What are you bad at?


Hmm. I'm bad at a lot of things XD.

I'm too stubborn for my own good
I'm bad at ASL :[ Sadly
I'm bad at speaking softly [loud , LOUD voice..o.o] I always end up doing things like when i'm at the library or such i always start yelling and everyone is always "SHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" It's funny sometimes. but other times it's embarassing.
i'm bad at self control. i'm very impulsive and i don't think before i do something :[
i'm also bad at english XD.
*Social because I'm very shy
*Reading books (have poor reading comprehension - I tend to read more than once to UNDERSTAND, it depends, ugh!)
*Quitting smoking
*Keep up with BILLS (hate to think about bills & blow money)
*Being on time
*Going to bed late (I'm an owl person)
*Dishes (YUCK, that aint no fun! I want dishwasher!)
*Use profane often (habit of mine)
*Biting nails
*Keeping my car clean
*Soft-Heart (sometimes when people said something that are not true and cause lose friends. I don't always confront them about it. Its like I could not convince them to BELIEVE me so I just basically let it go *sighs* :( )
*Being TOO kind person (I know some people are taking an advantage of me, backstab BS story about me like I said above about convincing people what those are said are BS, use me as their Target to pick on, or whatever)
I'm also bad at sympathy.. o.o People tell me that I'm too apathetic and cold. Ice queen? :( And I am a night-owl, too! XD
My bad habits: I bite my nails, I alway look and roll up on people and my gf Javapride too.
My bad habits: I bite my nails, I always look and roll up on people and my gf Javapride too.
My bad habits: I bite my nails, I always look and roll up on people and my gf Javapride too.
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Cheri said:
Since AJ created a thread about what are the things are you good at, This thread is about the things you are bad at. :giggle:

Things that I am bad at are:

yea me too! especially with my mom!!! :ugh:

when my mom and i argue... i explode :( i think it is because we are SO MUCH ALIKE AND VERY CLOSE??? :dunno:

-- i can't rollerblade :( cuz i have a bad balance :(
-- i can cook but not a great cook like my favorite aunt.. right deaf24fan.. isn't she a GREAT COOK!???
-- i used to be so good at remembering birthdays but not anymore... i guess it is the age :tears: (once u hit 30, THINGS CHANGE! :ugh:)
-- i am very good at cleaning and organizing but not with my things.. isn't that funny/strange!??? it is true that we are GOOD AT HELPING OTHERS BY HELPING THEM CLEAN N ORGANIZE THEIR PLACE than your own place!!! (a friend i were discussing this... we notice this!!! :lol: WONDER IF YOU GUYS NOTICE THAT TOO??? HMMM)

can't think of what else i am bad at... when i think of more.. ill list them :giggle:
cental34 said:
I am bad at procrastination and getting my work in on time. I always put my work off until the last minute, and in many cases, end up not doing it. This is something I've got to change if I care to actually make it through school.

OH ME TOO! i used to do my homework/papers at the last minute! :giggle:

i am also PROCRASTINATOR like my boyfriend too! :giggle:
also a bad habit of starting one thing then MOVING ON TO THE NEXT THING without finishing the first thing that i started... and it just goes on!!! GRRR! :pissed: :lol:
Cheri said:
And Hey AJ, I could help you with the noodles, When boiling, make sure you add butter, and sir in while the water is boiling with noodles that way it would cook throughly and take one noodle out and taste it first and see if it's soft that means it's done. Try that. ;)

that sounds good cheri! :thumb: there is also another way to do it too! ;)

the way i do it, i put little bit of salt in the water to make it boil faster, then after i boil the water, put the pasta in.. keep stirring the pasta so they dont stick on the bottom of the pot... in most cases... pastas cook about 8-10 minutes... but homemade ones sometimes cook less than that... then taste it like cheri said... to see if it is soft or sticky... if it is sticky on your teeth.. then it is not done... some people like them hard, some like them very soft... it just depends on people's preferences... i like them kinda of hard but not too soft (DEFINITELY NOT STICKY THOUGH! :lol: ) then i drain them out and put little bit of olive oil in them.. to keep them from STICKING TOGETHER!!! DON'T YOU HATE IT WHEN PASTA STICK TOGETHER! UGH :ugh2:.... some people like to put butter on them... some use olive oil... i use olive oil cuz it is MUCH MORE HEALTHIER THAN BUTTER AND MORE TASTY TOO :thumb: (olive oil is also good for the skin in the long run as well)....

** cheri prolly uses butter cuz of her kids since kids are very picky about food.. i know a lot of kids who like butter in their food**
Catmandu said:
Cool topic. Lessee what I'm bad at...

Social because I'm very shy.
Sign language because I'm very oral.

Maintaining long conversations. I tend to keep it short.
Stubborn about people that cannot be trusted.
Friendships. I don't know how to maintain friendships. I come and go.
About using the sentences with "a" and "the" that are not always needed.
Anytime I get angry I withhold myself.
Sending people cards.
Flossing my teeth.
Reading books. I hate reading. (have poor reading comprehension - sad huh)
Closing the toilet seat (requested by hubby, imagine!)

hmm, I'd better shut up before the world make fun of me.

awww, no need to be shy :) i used to be VERY ORAL growing up too.. and picked up on signs so i know how u feel... you can always learn to sign if you are up to it and make the effort you know??? since you mentioned that you have a hubby... is he oral too?

do you get bored with them or what?? i tend to keep my friendships as much as i can if they are WORTHWHILE unless there are unforeseen circumstances :D

DO YOU LIKE GETTING CARDS FROM OTHERS??? HMMM... i do!!! if i don't send cards, then i won't get any! so i try to send out cards so i can get them!!! :giggle:

AHEM... did you have a sex operation to become a woman??? :giggle: since you leave the toilet seat up!!?? :jaw:
mld4ds said:

I, as the former restaurant cook, never use butter in the boiling for pasta. Just use a dash of salt and 1 T vegetable oil. Butter???? you may have wasted butter since it does not have favor. Just use vegetable oil....

:eek2: vegetable oil!??? BLEH!!! i use olive oil... :D
DreamDeaf said:
Im very bad at keeping a serious tone... I always break out into humor.

Even at funerals.

me too... my family is like that too

and when i was in school.. a classmate of mine would never shut up and get me laughing allllll the frakking time while the terp was signing SHEEESH!!!
:confused: Let's see:
I,too, am bad at PS2 games
I am bad at sports, but, good at being a fan
I am bad at returning phone calls
I am bad at sending out cards at any occasion
I am bad at replacing a garbage liner when I throw out
the trash
One thing I've recently come to the realization that I'm terrible at is being nice to the ones I care about. I am a really nice person to the people whom I just meet, and to people who I am not close with, but when I really get to know someone and be comfortable around them, I start making uncalled for, sarcastic remarks, I'm facetious around them, and basically I'm just a smart ass. I don't want to be this way at all, and its a habit I really want to break, very quickly.
try to use the olive oil instead of vegetable oil it is taste better for pasta (spaghetti or lingini or penne only) and use the salt for macoroni pasta (macoroni cheese dinner) only.

not good job at yard work like pulling weeds (pulling wrong plants for flowers by growing) and not good with green thumb for garden and flowers too.

I try to my best to fix the meals by cooking, I just ask one of my families to show me how to fix the meals by watching it.

Can't do knitting and crotching but pretty good with sewing.

can't remove the stains off the clothes very well.

I quess it is about all I think of myself.
When i worked at restaurant for 9 yrs.. I would put butter in the water for flavor and to make the noodles soft. WAtch the time .. it only takes 10 mins to cook the noodles.. if you want to make sure it is READY. simple by picking one noodle out and throw it against fridge .. if it sticks.. its ready.. if it doesnt stick.. its not ready.

when that is done.. I would drain the noodles and put little butter in again and go thru it so the noodles will not stick together and will be easier to separate for the courses. Easier than having sticky noodles.. :)

I am bad at...

putting things off.. opps.. :x hehe..
being stubborn
doesn't listen when someone is talking to me when we are arguing.. i would walk off.. lol.. ( i hate to argue)
thinking how nasty people doesn't clean bathrooms.. (i'm a germphobia) ( i know i know.. no one are perfect but germs!!! AHHHH.. i hate germs! i have to CLEAN!!!! hehe)
spoiling my son TJ after all he is my only child? ( people said im bad? whatever at them!!)
spoiling my dog Mac with scraps of foods
i'm bad at balance.. i kept falling.. yes I am clumsy and goofy! ( i was voted most clumsy for two years in a row when i was in HS lol)