The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XV

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I am off from work today. TGIF!!!
I am out for the day!
Have a great weekend, everyone! :)
Congrats, DeafLissa! Toddlers are a handful but they are so much fun.

I'm looking forward to a quiet three day weekend with my kids.
Ha ha ha... I love this picture. I am going to send this to my friend who happens to have two Basset hound dogs.
Thanks so much, Loghead!

I have two bassets as well! :)

You're welcome, Sosie! :)
I am very angry with one of my hearing aids. :lol: It is probably dead. It is so low... I noticed it one morning this week when I was putting it on. Whenever I go without hearing in one ear, I talk really really loud because I don't know how loud I am speaking. :lol: I wasn't exactly sure how bad the problem was until this afternoon when I focused my hearing on it (I turned off the other one to see how loud it was) and it was pathetic. I want new ones. These are 5 years old.
Good Evening Everyone. How is everyone? :wave:

Good, just came home from a hard workout at the gym. It was so exhausting that I fell asleep in the sauna room there. OOOPPS!
Oops! Drink extra water.

I worked out yesterday and plan to work out tomorrow. I finally got back to the gym after a long bout of illness.
oh that's adorable picture loghead! I think those kind of dogs are adorable as well.

*sighs* It's official... I'm a night person instead of day person... bad I know. My sleep cycle is completely out of wack, I mean I go to bed around six or six thirty in the morning and don't get up until like two or three in the afternoon.... I know it's terrible... it's driving me nuts about this! Also I found out that my neighbor who's a friend of mine that lives above me, has same problem as I do with sleeping... she would be up until five or six in the morning and get up around one or two in the afternoon. What's even more insane is that she has kids as well, one girl that's same age as my son and another girl who's only one. We would get together middle of the night to chat, or even keep each other company. Do u have any idea that would help us get back to normal cycle of human beings of sleeping?

I am naturally a night person but force myself to be a morning person due to my job. It is hard. I exercise a lot so that helps with falling asleep by 10 PM.
Oops! Drink extra water.

I worked out yesterday and plan to work out tomorrow. I finally got back to the gym after a long bout of illness.

Feel good after your workout? I am addicted big time! :lol:
Absolutely! I'm very disciplined about it. I try to go every other day, or at least 3 times per week. I can be in the worst mood when I go to the gym and work off my frustrations. Sometimes, I change what I'm doing to keep interested (like doing yoga or pilates in addition to running and weights). I figure that the most important thing is to just keep moving!
I actually find working out very boring, but I do it 6/7 nights a week ( :lol: ) on the Gazelle for an hour because I really want to work towards losing some weight. It's not very exciting at all, but I know in the long run it will be worth it. :)
I actually find working out very boring, but I do it 6/7 nights a week ( :lol: ) on the Gazelle for an hour because I really want to work towards losing some weight. It's not very exciting at all, but I know in the long run it will be worth it. :)

Trust me, it will be worth it. I wasnt disciplined with working out when I was younger and now, at the age of 37, it is sooo hard to stay in shape. People my age who have been working out since their teens have an easier time than I do in keeping in shape. Ugh!
Just got home from work...there's a beautiful sunset that happened on the way home and took a few pictures of it. I am chillin and baking pizza as well. Hope you guys have a great weekend! My friend and I are going car shopping tomorrow...not for's for my friend.
One of my doggies followed me up here, so I got one of his blankies and set it up in here so he could lay down. :)
Its late here, and I'm bored. I'm up watching the Dog Whisperer on NatGeo.
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