The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XV

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i am siiiiick! :( i wasn't sick until my roommates came back on monday, grr.
i am siiiiick! :( i wasn't sick until my roommates came back on monday, grr.


(stole this from Liebling)

*it's an animated pix of mouse freaking out with its eyes popping out and running away
Poor, Lissa! Too much fun! :D

Loghead, you are neither fat nor ugly. You're cute. Really! I'm not your mom, so I'm not biased. :aw:

Nerds are late bloomers. At least, I was and my husband was, too. You're going to be more comfortable at college and you'll find a girls who are more compatible with you there. I promise!

I realize that's not much consolation right now, when you still have to survive high school. I think that you're doing the right things, though. Focus on keeping up your grades and doing things that you enjoy.

A job would be nice but your education is more important. In a rural area, there are fewer jobs and I'd bet that the people who get the jobs know someone connected with the employer. You might consider volunteering at something that you're passionate about. Is there a basset hound rescue or an animal shelter in your area that needs volunteers? Volunteer work looks great on a college application or resume. It's also a great way to make friends.

Hang in there! I have confidence in you!
i just sneezed four times in a row.

on the other hand, i got to make a hologram in class today! it takes a while to process, so i'll see the finished result next week.
i just sneezed four times in a row.

on the other hand, i got to make a hologram in class today! it takes a while to process, so i'll see the finished result next week.

Please away from us. I can't cope with cold,flu or whatever you has . Hope you better ! I am star wars fan :D
Sorry, I was not posting here much. I had a bad Migraine for a week, due to allergies. What a fun! Grrrr.. but I am better.

I hope you all had a nice Thanksgiving as much as I did. I was at my sister's, with two deaf elderly ladies. The foods were so delicious. Yummy! (I bought an Autumn Leaf Bundt cake pan from the Williams-Sonoma store a few weeks ago. I used the cake receipe that came with the cake pan and it was very good, however, the design is not very distinct. I even tried another receipe and again, the leaves and acorns could not be seen as well as it is shown in the picture. I found this very frustrating! Argh!!! BUT I will try again. I am NOT giving it up! :lol:)

Jiro, glad you had fun at the deaf social!

Congrats on losing your weight, Shel! Keep up the good work!

KristinaB, sorry to hear that you had a terrible headache. I hope you are feeling better by now! :hug:
i just sneezed four times in a row.

on the other hand, i got to make a hologram in class today! it takes a while to process, so i'll see the finished result next week.
are you going to invent a teleport system? :shock:
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