The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part X

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Sorry for your issues. I hope you're better soon. I just got back from my doctor, and he actually told me to take out my hearing aids today because they are useless. I told him, actually, people seem to know I'm deaf if I'm wearing them. But I don't waste money on batteries any more.

I went ahead and took the hearing test, and I'm officially completely and utterly stone deaf. They'll send me a bill in the mail later, so I don't know the exact cost. I told somebody in another thread that I'd get tested and put my results in here. I already had this appointment for a long time, but not for the purpose of testing my hearing. I didn't go try any guns though. Not sure I wanna try anything new any more until I've relaxed and settled into my new life.
Sorry for your issues. I hope you're better soon.

Thank you. I've got an RX so hopefully it will clear up quickly.

I just got back from my doctor, and he actually told me to take out my hearing aids today because they are useless.

Wow. Way to lay it on me gently, Doc.:roll:

Okay i'm not going to discuss my sickness anymore. I thank you all for your kind words and advice, but I'm afraid the tone of this thread has taken a turn for the depressing and I think I may be the cause of it.
For your viewing pleasure, I humbly present....The Dancing Monkey Chorus Line!!:monkey::monkey::monkey:
Its tuesday here and I am in the final weeks of community college, YAY. (28 days to go, I think) Just am surprised that I have finally pulled it through in the last 2 years of study. Graduation, here I come!
Its tuesday here and I am in the final weeks of community college, YAY. (28 days to go, I think) Just am surprised that I have finally pulled it through in the last 2 years of study. Graduation, here I come!

Jinxed. You better get ready for one more year!
Blah.. Today is soso bored! But can't wait to watch One Tree Hill in one hour and 45 minutes! :D
Jacob, Congratulations for pulled out for last two years. now lets try for university's last two or three years. I've been through and finally to be done with. Plan return for Master's.

I cant wait for this weekend!!! Gonna be FUN, FUN and FUN!!!!
Univeristy ---- 6 years for me, because it is Part Time.
:O I want to watch One Tree Hill! Season 5 hasn't been released on DVD here in Australia :( Gotta wait until next year.

Congrats on for busting your arse for the last two years at college :) You'll enjoy university, if not those evil assessments you'll be doing ;P
Yeah, university would be awesome, but understanding of the even assessments, yeah.

And hey, I wanted to get my hands on season 7 of Scrubs :(
eBay is my last best friend, because i have others networks [not based on craigslist or ebay. Just people networks, really.]
Fuck it, the season 7 turns out will be released on the 3rd day of december 2008
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