The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part X

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I am not feeling good. I have a cold with nose runny. :cold:

Aww Pinky I hope you feel better soon I had a bad cold a few days ago myself I know the feeling.
me too. I need to break. Because of my mom and stepdad. He is still in the hospital. He have a surgery today.

But I need to tell apology to someone else in AD member what I did yesterday. I need to move on and focus on my small business and holiday is coming soon.

I hope everything will turn out well for your stepdad.

Good luck with everything :hug:
Aww Pinky I hope you feel better soon I had a bad cold a few days ago myself I know the feeling.

Thank you. I can't visit my step dad in hospital because I have a cold and my husband have a bad coughing. I don't want to spread the germs in hospital.
Thank you. I can't visit my step dad in hospital because I have a cold and my husband have a bad coughing. I don't want to spread the germs in hospital.

Yeah,if they know you are sick they won't let you in the room.
Yeah,if they know you are sick they won't let you in the room.

That what I mean. I am not going to. When it was happened to my sister in the law. She was in the hospital for head surgery. She got hit a FLU in room. Me and my husband wore a mask to cover our noses and mouths. She can't spread a flu to us.

I was in the hospital last 3 weeks ago and January for inpatient. My friends weren't able to come because of their babies sick and don't want spread a sick in hospital. I do understand and respect them.
I am not feeling good. I have a cold with nose runny. :cold:

I feel you on that. I've been fighting a cold for almost 3 weeks.. i can't shake this cough. I still have alot of congestion and i'm hoping it won't take a turn for the worse. Just the thought of it developing into pneumonia is frightening. :Ohno:
I feel you on that. I've been fighting a cold for almost 3 weeks.. i can't shake this cough. I still have alot of congestion and i'm hoping it won't take a turn for the worse. Just the thought of it developing into pneumonia is frightening. :Ohno:

I started to have cold last Friday. I was in the hospital last 3 weeks ago for my surgery. I used a breath exercise practice. It help prevent of pneumonia. But my right tummy's surgery was painful when I was practice with breath exercise. Because of muscles. The weather changed to cold last week ago. That was how get cold spread to everyone. I gave my husband a cold and cough. He got bad cold cough than I am.

I hope you get well soon. Did you go to see doctor and get a medicine? You might have a sinus infection??
YAY! Hope the meeting goes well ;D

I just got home from grocery shopping, and it hit me how bad the economy was... food prices being high and all.

I've had to make drastic adjustments to my diet several times this year only because of prices of everything, and have sacrificed many other luxuries as well. We're an upper middle-class family. We're the class that still has to work, but gets paid good money so we can go out to real restaurants (though the kind that we still have to open our own doors:lol:) once a week and we go out to all the good movies. I actually remember going to the mall every Wednesday after school, and mom would hand everybody $200 each, and we could do whatever we wanted with it and all meet back at the car when the mall closed. I look back on those days and think, man, we were rich, and we didn't even know it! Why didn't somebody tell us? I would have put that money into savings if I knew what I had in my hands every week! $10,400/year of fun money, that's enough to start a serious investment!

I now budget $10 per month for myself to spend on personal entertainment. I haven't been out to the movies or dinner in ages! I don't think I've been to one restaurant this year, and I think we saw two, maybe three movies, and that's the whole year. We're saving the money so we can buy rice and stuff, you know, the cheapest Walmart food we can find. We're now growing most of our food on part of our land.

I've noticed the gas prices dropping sharply over the past month, so I'm hoping the price of food will follow suit. I'm not getting my hopes up since over the past few years, this has happened several times. The gas prices drop way down, then they shoot up higher than the previous spike.
I hope you get well soon. Did you go to see doctor and get a medicine? You might have a sinus infection??

Thank you. I haven't been to the doctor yet, i've been doing the over-the-counter meds. However, if these symptoms persist, I might just have to send up the white flag and make an appointment.
Go to see can be serious if you haven't rid of the colds over a week. :(

I feel you on that. I've been fighting a cold for almost 3 weeks.. i can't shake this cough. I still have alot of congestion and i'm hoping it won't take a turn for the worse. Just the thought of it developing into pneumonia is frightening. :Ohno:
Thank you. I haven't been to the doctor yet, i've been doing the over-the-counter meds. However, if these symptoms persist, I might just have to send up the white flag and make an appointment.

You're welcome anytime. :) You better go see doctor because you're suffer with cold for 3 weeks. It's not help with medicine then go see doctor. I hate being sick. It's no fun! I am not look forward for winter season. LoL
I feel you on that. I've been fighting a cold for almost 3 weeks.. i can't shake this cough. I still have alot of congestion and i'm hoping it won't take a turn for the worse. Just the thought of it developing into pneumonia is frightening. :Ohno:

damn. i strongly advise you to take a quick visit to your family doctor for prescription-strength medication for it. Virus's a stubborn thing. OTC drugs won't do squat.
I feel you on that. I've been fighting a cold for almost 3 weeks.. i can't shake this cough. I still have alot of congestion and i'm hoping it won't take a turn for the worse. Just the thought of it developing into pneumonia is frightening. :Ohno:

Society's child I hope you feel better soon I had mine for about two weeks,I agree with the other members make sure you see a doctor.
I had to take out my HAs my ears are ringing real bad and I got a bad headache,see you all later I got to go.
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