What are you thinking about? Part II

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LOL! True. She's a "born again Christian" and strongly believes in her faith, which is fine, but sometimes these things seem a little off to me.

She is just reaching out her spiritual side. It's hard to explain. If she hear voices that actually sound like a real voice instead of inner voice. she need to be checked out. Or telling her to harm someone or something, she also need to be checked out. Other that, it just pure spirituality (we just say the Holy Spirit is guiding us... but not actually talking to us). I think she wanted you to read the 10 commandments so you acknowledge the laws you broken (you says she is a born again Christian... a born again christian means they acknowledge they are sinners who need a savior).
Laughing at a picture I found of myself on the Internet.

Combat pants + blue shirt.

What was I thinking?
I think they use a GPS with an emergency button like Survivorman carries.....thats pretty much a guess though

VHF is necessary to listen in on the traffic of boats and ships. A lot of kayakers use them to make sure they're not on a ferry's path or whatnot-- otherwise they would get mowed over.

SPOT... Coast guards are starting to ignore the SPOT alerts because people have been abusing them.
VHF is necessary to listen in on the traffic of boats and ships. A lot of kayakers use them to make sure they're not on a ferry's path or whatnot-- otherwise they would get mowed over.

SPOT... Coast guards are starting to ignore the SPOT alerts because people have been abusing them.

Coast Guards? You saying both of our countries' coast guard ignores SPOT?
I am thinking about why do some people sleep with their friends' boyfriends? I would never do that to a friend of mine.

That's a good question. I keep wondering how did they do to their own friends' behind it. I would never do that to my friends becasue i value my friendship to those people who I hang with all the time.
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shel90 said:
I am thinking about why do some people sleep with their friends' boyfriends? I would never do that to a friend of mine.

Yeah... I don't understand why. In HS and colleges, some students did that too. But if boyfriends know they sleep with girls while they're dating their sweethearts, then men are just guilty of cheating.....

I can imagine how much hurt it is..... =/

Anyway, I just think of how much jerks they can be if they blame the Deaf community. Sighs, good grief..... Yeah, I read some comments on FB. Bah! It's really tiresome..... :roll:
Yea, one of my friends came over today and just told me that she and her boyfriend of 15 years broke up last night because she found out that he slept with one of our other friends two years ago. Geez...what a waste for a night with someone else.
What's your job?

Administrative Assistant and Receptionist… The only work my colleagues have to take over during my absence is the receptionist work (telephone and visitors thus…). The rest ends up in a pile on the edge of my desk, as well as unread emails (I got 281 entries), faxes (I got 104 entries), casual mail (232 entries) and open phone calls (I got 31 entries).

Add to this the 2 meetings I had to prepare today and then you’ll know what my schedule was like / will be like for the upcoming week :D

yeah that sucks. If you love coffee then bring a good coffee that keeps you to work. =/

I have already gulped down 4 cups today… I think that’s enough so far :giggle:

:hmm: I wonder if I could walk my cat?:P

I used to walk my cat Bibi… But I’d recommend to do this from a younger age on so they get used to it. You can always try when the cat is older but don’t count too much on it ;)

I am thinking about why do some people sleep with their friends' boyfriends? I would never do that to a friend of mine.

A real friend would never do that to a friend… that’s all I’m saying!

Thinking: 1 hour left and then off home... :wave:
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I have my final exam Wed
Coast Guards? You saying both of our countries' coast guard ignores SPOT?

Yes, because people (kayakers, canoists, yacht owners) have been using them for minor things, only for the coast guards to arrive to find... there's no urgency or emergency and they weren't really needed. So they don't always answer the beacons without confirmation over the VHF radio 100% as much as they used to years ago for the sakes of saving taxpayers' dollars...

I suppose it's a given when a formerly expensive piece of technology become affordable for the average joes.
I thought it meant she prepared for it. I assumed she did do it after.:wave:

ah ok but I know for sure that she isn't a seakayaker using the mandatory-required VHF radio.
Yes, because people (kayakers, canoists, yacht owners) have been using them for minor things, only for the coast guards to arrive to find... there's no urgency or emergency and they weren't really needed. So they don't always answer the beacons without confirmation over the VHF radio 100% as much as they used to years ago for the sakes of saving taxpayers' dollars...

I suppose it's a given when a formerly expensive piece of technology become affordable for the average joes.

SPOT has been quite useful for many though. It is best to have a SPOT buddy monitoring your progress and to coordinate with 911.
SPOT has been quite useful for many though. It is best to have a SPOT buddy monitoring your progress and to coordinate with 911.

Yeah, I was just stating... don't use it as a lifeline like what some people did (and paid a big price for it. Luckily, I don't think anyone diet yet?)
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