Wedding Anniversaries?


Active Member
Nov 30, 2006
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Today my husband and I celebrate our 14th Wedding Anniversary. We were going to go to the restaurant because the weather is kind of strong windy and not a good day to go out. I gave him a anniversary card for him. Nothing in return for that. :lol:

Also we were worry about the storm coming so we want to stay home. Tomorrow, we decide to go out of the reserve and go to the city for the restaurant (favorite place) up North. We are looking forward going up North. Yay!!!! :cool2:
Happy Anniversary!! Hope it all works out weather-wise for you.
Congrats! I hope you have a wonderful evening - it sounds nice.
Happy Anniversary Bebonang! I hope you have a wonderful belated dinner out tomorrow. :party:
Happy Anniversary! Wishing you many more years of love, happiness and friendship!

Hope you get to enjoy your special dinner together soon.
Thank you, KristinaB, mbrek, Beach Girl, Botts and LDNanna. I do hope we will have a good time dining out for some good food that we like and chat with each other probably about old times we had. Thank you for giving me the cheer. I really appreciate that very much. :ty:
Bebonang happy anniversary! have fun with your hubby tomorrow and hope you lovebirds enjoy dinner :)
Today my husband and I celebrate our 14th Wedding Anniversary. We were going to go to the restaurant because the weather is kind of strong windy and not a good day to go out. I gave him a anniversary card for him. Nothing in return for that. :lol:

Also we were worry about the storm coming so we want to stay home. Tomorrow, we decide to go out of the reserve and go to the city for the restaurant (favorite place) up North. We are looking forward going up North. Yay!!!! :cool2:

Cannot believe nothing in return.:shock:
Happy Anniversary!

May you enjoy many more together. :)
Happy Anniversary, B! I'm hubby deaf, too?
Happy Anniversary, B! I'm hubby deaf, too?

No, he is not deaf like me. He is hearing. I think I am the only deaf person here on the reserve. There are other deaf natives in other reserves on the island and so are the mainland, too.

We have started to have our first committee for Deaf Natives so someone made the suggestion that the committee named "Deaf First Nations of Ontario". I met them on the mainland reserve up North for the meeting and boy, am I very happy to see them all together from different reserves here in Ontario. So we are keeping in touch with each other on facebook. We want to sent up some help on services from Toronto for Deaf Natives and get some ideas like logos on shirts and caps. I thought that would be cool but the problem might be the funds only that it is new to us now. It will take time. Every one of us are happy about it. My husband was there for the meeting and he support me on this. :D