TORNADO hit High School in ENTERPRISE, AL kill 13

Latin Root Translation Example
cumulus heap fair weather cumulus
stratus layer altostratus
cirrus curl of hair cirrus
nimbus rain cumulonimbus

anyhoo... I blame Mother Nature. lol... I shall sue for. . .50 million dollars!!11
OMG, :eek: ... That must be soo scary to go through...I haven't expriences any tornado or had seen one in RL...My prayers are with this family and those who are going through this.....

Thanks Punkywolfy, I'm so glad that you, RebelGirl, and Tweetybird are ok, I hope BabyAngel is ok too....
I just saw that on 6pm news tonight and I couldn't believe it. :eek2: Been wondering about other AD members from the area. Hope they're ok.
Hey...I'm fine. It was really bad weather last night but everythings ok.

Sadly, Cousin got killed in Enterprise, AL.
there's no way we can sue the monster tornado for murder.. but i believe we can sue the people who makes the mother nature a terrible ones.. (those people who cause alot of pollution) yeah the global warming

the warm air and the cold air mix cause those thunderstorm and tornados

I agree with you about global warming. It's complex to understand how the global warming system is.. Right now the politicans are debating over the global warming for some years.

Strangely, the snowstorm was in Minnesota; then, tornado hit in Iowa, MO, Arkansas, Alabama, Georgia at same time. Can you imagine it will be jinx between Torando and snowstorm at same time.
Ouchiesss damnnn what a crazy weather and glad everybody are ok but expect rest of them are be with god right now
Hey...I'm fine. It was really bad weather last night but everythings ok.

Sadly, Cousin got killed in Enterprise, AL.

*whew* , I'm glad you're ALRIGHT.. which isn't closer to your location from another location already hit by Tornado...
i read newspaper last March 3 its so horribles and damages school and home,anythings.
Enterprise, AL is closer to my birth hometown. Everyone here in MO asked me and my parents to see if anyone OKAY over there. We told them NO all are fine, just few miles away from it. My family still there and called us. No one had plm, just storm and rain.

Babycat, Sorry to hear your cousin.
wow too many ppl dying at southeast part?

i meant to say that Rita and another hurricane hit and killed many ppl
now this??
wow.. i bet there is many less ppl in SouthEast at the moment..