how tough you are. Stay strong :hug:

But, wait, you're still using a Sidekick? :lol:
So far today - I have gotten hubby off for work at 6am, fixed breakfast, took MIL to church, (she will get a ride home) went to Whole Foods and WalMart and have just fixed lunch. I have to work on making some more bread. Bought the Rice milk to try in the recipe. It was less money than the coconut milk. But, I did buy some coconut milk ice cream to try.
So far today - I have gotten hubby off for work at 6am, fixed breakfast, took MIL to church, (she will get a ride home) went to Whole Foods and WalMart and have just fixed lunch. I have to work on making some more bread. Bought the Rice milk to try in the recipe. It was less money than the coconut milk. But, I did buy some coconut milk ice cream to try.

Let me know how the rice milk turns out for you :)
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