What are you thinking about? Part III

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I'm thinking I've been working too much lol All I do is sell whoppers lol
Thinking about a huge repair bill...right after Christmas....so new glasses are gonna have to wait until February. Good thing my boys love hot dogs and meat loaf...we're gonna have a lot of that for awhile.....
Thinking about how boring life really is.


seriously. Back in the day it was easier for a man: hunt. eat. procreate. sleep. repeat.

That would've been kinda cool and a whole lot more interesting.

Find a new hobby. I wouldn't suggest skydiving as a hobby, but it's fun to do it at least once.
Hope you find a shop that doesnt gouge you...

Been around too long for that. I took it to 3 places and one shop told me it would cost me $75 for them JUST to check it all out! I laughed and walked out and told my 19 yr. old son..."this is what you're gonna hear whenever you need car repairs.".....got a good deal anyway at another shop, and a FREE check out....
Bought the oxygen sensor at Auto Zone, and the shop will install it at a good price also.
Am thinking if I want to go shopping for discounts online.....

Hmm, somehow, I don't think I'm keen yet.
I'm thinking, I DO want to, too. But I know I'm on a strict budget so I better avoid the online shopping. :)
I'm thinking, I DO want to, too. But I know I'm on a strict budget so I better avoid the online shopping. :)

LOL. I would be you at other times, but not today. Where would you shop online if you could?

I have to be careful because I'm saving up assiduously for US trip and there's a small credit card bill I got to pay off.
Amazon.com. ;)

I have to be careful so I can afford my trip to California in the spring...time for me to retrieve the rest of my things I've kept in storage for 2 years. 2 years!!! Plus a little side trip to revisit my favorite places...Hollywood, the beaches, etc. and my good friends there one more time. :)
Amazon.com. ;)

I have to be careful so I can afford my trip to California in the spring...time for me to retrieve the rest of my things I've kept in storage for 2 years. 2 years!!! Plus a little side trip to revisit my favorite places...Hollywood, the beaches, etc. and my good friends there one more time. :)

That's cool. I like Amazon,too. Have been meaning to buy Vicar of Dibley DVD set from there.

Hope you'll get to go to California this Spring.
There was a note on my door:

ATTENTION: The water will be shut off from 8 AM until 6 PM Tuesday, 12/28/10. (Name of my apartment) will be inspecting shut off valves, main lines, and other pipes. Please plan accordingly and sorry for the inconvenience.
(Name of Apartment Management)

I"M SO FRIGGING MAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :pissed: I was planning on FINALLY being at home to relax. I even had a sitter for it, so I could ...get this. TAKE A BUBBLE BATH. :pissed:
Oh oy! this isn't good! I agree bad timing!

There was a note on my door:

ATTENTION: The water will be shut off from 8 AM until 6 PM Tuesday, 12/28/10. (Name of my apartment) will be inspecting shut off valves, main lines, and other pipes. Please plan accordingly and sorry for the inconvenience.
(Name of Apartment Management)

I"M SO FRIGGING MAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :pissed: I was planning on FINALLY being at home to relax. I even had a sitter for it, so I could ...get this. TAKE A BUBBLE BATH. :pissed:
Amazon.com. ;)

I have to be careful so I can afford my trip to California in the spring...time for me to retrieve the rest of my things I've kept in storage for 2 years. 2 years!!! Plus a little side trip to revisit my favorite places...Hollywood, the beaches, etc. and my good friends there one more time. :)

I hope we can meet up :)
Oh oy! this isn't good! I agree bad timing!

Bad timing indeed. I rarely get mad over stuff like this because I'm usually the "go with the flow" kind of gal...but it's been so stressful the last few weeks that I was looking forward to it. lol

Guess I need to change my attitude and reschedule my bath. LOL
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