What Are You Reading Right now?

Finished the first book of HP. Starting the second one soon. My friend, tarynrenae, has been bugging me to read them so I'll read them all within one week...

why not bugging because bother you! said please "I reading on book"
guy oh sorry bug:lol:
It takes me about two hours to go through one of the Harry Potter series.
that is correct I agree you! wisdom you know I try best my C++ help basic easy step on step probably help!

sound hear interesting you are right! yeah! that is true!

I am lots of experience adjust to basic study lots impressive almost 5 yrs css/html code both php!

so , you are training to be a coder? cool
you should every now and then try make your own 'new apps' or even make your own version of popular games, like cards say, poker, 500, code in the rules and run the game, make it run faster, look prettier, etc etc
refine it (make it look better and run smoother, easier to use for ordinary people that sort of thing.
I once wrote a poker game for high school (final year) and was best in school because no body else bothered with the hard stuff, if you can, try get to read some source codes for 'java chess games' or similar you might learn something...
CSS - excellent thats 'embedding those adjustable texts for the XHMTL scripts to make those mouse wheel can enlarge or smaller the texts for better reading on those on-line reading texts !... PHP isnt that server-side codes controlling contents...what about PERL, or ASPX or ASP - i thinkk that's a microsoft's verison of PHP...
hmm good one, keep playing with it , learning is funny because for sometimes i learn nothing in 1 month or 2 months, then suddenly i learn 10 really good tricks, and "WHOLE understanding in Programming in 1 month!, its all to do with how I 'clicked' and finding the links or how to make it do this, then wait then do 5 more next...then hide something else then show everything when it finished, it looks clever BUT people on the end, (END-USER) they are called, sees only the tidy, nice screen but never see or understand so much work behind that screen...

you might even want to try out Microsoft Access, its a database program, they have good ways to show you 'nice faces' for data-entry, then all the complicated data-where-go-to and -what- to add-up-change-way-it-look for the result.

I am not interested computers anymore, i like outdoor work better, everyone is different , i got sick of computers, my personal. but good luck and im sure you will find good expanding with PHP, CSS, then add on ASP, and try make your own tiny games, tic-tac-toes, poker, or eureka/500 would be great challenge not too hard, just enough for fun and you can finish it in like 2 months, no hassles

and i dont want to either

You're missing out then. Way way way better than the Twilight crap series for sure that I absolutely refuse to read... I tried to read the first page of Twilight, I was done right there. The writing itself was terrible.
Reading "The Lady who Played with Fire" Just finished "The Lady with the Dragon Tatoo"

Great reading!
I have finished reading Shit My Dad Says by Justin Halpern. It is very hilarious! The Rocket Men by Craig Nelson is the next book that I am going to read. I got two more books for this summer reading: Black Hawk Down by Mark Bowden and Dead or Alive by Tom Clancy.
Syndrome by Thomas Hoover on my Nook for PC
Dangerous Prey by Lindsay McKenna in print form
I am reading " The Gift Of Fear" By Gavin De Becker.
a must read for all women. I gave my first copy to a friend but picked up
another copy when I was at the bookstore last friday. It's been around 8 years I think since I read it but it's a fantastic book. It's a book to give to your female friends and one you will never forget reading. Even after all these years I still vividly remember parts of the book.

I recommend getting it!
You're missing out then. Way way way better than the Twilight crap series for sure that I absolutely refuse to read... I tried to read the first page of Twilight, I was done right there. The writing itself was terrible.

I don't read fantasy especially HP/Twilight. Not my cup of tea.
I'm almost done with "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" :) Last week I read "Stuck in Neutral" by Terry Trueman. It's short but really good.
Reading "The Lady who Played with Fire" Just finished "The Lady with the Dragon Tatoo"

I think you mean The Girl Who Played With Fire, and etc.. :)

I seen only the movies, all of them, although I have the books, too.
I liked them very much. something different than US movies.

I will read my books some day, too.

Right now I am finishing Left Neglected by Lisa Genova.

It's a story about a woman who had a serious car accident, after which
she lost the entire left part of the world.
She can't see anything that's on the left.

She can't even eat properly as she can not feel well the left side of her mouth. she can't see her left hand, left leg, left side of the face.

Her right side of the brain was damaged in the car accident.
Hence the left doesn't exist anymore.

It's a fascinating read.

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I am reading " The Gift Of Fear" By Gavin De Becker.
a must read for all women. I gave my first copy to a friend but picked up
another copy when I was at the bookstore last friday. It's been around 8 years I think since I read it but it's a fantastic book. It's a book to give to your female friends and one you will never forget reading. Even after all these years I still vividly remember parts of the book.

I recommend getting it!

I have this book but have yet to read it! If I think it's something I should buy for all my nieces then I shall eventually.