The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XVIII

Thinking of my Jaguars and how they have really sucked in previous years...and they're gonna suck this year too....
I wish I can buy a kayak now so I can spend time on the Chesapeake Bay.
i love the weather in california, just warm-hot temp at 80's..

dont be jealous, haha
It was a reply to my post, in the school application, they have two choices , couple or single? They don't use "married" anymore :dunno:

I know. My reply was to Derek. My reply was off topic indirectly.
Wirelessly posted

katz4life said:
It was a reply to my post, in the school application, they have two choices , couple or single? They don't use "married" anymore :dunno:

I know. My reply was to Derek. My reply was off topic indirectly.

It ok :)
I am numberous on inside weird feeling weird! busy alots of crappy lol
Green tomatoes are toxic to dogs.

No, they really are not. The green plant is, but not the tomato, and a large quantity would need to be eaten.

Hostas, however are very bad, and we removed a huge planting of hostas from the backyard this year as the puppy ate some and was quite sick.

Poisonous to: Cats, Dogs, Cows

Common signs to watch for:

The ripened fruit of this plant (the commonly eaten tomato) is considered non-toxic but the green parts of the plant contain solanine, a glycoalkoloid. Solanine is also found in many other plants from the Solanaceae family, including the potato plant (green parts only). Typically, when ingested by dogs and cats, it rarely results in toxicity. A large amount needs to be ingested (e.g., chronically in cattle) for solanine to result in severe poisoning. Ingestion can cause severe gastrointestinal distress (e.g., vomiting, diarrhea), lethargy, weakness, and even confusion.
Tomato and Dogs - Are Tomatoes Poisonous to Dogs and Cats?
Oh, my my, oh, hell yes
Honey, put on that party dress
Buy me a drink, sing me a song
Take me as I come 'cause I can't stay long
Wirelessly posted

Water and raspberries is refreshing :)
Monday and I still haven't gotten my rest! I hope I survive this week.
No, they really are not. The green plant is, but not the tomato, and a large quantity would need to be eaten.

Hostas, however are very bad, and we removed a huge planting of hostas from the backyard this year as the puppy ate some and was quite sick.

Tomato and Dogs - Are Tomatoes Poisonous to Dogs and Cats?

We have a holly berry tree right next our steps and I have to made sure Marty does not try to eat any of the berries that fall on ground.
I think it a pretty stupid place to plant a plant that is toxic , right next the building where a small child can get to it.
Wirelessly posted

Not a morning person