THAT makes a sound!??!?

A co-worker told me that she can tell who is walking in the hallway without looking based on the way the person walks. I was like, no way! So we did a test...she'll close her eyes and predict who would pass her door. She was right every time! Wow!

Apparently I flop my flip-flop shoes loudly. No wonder she always knew how to grab me when I got closer to her room to ask me a question or something. LOL

I don't always know who walking down hallway but I can feel foot stomps and have a good idea depending on how hard they feel.
I don't always know who walking down hallway but I can feel foot stomps and have a good idea depending on how hard they feel.

I can tell if I know the person and the hallway well. I guess in a situation in an office, I might learn.

I can't feel foot stomps though...or maybe I just haven't noticed them.
I've seen my SO reference to the same off-balance sound to the fan, too. I guess I feel lucky I don't hear it so it doesn't bug me one bit! :)

Now, this isn't a sound, but a feel. One of my cats LOVES to make "happy feet" on my bed while I'm trying to sleep. This makes her claws dig into the comforter, and it makes a "pulling" feel when her claws come out. I haven't asked SO yet whether that makes a sound, but I imagine it must. But that pulling feel just drives me crazy !!!
I've seen my SO reference to the same off-balance sound to the fan, too. I guess I feel lucky I don't hear it so it doesn't bug me one bit! :)

Now, this isn't a sound, but a feel. One of my cats LOVES to make "happy feet" on my bed while I'm trying to sleep. This makes her claws dig into the comforter, and it makes a "pulling" feel when her claws come out. I haven't asked SO yet whether that makes a sound, but I imagine it must. But that pulling feel just drives me crazy !!!

It does. Cute the first time, annoying after that.
A co-worker told me that she can tell who is walking in the hallway without looking based on the way the person walks. I was like, no way! So we did a test...she'll close her eyes and predict who would pass her door. She was right every time! Wow!

Apparently I flop my flip-flop shoes loudly. No wonder she always knew how to grab me when I got closer to her room to ask me a question or something. LOL

Hope I'm not the freak here but I can tell who is who based on how they feel and this is from them standing behind me. I've always thought that my senses where more in tune because I'm Deaf. I've had several freaky incidents of being able to tell when someone I know is about to enter an area I'm in or when my sister will drop by for a visit which is typically random. My husband and I will often text each other at the same time too. I wouldn't call it a sixth sense though. I guess its kind of like how some blind people have really good hearing or a sense of touch.

I can also tell who is who based on how their shadow moves. Anyone else? It's weird to talk about since I never have discussed this with anyone else but my husband. A thread on this would be cool at least to see who else is able to I guess...feel another persons presence when you cannot see them. Heh, if I seem uncomfortable saying this I am. My father once told me when I was younger that I just knew things I should not have known-basically said I was psychic but I don't believe in that junk. It's just a part of being Deaf and having to compenstate for it in other areas...I guess.
Hope I'm not the freak here but I can tell who is who based on how they feel and this is from them standing behind me. I've always thought that my senses where more in tune because I'm Deaf. I've had several freaky incidents of being able to tell when someone I know is about to enter an area I'm in or when my sister will drop by for a visit which is typically random. My husband and I will often text each other at the same time too. I wouldn't call it a sixth sense though. I guess its kind of like how some blind people have really good hearing or a sense of touch.

I can also tell who is who based on how their shadow moves. Anyone else? It's weird to talk about since I never have discussed this with anyone else but my husband. A thread on this would be cool at least to see who else is able to I guess...feel another persons presence when you cannot see them. Heh, if I seem uncomfortable saying this I am. My father once told me when I was younger that I just knew things I should not have known-basically said I was psychic but I don't believe in that junk. It's just a part of being Deaf and having to compenstate for it in other areas...I guess.

Same for me, but I prefer to think it is because I am psychic! :P
We have oxygen tanks at work that are really loud. This I never knew until I got new hearing aids. My old ones were...shot to say the least.

:) ha, I heard my dog fart for the first time ever. Never knew that made a sound....I was holding her when she was a pup in my arms and the only reason I was able to hear it was because I also felt it and tuned into it. It was the funniest thing ever. My husband is hearing and he thought it was funny I couldn't hear it. I can only hear something like that if it's in my face literally...nice image there eh? It's really rude when your husband walks by you with his butt level with your face walking around the room you're in if your sitting down only to pass a fart thinking it cannot be heard. Well, honey when it's that close I can hear it. Its disgusting to say the least.
if you need to fart...move away please. :) I'd rather not hear it.
Last night I played a blank tape at full volume. The mime next door went nuts! :shock:

btw ... does the crack of dawn make a noise?
Err... I can't remember a lot about hearing, but a few weeks ago I remembered my burps make noise. LOTS of noise, according to my friends. :D
My Deaf friend won't pee if I'm in the (public) bathroom because she recently learned that pee makes a sound when it hits the water and she doesn't want me to know how "hard" she's peeing. It makes me laugh every time we got through that. Like I care!! :laugh2:
My Deaf friend won't pee if I'm in the (public) bathroom because she recently learned that pee makes a sound when it hits the water and she doesn't want me to know how "hard" she's peeing. It makes me laugh every time we got through that. Like I care!! :laugh2:

perhaps she doesnt want to advertise her kegels.
I still don't have my HA's... but when I was in for my consultation they took their "demo pair" and set them to my hearing loss (not exact of course, but gave me a basic idea). While I had them in I scratched my head and it was crazy, hearing it! My hearing loss has been progressive, so I know at some point I was able to hear this, but I'd sort of forgotten.
My Deaf friend won't pee if I'm in the (public) bathroom because she recently learned that pee makes a sound when it hits the water and she doesn't want me to know how "hard" she's peeing. It makes me laugh every time we got through that. Like I care!! :laugh2:

Lol! I never thought it make loud noise, but really who cares, afterall hearing people hear all times and never bothers them.
Lol! I never thought it make loud noise, but really who cares, afterall hearing people hear all times and never bothers them.
That's right. :)

It's the moaning, groaning, puking, and grunting in the public restroom that creeps me out. :eek3:

Not to mention people chatting on their phones while taking care of business and flushing. Ugh!
I still don't have my HA's... but when I was in for my consultation they took their "demo pair" and set them to my hearing loss (not exact of course, but gave me a basic idea). While I had them in I scratched my head and it was crazy, hearing it! My hearing loss has been progressive, so I know at some point I was able to hear this, but I'd sort of forgotten.

I forgot about this too!! I'm sure when I get my hearing aids back in my ears I'll probably get freaked out by the sound of something grinding against my head. LOL.

I didn't think about someone brushing their hair making a sound.

One sound I've not heard in forever is the sound of thunder. I can't hear thunder anymore.
Now, this isn't a sound, but a feel. One of my cats LOVES to make "happy feet" on my bed while I'm trying to sleep. This makes her claws dig into the comforter, and it makes a "pulling" feel when her claws come out. I haven't asked SO yet whether that makes a sound, but I imagine it must. But that pulling feel just drives me crazy !!!

hahahahah DITTO! One of them loves to make "happy feet" on my tummy forever before he decides to sit down on my tummy. Its sooo annoying that i sometimes push him away but i always feel bad so i let him to make a happy feet and then sit on it. I hate it when one of them licking his back or leg that you can feel bed moving. LOL

p.s. i like your idea "happy feet" it fits right for cat's tendency!
My Deaf friend won't pee if I'm in the (public) bathroom because she recently learned that pee makes a sound when it hits the water and she doesn't want me to know how "hard" she's peeing. It makes me laugh every time we got through that. Like I care!! :laugh2:

Tell her to lay down a few pieces of TP in the bowl before she goes. Mutes the sound for those that get weird over that.
That's right. :)

It's the moaning, groaning, puking, and grunting in the public restroom that creeps me out. :eek3:

Not to mention people chatting on their phones while taking care of business and flushing. Ugh!

LOL! People do all that in public toliets?
Tell her to lay down a few pieces of TP in the bowl before she goes. Mutes the sound for those that get weird over that.

it won't work. the only way to "mute" it is to pee in toilet with no water inside. or "aim" it at porcelain area.... not water. :lol:

but then.... peeing does make a noise and I can't hear it but people can