What are you thinking about?

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I'm thinking I had a shitty day and I should I have stayed home. Oh well there's always tomorrow.

I'm mixed messages on whether or not PJP will be reopening. I wish I could find out a definite so I can at least be in a better mood to the point that I can keep my current job until I can go back. Some people have said yes, and some people have said no. We will see.
Time to upgrade my new PC to Ulitmate from Business because business doesn't have the full features :mad2: at least I bought ultimate package for 80 bucks :D
I'm thinking about why is it so hard for me to log into AD sometimes, Damn I had a hard time getting in tonight. I thought I was banned or something :lol:
I'm thinking about why is it so hard for me to log into AD sometimes, Damn I had a hard time getting in tonight. I thought I was banned or something :lol:

It happens to me sometimes, I don't know understand. I clear the cookies and refresh sometimes, that helps.
I'm realizing that as shitty of a day as I've had, it was also quite humourus.

I got jabbed with a finger in the mouth, a customer threw their styrofoam plates at me, a dropped a 24 pack of Cherry Dr. Pepper on the floor, had quite a mess, busted a bag of dog food open loading it onto the cart, my scale started talking to me, got yelled at for not greeting the 10,000th customer, I was going to participate in the donate $2 to Children's Miracle Network to wear jeans and was told it was for yesterday only, so I had to drive 45 minutes back home to change and go back and got half an absence counted against me for that. Im thinking I should have just stayed in bed.

Last night one of my customers was trying to be all cool setting his red bull pack on the counter instead when he hoisted it up up, it went flying everywhere.
Talking about a bad day! (Dixie)...wheeee!

One of "those days" was yesterday. Car would not start! Got a jump, went to AutoZone, got a new battery. Ran some errands, stopped at the gas station for gas, pressed the button to open the gas cap, nothing happened. Over and over...(I was on empty)...cussed and cussed!. A man suggested starting the car again, then pressing the button, and bingo, it opened. It was raining too.

Then to find out that my drivers license had expired in 2008....Went to pay my cable, asked me for ID, then the lady pointed it out to me. I had applied for a new license online...and when they came in, my son asked if he could have my old, expired license and I said OK. Somehow, we got them mixed up. He had my "new" license in his wallet, and I had the old one. For 5 months!

Went to feed my fish. Instead of a new can of flakes that I usually buy, I got "pellets" instead, and I poured the whole can of Pellets into the tank.

To top it off, it's still raining here and my doggie won't go out.
I am thinking of my friend...she went camping and she paged me saying that someone stole their tent from the campsite when they went hiking. They were forced to return home. Whoa!
I am thinking of my friend...she went camping and she paged me saying that someone stole their tent from the campsite when they went hiking. They were forced to return home. Whoa!

That's just wrong!:shock:
is wondering if anyone would teach her ASL via webcam one day
Is wondering how the deaf camping weekend is going on in UK, may go next year
That's just wrong!:shock:

$300 tent..I told her before that buying an expensive tent was silly cuz there are camping packages that sell for less than a hundred bucks at Walmart or other stores like it. I got my camping package which included a huge tent, chairs, gas stove, laterns and etc from Walmart for 99 dollars.
I am thinking of my friend...she went camping and she paged me saying that someone stole their tent from the campsite when they went hiking. They were forced to return home. Whoa!

Wow! That's really low.
Still thinking about my strawberry / chocolate gelati which was absolutely DELICIOUS

me (who usually doesn't eat ice-cream at all!!!!)
I'm thinking that I hope to hear from either BSU, UI, or GU to see if I been accepted or not.

The waiting is a little tiresome.....

it's been 3 years since i left high school :shock::giggle:
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