What are you doing right now? Part II

:aw: sorry to read that, get plenty of rest and hope it's better soon!

My dog was right on top me last night and when I moved Marty over a little he moved back next to me. I was going to get a flu shot but not sure if I can with a cold waiting to get a call back from my doctor.
Just had an early lunch..... now headed back home-- the express way, as it's raining outside.
all week meant do something but no remember what I remember now I forgot buy Christmas presents for son daughter grandson I AM WICKED WOMAN so having brain storm what to do
I am procrastinating today.. while sipping an overpriced Gingerbread Latte & using the wifi at Barnes & Noble.
Just talking with the hubby. We have been soooooo busy lately we haven't really spent a lot of time together outside of unpacking and such. It was nice to just sit with him a while.
Just talking with the hubby. We have been soooooo busy lately we haven't really spent a lot of time together outside of unpacking and such. It was nice to just sit with him a while.

Give him something extra special for Christmas ... wrap yourself in saran wrap and put a bow on top of your head early Christmas morning then wake him up or fall back to sleep under the tree for him to find :naughty:
Right now recovering from my kidney stone surgery this am. Finally got past the nausea part as the medications wear off and relaxing for the rest of the day.
Ouch ^^^ Hope you feel better. No fun to do that right before Christmas.
Ouch ^^^ Hope you feel better. No fun to do that right before Christmas.

Thanks. I'm just glad I got it done and out of the way before Christmas. I got the rest of the week off anyway so I should be plenty rested up.
Just back from lunch and a trip to the antique mall. Got a cool old restaurant platter from the 1940's.

Not the brands I usually collect but too good to pass up.

Now recharging my wheel batteries before the next big adventure.
It is 6 am. I am getting ready to travel two hours to visit my family. I leave at 9 am. I hope the bus station is not packed. I have to carry two garbage bags full of presents, huge suitcase and laptop. It is going to be a hassle. I hope no one steals anything. :roll:

Why are you using garbage bags when traveling by the bus ???
I just sent my step mom a Merry Christmas text message.... she could use it. :hmm: I think I have an idea on how to cheer her up a little bit. This just may work.
Just back from lunch and a trip to the antique mall. Got a cool old restaurant platter from the 1940's.

Not the brands I usually collect but too good to pass up.

Now recharging my wheel batteries before the next big adventure.

Wheel batteries?
Wheel batteries?

Her wheels, man, her wheels. You have your wheels/bike, she has hers - scooter. :D

Yes I do have my scooter for around the neighborhood, but these are different and the whole thing fits in the back of our Cube.

The new Alber e-motion power assist allows wheelchair drivers to keep and even raise their level of active mobility, and provides a variety of therapeutic benefits. This power assist has two Lithium Ion batteries that are integrated inconspicuously in the wheel hub. Only a slight amount of force to the push rims engages the motors and helps to propel the wheelchair. Particularly, when driving uphill or negotiating curbs, e.motion is at its best. Thanks to e motion the wheelchair can also be slowed down with very little effort. Just a slight checking of the push rims suffices, and the electrical servo-break effectively slows down movement.
