Travel Trivia: Can you guess the answer to the following question?

:applause: 5 points for Fly Free!

That is all for tonight.
Here is the totals for tonight:

Fly Free: 15 points
sablecourt: 10 points
Javapride: 10 points
bbnt: 5 points

Come back Sunday night for another round!
Originally posted by Fly Free
are u referring to the Arlington memorial qq if thats what u are referring to its in VA right across the Potomac River from DC

im totally an nimrod! thank u fly! yes thats what i was referring to and AHHH wrong location, but u beat me to the answer i belive the same answer u had and i shoulda posted that LOL! but ur the eastern historian LOL!
Round Two:

Hiya all, here's the second round as promised:

Question One:
This area is famous for the followings: Seven Miles Bridge, African Queen, Ernest Hemingway's manison, fishing and boating, and an active nightlife?

Good luck!
:applause: Fly Free! 10 points for you!

Next question:
Attention shoppers! If you wanted to head to the largest mall in the world, you'd be going to...
:applause: Yay Fly Free, 10 points for you!

Last question for this round:
How wide is Manhattan at its narrowest point?
uhmm im unable to get that information so im *bowing out* of this one -- *waiting to see if anyone has the answer* :thumb:
Ehh never mind, this question doesn't fit within the rules anyway.
Its 0.8 miles wide.

New question:
What is the world's second longest river?
Originally posted by kuifje75
Ehh never mind, this question doesn't fit within the rules anyway.
Its 0.8 miles wide.

New question:
What is the world's second longest river?

ahh Kuifje -- gracias for the info -- thats interesting!
Originally posted by SilenceGold

:applause: SillyCold, 10 points for you

Now that concludes our second round tonight.

Totals are:

Fly Free: 35 points
SilenceGold: 10 points
sablecourt: 10 points
Javapride: 10 points
bbnt: 5 points

Come back Tuesday night for third round!