Tell your experiences with the paranormal! Do you believe in spirits?

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Jul 24, 2012
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Hey everyone I don't know if this been asked yet but I figured I'll ask anyways. I was a huge skeptic at one point in my life, but one night something happened and it changed my input on it in a huge way. I'll tell my story and let you decide ok? But if you don't believe please explain why you don't may it be religion or you just never experienced anything.

Here is my story! It happened about 6 months ago and was not really long after my girlfriend passed away. One night at my apartment I decided that I needed to pack my girlfriends things in our room. It just kept reminding me over and over with all her cloths in are bedroom, and I needed to start moving forward with my life since I knew she would of wanted the same thing for me. So I began taping the boxes together since they were broke down. So I started going through our closet and found a box stuffed in the corner of the closet. I grabbed the box but it was locked and there was no key anywhere to open the box.

I began just packing all her clothes and shoes and purses in separate boxes. Well it was hard to know I was closing this chapter in my life and starting a new one. So after finishing packing everything in the house that was hers like the items I said above. I didn't pack this box that was locked and needed a key. I also had her purse she originally wore everyday with all her stuff like license and wallet credit cards. So I searched her wallet and in a side pocket where you put your credit cards I felt a object and it was a key. I got the key out and it was wrapped in paper with a small note.

I started reading the note and she explained that she had a box with every note I wrote her every card I gave her and some rose pedals from some roses I got her. So I was like shocked I never seen this box but I used the key to open the box. In the box was a goodbye letter with pictures of us and letters and cards. Well I took a deep breath and read the letter and she was just expressing what a wonderful guy I was and how lucky she was to have me in her life. At the end of the letter she described how she will visit me all the time and watch over me but I must believe in order for it too happen.

Well I would sit and pray every night for her to come see me but it never happened. But I also kept the wooden box on the back of my bed. So time has passed and I just gave up on wanting to see her! Well one night i was watching a movie in the living room and I kept seeing something in the corner of my eye, it was like a flickering light in the hall way. I just ignored it but then I kept feeling this cold air surrounding me it was a warm night and I could not figure why it was getting cold. Then I hear a whisper in my microphone of my hearing aid. The voice was so close to the microphone. I got pretty scared and I couldn't make out the whisper since I'm HOH. I then see the light turn on in my bedroom by its self I was so scared right then. I wanted to run out of the apartment but still frozen in fear I couldn't move. My dogs began barking like crazy towards the hallway.

I decided to put a leach on my dog and had her follow me to my room. When we entered the room my dog began barking like crazy. I was so scared someone was in the master bathroom so I walked up to the bathroom door and opened it really fast and nothing was there. I then walk towards my bed and I seen a letter on my bed and I picked it up and it was the same letter my girlfriend wrote before she passed. It was folded and was showing the part were she said she would visit me. My heart was pounding through my chest the letter was in the wooden box towards the bottom of the pile of cards and letters and pictures. I then said Gia are you here if your here did you put this letter on my bed? And if you are hear give me a sign your with me. I got really cold again and and then the light in the room shut off. I was so excited and I kept telling her I loved her and miss her so much.

I started recording at night when I went too bed from a digital recorder. Well I've caught what sounded like Gia saying I love you and I caught this over 10 times. So I now believe she visits me and believe when we die we are reconnected with our loved ones.

Let me know what happened to you thanks so much for reading .
Wow, that is a really cool story. I haven't had anything like that happen to me, but I believe there are things out there that I don't understand and I have no reason to not believe the people who have seen things like this. So, yeah, I guess I do believe in spirits.
great story i would so love to believe it but if it true for you then that all that matters,but sadly there are chemicals in brain that do this and we see what we hope and desperate to see...but i so hope it is the real thing,i would love to believe but i skyptic
Yes, I believe. My husband has visited me (giving me a hug in bed & tapping me on the arm during the night during the 1st year after his death). It's been almost 3 years. I now sometimes feel the change in temp & see movement of lights while my eyes are closed when in bed. Don't know if the lights are my husband or my guardian angels.
Yes. But I dont remember. My family swears up and down I would wake up in the middle of the night whenever I slept at my grandma's to play with an aunt that passed away when she was a child. They would hear laughing from me and her. They also would say I had conversations with mydeceased grandpa and would tell my grandma things he wanted her to know.
... if you don't believe please explain why you don't....
I believe all humans have eternal spirits. After a person dies, that spirit either goes to Heaven to enjoy the rest of eternity in the presence of the Lord, or goes to Hell to suffer the rest of eternity in torment. I believe there are no disembodied spirits of dead people on earth. I believe that Satan's demons can take on forms to appear like deceased people in order to deceive the living. I also believe that people's minds and emotions can play tricks on them, natural phenomena can be misinterpreted, and some experiences can be hoaxes. My beliefs are based on God's Word in the Holy Bible.
I have had all kinds of experiences.

In an older house I used to live in, I would repeatedly have something resembling a cross scratched into the inner portion of my legs near my knees. It also appeared on my ankles a few times, and it was always after I took a bath, getting ready for dates.

In the same house, my stereo would turn on by itself. I'd turn it off, then go to leave my room and as soon as I hit the door frame it would turn back on.

The light in the bathroom would turn on by itself etc.

Another time I parked my car one night near my house. I saw a car parked, and next thing I know I had this thought that, "there is a body in there". I pushed it out of my mind because it was so bizarre. Two days later I'm leaving my house and I saw about 10 police cars. I stopped and asked what was going on, and they told me they found a body in the car.

I've had a million more experiences. Enough for me to be solid in what I believe.
It's an interesting story, but I have never experienced anything in a paranormal sense. I figure it this way- if spirits don't have the motivation to officially make themselves obvious, then what harm can they possibly be if we encounter them? The only true way to believe is to experience it.
I believe everything can be scientifically explained.
Hey everyone I don't know if this been asked yet but I figured I'll ask anyways.


I'm sorry for your loss... I know how it feels. Sometimes, the pain comes in waves when you can't believe she's gone. Someone I was just getting to know better after years of friendship was suddenly taken from us earlier this year when she was killed by a drunk driver. We had a wonderful camping weekend, and several days later, she was taken from me. However, I didn't know for a long time, but texted/emailed her occasionally with no reply back. I didn't think anything of it because I figured she might have gone to another state to carry out a job that put her out of cell range and no access to a computer to respond. She came to me one night in a dream in which she gave me a very sensual kiss on the mouth. I mean WOW! She looked younger and slimmer. I got suspicious that morning and decided to look up her name in the area and age, thinking the unthinkable. Sure enough, there it was, but no photo of the victim. I freaked out and ran to the police station to found out how to positively ID someone. Meanwhile, I texted and received a message from a friend in another city far away, and she confirmed to me our friend's death.

The worse part about this experience was that I had nobody around me to console me. I went to my car and sat and cried aloud. I mean, I didn't care who was listening in. It wouldn't be until two days later before I received hugs at work (not the same as close-friends hugs, you know?). I realized at that time that it is time for me to make the move to another city to be closer, much closer to family (my company is opening a store just 2-3 miles from my cousin's house). Having to endure this loss by myself was the last straw. No one here in town let me know about her passing, didn't even ask why I didn't respond to digest emails.

Another incident was dreaming about my younger niece. I dreamed that we saw each other briefly from time to time without saying anything, just acknowledged each other, and I got the impression that we were in a fashion place that resembled the soap-opera-like atmosphere, but real busy feel of Banana Republic on a weekend (don't know if that was it, but just looked like it). I could hear crowds. A couple of days later, I saw a photo of her was tagged on FB and I commented on it, and described to her the dream. It turns out she had been in the city (she lives in NYC) in Texas on a photoshoot. She said, "stephanie, that is crazy, i guess you could feel my presence - i was in houston over the weekend. i didn't tell you beacause i was working every minute i was there and it was impossible to get any personal time to visit. i was thinking of you a lot. i hope you have been well."

And then another time in '98 or '99, after Mom died in early '98. I was asleep at home on my left side when suddenly, I felt a warm hand on my right shoulder. I woke up fully alert without moving a muscle, just my eyelids. I slowly turned my head to see just who was standing there by the bed and saw someone in a lit room in a tunnel vision standing over me, and it was blurred out. It lasted maybe two seconds. I jolted up in bed and asked if that was Dad (he wouldn't pass for about another year). It was probably my mother, since it had that feeling of her hand.

I often have this feeling that people are in my bedroom. I wish I knew how to reach them fully, to bring them to so that I can see them. I can only feel them. I usually don't know who it is at the moment. Something inside is happening that allows me to do that. I go into an entirely different world at night, where I know people only in a particular dream, and they aren't here in this mortal life of mine. These dreams really do feel like memories from other lives, as they are so vivid and I remember the people.
I believe everything can be scientifically explained.

Oh... Here we go.



:locked: ... ?

Reba, what if it's possible that when we die, we go out like a light, and we don't remember anything after that? What if you had lived another life before, and when you died, you lost all identity and the memories, and then when you were reborn, you started over? It seems like this. I can remember the time when I started to remember I had a toy box full of toys. I was sitting in my room in front of the toy box when I realized that I wasn't remembering that I had these toys for awhile and wondered where they came from, as they were used, and that day was the first time I started remembering things. I was maybe three, and wouldn't be found to be deaf for nearly five more years. I realized earlier this year that it might be possible that this may not be the first time that I "came to be" in a body. If I can come to in this body, why wouldn't I come to in another body after I die? Or maybe I did before? How is this possible, where I come to in a life, and I go away completely in death years or days prior, and yet here I am, typing this on the computer?

What if the spirit world had created the perfect play environment, in which you are reborn endlessly, with no memory of the past so that you can be reborn anew as a person, bringing back the wonders of discovering things for the first time as a child? You would lose sight of the fact that you were miserable with boredom from having learned just about all the answers of the totality of life. Maybe this explains why "evolution" or new generations of sentient beings are brought out from time to time. Maybe the spirits in control of this world's design are trying to perfect our bodies, the world we live in, the way our minds work. They are reborn into these bodies to learn about advantages and shortcomings so that improvements can be made. However, doing it overnight would draw too much attention to the "cause" of said "evolution."

Who knows... Reba, the world is not what it seems.
Well it's not quite a paranormal ghost story but I got an interesting spiritual experience:

I tried out this meditation exercise focusing on the area about 3 inches away from my face, which in the spiritual world is called the 3rd eye. So I got this vision of a humanoid figure getting shot at the chest area by a pistol of some sort and I got the date February 21, 1971 and the date philadelphia.

That data isn't pertinent to me at all, I've only been to philadelphia once and the date is not significant to me at all. So wondering what the heck all that data means I did a google for philadelphia, gunshot, february 21, 1971 and I found this:

Joseph V Kelly (1925 - 1971) - Find A Grave Memorial

Take note of how this deceased person died of gunshot wounds on the date February 21, 1971 in philadelphia! :eek3:

I would understand being skeptical if I only got a figure of a person getting hit by a pistol but the fact I got all these specific pieces of data tells me that this wasn't some random guess.

Pretty interesting stuff! :cool2:
Oh... Here we go.



:locked: ... ?

Reba, what if it's possible that when we die, we go out like a light, and we don't remember anything after that? What if you had lived another life before, and when you died, you lost all identity and the memories, and then when you were reborn, you started over? It seems like this. I can remember the time when I started to remember I had a toy box full of toys. I was sitting in my room in front of the toy box when I realized that I wasn't remembering that I had these toys for awhile and wondered where they came from, as they were used, and that day was the first time I started remembering things. I was maybe three, and wouldn't be found to be deaf for nearly five more years. I realized earlier this year that it might be possible that this may not be the first time that I "came to be" in a body. If I can come to in this body, why wouldn't I come to in another body after I die? Or maybe I did before? How is this possible, where I come to in a life, and I go away completely in death years or days prior, and yet here I am, typing this on the computer?
I have no idea what causes you to have those thoughts. I wouldn't even presume where they come from.

What if the spirit world had created the perfect play environment, in which you are reborn endlessly, with no memory of the past so that you can be reborn anew as a person, bringing back the wonders of discovering things for the first time as a child? You would lose sight of the fact that you were miserable with boredom from having learned just about all the answers of the totality of life. Maybe this explains why "evolution" or new generations of sentient beings are brought out from time to time. Maybe the spirits in control of this world's design are trying to perfect our bodies, the world we live in, the way our minds work. They are reborn into these bodies to learn about advantages and shortcomings so that improvements can be made. However, doing it overnight would draw too much attention to the "cause" of said "evolution."

Who knows... Reba, the world is not what it seems.
I made my statement, and you made your statement. If you're itchin' for this thread to get locked you'll have to find someone else to help you. You can leave my name out of it.
The Death Do Not Experience

Hey everyone I don't know if this been asked yet but I figured I'll ask anyways. I was a huge skeptic at one point in my life, but one night something happened and it changed my input on it in a huge way. I'll tell my story and let you decide ok? But if you don't believe please explain why you don't may it be religion or you just never experienced anything.

Here is my story! It happened about 6 months ago and was not really long after my girlfriend passed away. One night at my apartment I decided that I needed to pack my girlfriends things in our room. It just kept reminding me over and over with all her cloths in are bedroom, and I needed to start moving forward with my life since I knew she would of wanted the same thing for me. So I began taping the boxes together since they were broke down. So I started going through our closet and found a box stuffed in the corner of the closet. I grabbed the box but it was locked and there was no key anywhere to open the box.

I began just packing all her clothes and shoes and purses in separate boxes. Well it was hard to know I was closing this chapter in my life and starting a new one. So after finishing packing everything in the house that was hers like the items I said above. I didn't pack this box that was locked and needed a key. I also had her purse she originally wore everyday with all her stuff like license and wallet credit cards. So I searched her wallet and in a side pocket where you put your credit cards I felt a object and it was a key. I got the key out and it was wrapped in paper with a small note.

I started reading the note and she explained that she had a box with every note I wrote her every card I gave her and some rose pedals from some roses I got her. So I was like shocked I never seen this box but I used the key to open the box. In the box was a goodbye letter with pictures of us and letters and cards. Well I took a deep breath and read the letter and she was just expressing what a wonderful guy I was and how lucky she was to have me in her life. At the end of the letter she described how she will visit me all the time and watch over me but I must believe in order for it too happen.

Well I would sit and pray every night for her to come see me but it never happened. But I also kept the wooden box on the back of my bed. So time has passed and I just gave up on wanting to see her! Well one night i was watching a movie in the living room and I kept seeing something in the corner of my eye, it was like a flickering light in the hall way. I just ignored it but then I kept feeling this cold air surrounding me it was a warm night and I could not figure why it was getting cold. Then I hear a whisper in my microphone of my hearing aid. The voice was so close to the microphone. I got pretty scared and I couldn't make out the whisper since I'm HOH. I then see the light turn on in my bedroom by its self I was so scared right then. I wanted to run out of the apartment but still frozen in fear I couldn't move. My dogs began barking like crazy towards the hallway.

I decided to put a leach on my dog and had her follow me to my room. When we entered the room my dog began barking like crazy. I was so scared someone was in the master bathroom so I walked up to the bathroom door and opened it really fast and nothing was there. I then walk towards my bed and I seen a letter on my bed and I picked it up and it was the same letter my girlfriend wrote before she passed. It was folded and was showing the part were she said she would visit me. My heart was pounding through my chest the letter was in the wooden box towards the bottom of the pile of cards and letters and pictures. I then said Gia are you here if your here did you put this letter on my bed? And if you are hear give me a sign your with me. I got really cold again and and then the light in the room shut off. I was so excited and I kept telling her I loved her and miss her so much.

I started recording at night when I went too bed from a digital recorder. Well I've caught what sounded like Gia saying I love you and I caught this over 10 times. So I now believe she visits me and believe when we die we are reconnected with our loved ones.

Let me know what happened to you thanks so much for reading .

Hockeydude77, since you want to know if anyone out there believe about your story or not and you want those to reply why a person may not believe what you had experienced. I am one of those who out there to reply about your experienced. I do not believe the death of your girlfriend had sent you a sign of the message even I do believe what you have experienced. What I do not believe is how you have experienced the unusual experience is all wrong.

This matter is about religious subject. Here two main reasons why I believe it wasn’t your girlfriend:

1. What you have experienced is not from the girlfriend of your but from the devil spirit playing with you to believe it your girlfriend. Even if the ghost appears to look like her too. Satan goal is to destroy the Creator people whatever chance Satan got to lead people to fall away from the truth of the Creator way of life; who made the heaven and earth.

2. The death stays dead asleep in the grave until Christ return to earth for two different time resurrection day to wake everyone up who had been grave dead. The first resurrection people will be delivering to heaven by angels. The first resurrection event hasn’t happen yet. That means your girlfriend is still dead grave asleep because the death one do not experience alive in spirit at all.

Hockeydude77 or anyone who reads about my reply, if you are interested knowing more detail exactly how I know what I believe is true what I say is true. Let me know.
And how do you propose that what you "know" is the truth, nothing but the truth? That there is no possible way this is not the truth? In that case, you should also know what color my panties are tonight. What is the VIN on my vehicle? Uhh, what caliber is my semi-auto rifle? Can you read the language code I invented for myself in 1984? You should be able to provide all the correct answers, and I would be most impressed if you would provide them.

@ Reba - of course not, you don't know what causes me to have these thoughts... You see, dear, I was mentally left to my own devices, since my parents couldn't reach out to me very far because of my deafness. I could only be close with them in a primitive, or natural setting until finally, I got hearing aids. I spent well over five years in this state, where I was able to think how I naturally thought, when I wanted to. Children in modern civilizations are not afforded that opportunity to go "wild," unschooled, untrained for this long, and the ability to think and figure things out in unique ways become much stronger.

Sometimes, I share these thoughts, and naturally, people ask me, "What are you smoking? Where do these things come from?"

And I say, "Exactly! I don't have to do drugs that civilized people do to reach that place in the mind, because I'm there already! Except that the drugs aren't there to disconnect me from reality and from safe, coherent control of my body so that people aren't in danger. I so wish you could see the world from my perspective. You have only a small sliver of a view of what's out there in the world."

See, this is a classic example of how people think that they are right, and they have the only truth, and everyone else is wrong. You're going to have to reconcile your differences with Jehovah Witnesses, Mormons, Muslims, Hindus, because you're going to have to find out how to accept how you might be right all at once.

Good luck sorting this one out, people.

I can't say much for having a paranormal experience cuz I haven't went through that.

As for spirits - I only believe in Holy Spirit and that's the only spirit I know will continue to exist. As for other kind of spirits - that, I don't know because I haven't seen it to believe it.
I believe all humans have eternal spirits. After a person dies, that spirit either goes to Heaven to enjoy the rest of eternity in the presence of the Lord, or goes to Hell to suffer the rest of eternity in torment. I believe there are no disembodied spirits of dead people on earth. I believe that Satan's demons can take on forms to appear like deceased people in order to deceive the living. I also believe that people's minds and emotions can play tricks on them, natural phenomena can be misinterpreted, and some experiences can be hoaxes. My beliefs are based on God's Word in the Holy Bible.

I think this is why I have a problem reading topics like these, even tho I did click on this thread.:roll: But I have issues/fears about death in general anyway.
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