

New Member
Oct 20, 2006
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Who’s got them?
How many do you have?
Are they large or small?
What are they?
Do you want more?
Do you like or dislike them?

I have two. My left leg is completely covered from knee to ankle all the way around in tribal. The top of my right calf at the top on the back. Small, Arabic of my middle name, Steven.

I want a full sleeve on my right arm in Japanese style. Geisha on the top of my forearm, geisha on the inside of my forearm, samurai on my bicep, and going up over my shoulder. Full back piece but I haven’t completed my thought on it. The reason I don’t is my parents, especially my dad, would flip completely out. He still hasn’t seen my recent ink. I love tattoos though.

I have 4 and am thinking of getting my fifth. A flower on my left shoulder blade (not my favorite, but it was my first). My initials just under a cat face on my ankle, a cat gargoyle on my calf and a rose heart with my daughters initials that peaks out with some blouses I wear.
Didn't get my first tatt till I was in my 40's, and my folks still haven't seen them, and would not approve. :laugh2:
Both my girls have tatts as well, just hubby is not into them. This is my fav..looks red due because I had just had it done.
I do not have tattoo but not sure that want "Peace" on lower stomach near private area? :dunno2: :D
I have five tattoos and would not mind getting another one on my forearms inside in japanese language, kanji characters, and complete my artwork on my back
hmm i wouldnt mind to get one myself, just to cover the stitches scars, and probably be a snake and a crane fighting each another (in a symbolic way of course)
i have two tattoos and want to do more but not sure what. i need to stay good role model for my son and future kids so i need to choose tattoo carefully and locations too.

Who’s got them? i got them
How many do you have? two
Are they large or small? both are relatively small
What are they? one is rose with "love" across it. its unfinished. i plan to add "mommy" above the purple rose and add my son's names on a banner under the rose. reason i wanted it on banner so that i can add each time i have a kid :) another one is a heart wiht a flower on top and has banner across the heart and it says mom.
Location? purple rose is on my left arm and heart is on my right ankle
Do you want more? yes but dunno what and dunno how many and dunno where.
Do you like or dislike them? i love both of my tattoos. no regrets whateverso.
I really want one but I'm afraid of having a skin reaction--- but still REEAALLLYYY want one!!! I love the way they look. I think they say alot about someone-if they have meaningful tatts!!:drool:
Let me count mine...


Hmm... I can't find any. I guess I don't have any. :dunno:

If I did get one, it would likely be my astrology symbol. :)
I have a flower band around my right ankle...It is medium sized. Got it in 1998. Any regrets? Nada!!!

I met this girl today at Happy Hour. She has interesting tatoos on her wrists. I was so fascinated by them...I hope to see her tmw so I plan on asking her about them.
I have 3...all crap, really. I'm planning a sleeve design from my entire left arm...but then I could just buy a car. I think if I chose to spend the money on that monstrous tattoo, I might just get divorced. :-/
I have 4 and am thinking of getting my fifth. A flower on my left shoulder blade (not my favorite, but it was my first). My initials just under a cat face on my ankle, a cat gargoyle on my calf and a rose heart with my daughters initials that peaks out with some blouses I wear.
Didn't get my first tatt till I was in my 40's, and my folks still haven't seen them, and would not approve. :laugh2:
Both my girls have tatts as well, just hubby is not into them. This is my fav..looks red due because I had just had it done.

That's creepy :shock:
I dont have any yet, but I will get one for my birthday this year. ;)

You'll see once I get it and show it to you.
I have a tattoo of a compass on the top of my foot. My daughter has a matching one on hers. It signifies that we will look to each other for direction and will always know how to find each other when we need to connect. I can see how tattos can become addicting.
I would like a coi on my back near the shoulder blades buuuuut big huge problem, Im scared of needles so I just enjoy seeing them in L A INK tv show.