Tell us something about yourself?

I can only assume it's a higher one. I think I don't even fall into a tax bracket despite working two jobs. :|

I am bi-polar and having a freaky ass mental episode. This shit can't be good. Damn I gotta get some insurance that doesn't cost an arm and a leg.

I hope you're able to find your center soon. It is unfortunate how expensive health insurance is. Does your state offer health insurance for individuals who can't afford it?
I've been a vegetarian for 22 years, I have one tattoo of two dolphins nose to tail making a circle with the Roman Numeral II on the inside (Gemini). I love life, and I love to help people.
I've read Tarot cards for the last 9 years. My Dad told me they are only for Gypsies and Thieves ;-) I am spiritual, and I believe we are all here for a distinct purpose.
I also love Tapatio on anything- particularly pasta.
I am a huge dork. I love trying to find out solutions/facts through numbers, but I hate pure math. (Think proofs). I need practical applications.

I've always wanted to make a movie. I've also always wanted to create a haunted house. (Those two are not related...)

I have two cats. Complete opposites.
Barnaby: Male, big, fat, muscular, light orange tabby, 4yrs old, calm, exact, fighter by day (when provoked), lover by night.
Madison: Female, small, lean, athletic, hyper, provoker, black with white spots, <1 year old, very needy/loving, always making biscuits, not very intelligent (she may have been a result from inbreeding...)
I love them so much and it's awesome to watch them interact!
I love poker. And I love watching High Stakes Poker where I watch crazy people blow $50k in a single hand.
I can't touch my nose with my tongue. :(

Me neither! My tongue's not that long enough and it's... Nearly impossible to lick my elbow, too. ;)

I love knitting. It's very comforting. Even though I haven't been able to complete my scarf in... 4 years.

I'm "allergic" to seafood.
It's okay, seafood isn't tasty anyways.

Along with my earlier post that I like to fish. I also like to crab, scallop, clam. etc. Along with eating them fresh from the ocean. Matter a fact I will go deep sea fishing this Saturday for Grouper then Sunday go crabbing.

Yeah, I love the outdoors, especially near water. :)
I'm a Southern Baptist that enjoys listening to Marilyn Manson. Yeah I'm the odd ball of the bunch.