What are your New Year’s Resolution for 2010?

To build on my current life. I'm already onto so many things, just a couple of setbacks and learning experiences. Time to get my butt in the next gear, no excuses! :P
kept faith,trust and god

1.lose weight
2.my step-mom,my cousin and my brother should quit smoke!!
3.travel oversea
4.get job
1) Be the best mother I can be.
2) Meet someone nice, deaf or hearing.
3) Focus on my college education.
4) Lose weight and stay fit.
Live in a new state
Try not to let my sis get under my skin (very tough)
Make more friends
Read Bible cover to cover (again)
Stop giving loans to people I know won't pay me back
Finish writing one of the books I have started writing
Attend more deaf socials
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