The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XIV

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now i have to study for ASL midterm tonite :mad2:

Go study LOL

Congrats! on your small claims court :)
Bye guys!:bye: I'm leaving the office for the day. Catching my flight to San Diego this evening. I'll be checking in periodically. Try not to have too much fun without me. ;)
Go get'em on the test! Do you know if an essay test or what?

Is it your birthday, Jiro? If so, Happy Birthday!
Bye guys!:bye: I'm leaving the office for the day. Catching my flight to San Diego this evening. I'll be checking in periodically. Try not to have too much fun without me. ;)

NNNNNNOOOOOOO!!!!!! <running, holding onto your leg> NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!
Go get'em on the test! Do you know if an essay test or what?

Is it your birthday, Jiro? If so, Happy Birthday!

nope. my birthday's not for another 7 months. :dunno:

and the ASL mid-term will be signing to my professor with proper facial expression and gesture. :cool2:
oh wait, u said ASL test, didn't read enough specifics <sorry>
so do u know how the test will be?
oh wait, u said ASL test, didn't read enough specifics <sorry>
so do u know how the test will be?

yes - signing to my professor with proper facial expressions and gestures along with the phrases/vocabs learned to this date.
Jiro, how many did you attend ASL classes so far? Did you still remember some signs that you feel comfortable signing?
Jiro, how many did you attend ASL classes so far? Did you still remember some signs that you feel comfortable signing?

it's 2x a week for 2.5 hrs over 2 months period. I know probably about 100+ vocabs so far. I'm still slow with signing and reading the signs. I'm still trying to understand ASL grammar structure as well however i'm progressing pretty good. :cool2:
Well, enjoy your class! Lucky <from my perspective> you get to take one. Will you continue on?

I liked the class I took. I actually like<d> even better being exposed to Deaf <my teacher was hearing> by interacting with Deaf people, went to Deaf Festival etc. I enjoyed meeting my friend yesterday and had the opportunity to practice. Is your class at a college or through Deaf Center or where? My friend teaches ASL through the local rec. department.
it's 2x a week for 2.5 hrs over 2 months period. I know probably about 100+ vocabs so far. I'm still slow with signing and reading the signs. I'm still trying to understand ASL grammar structure as well however i'm progressing pretty good. :cool2:

Here's hoping you ace your test!!:wave:
Now, I go outside to rake the gum balls and put them in the bags. :ugh: I wish the stupid gum balls tree cut down. I don't like gum balls tree.
Now, I go outside to rake the gum balls and put them in the bags. :ugh: I wish the stupid gum balls tree cut down. I don't like gum balls tree.

I don't even know what a gum ball tree is. Never heard about it. :hmm:
YAY!! Got to see my grandmother and grandfather today... It was great to be with them and spent 6 hrs with them. We went to hospital for my grandmother's doctor appointment and my grandmother was taking her 5 hrs of chemo. It was a great day for us to be together because it was a full sunshine all day... BEAUTIFUL! :D I :hug: my grandmother because she is the best!
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