The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XVI

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On the road again....

This is getting boring!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Not this thread but the journey- in case anyone takes offence)
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California is having spring time like weather :)
Contemplating on whether or not I should apply for a job at a local tourist attraction. The want ad says that they want "outgoing and reliable" people. Well, I'm reliable but not really outgoing. I'm good with the public though.

I just want to jump in and go for it but part of me is unsure.
Contemplating on whether or not I should apply for a job at a local tourist attraction. The want ad says that they want "outgoing and reliable" people. Well, I'm reliable but not really outgoing. I'm good with the public though.

I just want to jump in and go for it but part of me is unsure.

can you put on fake smile and pretend to show a great interest in stranger's business?
Problem solved! Now you are sure that you are suitable for this job :)

now go and SHOW ME THE MONEY! :mad2:

LOL! I will just have to find out what the email is tomorrow when I go by the ad again and I will send them my resume. I always try to push myself into these things because I don't want to miss out on an opportunity.
LOL! I will just have to find out what the email is tomorrow when I go by the ad again and I will send them my resume. I always try to push myself into these things because I don't want to miss out on an opportunity.

:dizzy: Less Talk, More Action, yes?
Well, I am registering for 2 grad classes this semester. I will be taking 6 credits so that's almost full time since 9 credits for grad school is considered full time. I hope I can handle it.
Well, I am registering for 2 grad classes this semester. I will be taking 6 credits so that's almost full time since 9 credits for grad school is considered full time. I hope I can handle it.

Congrats! Why are you having to sign up for classes?
Congrats! Why are you having to sign up for classes?

To keep my stupid job. I have to take 6 credits worth of grad level classes to renew my certification and it expires at the end of 2010. I already have a Master's Degree so I feel silly taking classes but it is the law. Anyways, thanks!
Aw, shel. I am sorry. I hope classes are more fun that can lighten up your mood going through this semester. when did it happens with the law?
Aw, shel. I am sorry. I hope classes are more fun that can lighten up your mood going through this semester. when did it happens with the law?

It has always been required of teachers to take classes to renew their certificates. If I dont take classes, my certificate will expire and I will not be allowed to teach according to the law.
To keep my stupid job. I have to take 6 credits worth of grad level classes to renew my certification and it expires at the end of 2010. I already have a Master's Degree so I feel silly taking classes but it is the law. Anyways, thanks!

Well I certainly hope that you are not required to pay for these courses. Teachers down there don't make near as enough as they should. Here, elementary teachers can make anywhere between $40,000 and $60,000 and high school teachers can make anywhere between $45,000 and $70,000.
Well I certainly hope that you are not required to pay for these courses. Teachers down there don't make near as enough as they should. Here, elementary teachers can make anywhere between $40,000 and $60,000 and high school teachers can make anywhere between $45,000 and $70,000.

I have to pay for them and if I pass them, I get reinbursed so I BETTER pass them!
I have to pay for them and if I pass them, I get reinbursed so I BETTER pass them!

yup. that's how it works. same for corporations.
So I woke up at an ungodly hour (6 am to be exact) to drive a friend to Sacramento...

... and geez, guess who was still sleeping?

I pounded on the door for a good 10 minutes, ah.. the joys of having a deaf friend.

Now Im sipping on my cup of caffeine with a twitchin' eye, I hope everyone is having a better day than I am ;)
So I woke up at an ungodly hour (6 am to be exact) to drive a friend to Sacramento...

... and geez, guess who was still sleeping?

I pounded on the door for a good 10 minutes, ah.. the joys of having a deaf friend.

Now Im sipping on my cup of caffeine with a twitchin' eye, I hope everyone is having a better day than I am ;)

why bother pounding on door if your friend's deaf? :hmm:
why bother pounding on door if your friend's deaf? :hmm:

If I'm lucky, the books will fall off the shelf and give her a nice ((thud)) on the head?

Okay okay, she has a hearing husband but he might as well be deaf when he sleeps ((folds arms))

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